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  1. #1
    Community Member Anarkius's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Smile Just a quick thanks...

    My name is Anarkius and I'm a server jumper-aholic. I guess its just the gypsy in me, I have problems staying on one server for too long. Well, with server jumping comes the neccessary 'preperation' shall we say.

    I have 3 new toons on Argo now my 1250th incarnation of my main (Anarkius...duh) a WF fighter and a human bard (all 28 pt builds obviously and very low level since my play time has been diminished due to DDO burn out (one of the side effects of being a server jumper) and wife aggro (one of the side effects of being married).

    But to get to the point I just wanted to say thx to the toon that assisted me in getting my alts into my one man (err...three toon) guild. I really appreciate it especially after getting about 5 no replies asking for assistance and 7 or 8 "too busy" responses. Granted I am sure some people are busy - but a non guilded toon with a name of **mule** (no that is not the toons name but it was in the name somewhere) should have nothing but free time.

    I'm no noob, nor am I a founder - but I've been around and have learned a few things. I am glad to see that there are some people out there that are still willing to help a new arrival out. I look forward to any of you that I may meet on Argo (even if you REALLY annoy me, I'll still try to be polite).

    See ya around Stormreach...
    I believe in mind over matter. If I don't mind, it doesn't matter.

    Sarlona! Yep, back again.

  2. #2
    Founder Hvymetal's Avatar
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    Jan 2006


    Hehehe welcome to Arggo, the land of indifference and Dragons
    R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08

  3. #3
    Community Member Beherit_Baphomar's Avatar
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    Dec 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Hvymetal View Post
    Hehehe welcome to Arggo, the land of indifference and Dragons
    The land of indifference!
    So true!
    Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ Yndrofian
    Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen
    Quote Originally Posted by Grace_ana View Post
    At least I'm not on G-Land.

  4. #4
    Relic of the Last War
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    Kistilan's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Post Not all are like that...

    If you run into myself, Firstt or Castar, you'll generally get some help as long as you're not just asking for money and whatnot. I don't give away loot, but I'll run you through an elite harbor 1-7th level quest faster than you can say "dulak!" We'll usually help you get low-level +1/+2 gear this way and Firstt has a nasty habit of spending money and giving items that you can use later on down the road.

    Anyway, welcome to Argonnessen. Thet or Kistilan is ready to assist in speed-runs. Other characters I can tag along with you.

  5. #5
    Community Member Anarkius's Avatar
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    Dec 2006

    Default Indifference good...rudeness Bad

    Thanks for the feedback - I'll be sure to keep an eye out for the mentioned toons. Indifference doesn't really bother me that much, rudeness is a bit of a pet peave though. Anywho...

    I don't ask for cash or loot (I mean if something is offered from a chest pull that you're just not gonna use...). I don't mind doing the gruntwork though. I feel at home in the harbor. I mean when you server surf - you get used to it and become pretty good at those low level quests. Gotta love some of the rares out there for great loot. Everything I need to know I learned in Stormreach Harbor. But I do enjoy good company...

    I started on Fernia and then to Aundair, which is now Khyber and now to Argonnessen, not to mention toons on Sarlona and Thelanis (rarely played however). I like making the most of my subscription dollar.

    See everyone around Stormreach...
    I believe in mind over matter. If I don't mind, it doesn't matter.

    Sarlona! Yep, back again.

  6. #6
    Founder Hvymetal's Avatar
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    Jan 2006


    Well I must admit my snarky answer was ment more as a joke...... If you play forged you should have a word with Ghoste The Mithril Hand & our sister guild The Iron Hand are always looking for a few good deco.... errr I mean members
    R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08

  7. #7
    Community Member Anarkius's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default Some jokes hold more thruth...

    Quote Originally Posted by Hvymetal View Post
    Well I must admit my snarky answer was ment more as a joke...
    Although meant as a joke, I believe your statement held more truth than comedy. Just MHO though...
    Anyway all in all, I will survive and I am sure that the 'indifference' of SOME of Argo's players will not sway my opinion of the whole population. I appreciate the help and offers of assistance that have come my way both through the playtime I have been able to put in and through those of you that have posted here. I look forward to adventuring with any and all of you.

    See everyone around Stormreach...
    I believe in mind over matter. If I don't mind, it doesn't matter.

    Sarlona! Yep, back again.

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