DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
I was thinking about this the other day, and from what I recall of Weapon Alacrity, it seems like that wouldn't be as unbalanced any more. I did a quick google and the response from back when it was decided not to include it was:
I don't think anyone is claiming that TWF is underpowered any more, particularly with things like Tempest enhancements and the new Quarterstaff enhancements to increase attack speed. They probably even still have it coded...From M:
[Weapon Alacrity] allows a fifth attack at the highest BAB. Naturally this undermines the viability of [Two Weapon Fighting (TWF)] even further...
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
Level 20 would be nice since technically in tabletop that is where most games are suppose to stop or go epic level.
The Entire Fighter Prestige feats, Weapon mastery, the weapon speciality feats, like Driving attack, Blunt Force, and Slashing Furry, and melee weapon supremacy
Grappling! If your adding monk you must add grapple to the game that is the other course besides stunning blow to take for monks is improved grapple to Reaping Mauler or Drunken Master
The Flay Feat
Special Items like Alchemist Fire and Acid Flask for the Genaider Feat
Jack of All Trades (1/2 rank in each skill and there all class skills now!)
Access to just about every spell in teh spell compendium
Summon Familair and Animal Companions!
Alternative Class Features as show in the New Complete Series books and in the Player's Handbook II which has the updated 1st ed cover art! Yes I'm a complete nerd I admit it.
True Prestiage Classes Some of my favorite characters are frenzied beserkers or Red Wizards or Thief Acrobats as a class not an enhanced ability but as a true class with truly unique powers and abilities not found in any other class.
Mirror Image for casters.
I still can't believe we never had it in this game. Just make the toon a little blurry to make it look like there are a few of them instead of having them spread out.
Main: Illuminati (Halfling Iron Monk), Stonewolf (Dwarf Pally), Vyking (TWF Barb), Illuminatrix (Batchick), Illumino (Drow Ranger), Fuji (Human Monk)
Proud Member of the Twilight Avengers
Practiced Spellcaster and Able Learner - very nice.
Also - for a new approach to melee: Combat Reflexes, Karmic Strike, Robilar's Gambit, Double Hit, Deft Opportunist, Defensive Sweep and Stand Still... Just to put some *OOMPH* into the classical high-AC Tank role with some help from our friends, Attacks of Opportunity.
Mordac - Sarlona - Cleric 9 / Paladin 1
Kearath - Sarlona - Rogue 1 / Wizard 6
Qira - Sarlona - Paladin 7
Timezone: GMT+2 (EST+7)