A wounder is better then a puncturing, i never meantioned a w/p. And as anyone with the math skills of a third grader can tell you any wounding weapon is going to do more con damage then a puncturing pick. Only a ****ing moron would say that wounding alone is better then WoP. And guess what? im not a ****ing moron
Oh, and yea, wiki is not a reliable source no matter what. Its a user based source, meaning the content isnt going to be right alot of the time. Example, awhile back some loser was posing as a history professor(or something similiar) and was updating and moderating the wiki, but in reality he had zero knowledge of anything he was writing. ANY, ill repeat, ANY internet site can be completly inaccurate, so any data pulled from the web is always to be suspect of false data.
And back onto a point you said earlier, there is no way you could make any kind of slashing offence with a lance. It has no edge to it, and its range of motion is probably only 6-7inches either way on a horizontal plane. Go out in your back yard, hold a 12 foot pole under one are with 10 feet of it out in front of you and try to swing it. The way its held doesnt allow you to transfer force in a side-to-side motion, only with a jabbing lunge.
And finally, back to my original point, there shouldnt be lances in DDO. They are intending as a mounted weapon in PnP, nothing more, nothing less. And until we get mounts in DDO, we have no need for it.
And THF needs no love, giving piercing or x4 crit to it would be overbalance it compared to S&B AND TWF.