Zen Archery - Wisdom bonus used for ranged attack modifier instead of dexterity. (if higher of course)
Hopefully this goes in with Monks. Would also make playing a Cleric with a lower Dexterity (since they're using Heavy Armor anyway) more useful from the back of the party if their Wisdom helped their ranged attacks. It's not like this could get all that abused. A ranged spec'd Cleric wouldn't exactly be uber by any means. You could have a lower dex, high wisdom Ranger if perhaps you had multiclassed or picked up heavier armor options. I don't think any of this would be game-breaking from a numbers standpoint... but it'd let people try out some interesting character options... like Follower of the Silver Flame. How many bow Clerics are really out there?
with regards to monkey grip... you all seem to be thinking of the 3.0 version of monkey grip... where two handers become one handers and one handers become light... well DDO is 3.5 based and 3.5 monkey grip makes NO ense in DDO becuase we don't have diferent weapon sizes. we're not out there looting large greatswords that we wish we could monkey grip... and even halflings don't have to reduce their weapon damage for being small... weapon sizes have been written out of DDO and therefore 3.5 monkey grip has no place here.
i really don't think practiced spellcaster would be overpowering. oh no! a 3 wizard/4 fighter has a scorchng ray with TWO rays!!! somehting he could have done with a wand!!!! i want it for the durstion increase alone really. I'm building a toon right now with just a few wizzie levels for buffs anf want them to last longer so i don't have to recast every 6 minutes (lvl 3 extended). Is it so unbalancing to let me burn a feat to upgrade those to 14 minutes?
Not at all, i think most people that say it's overpowered think it works like prestige class +casting level effects.
It is, however, probably difficult to implement. I doubt they have the tech to manipulate effective caster level.
It would be my favorite feat to implement though.
Then still spell.
Then silent spell. I see that making it so casting a spell doesn't break stealth.
Then more dragonmarks/varied effects of the current ones.
- NEW – Tip #52 no longer mistakenly says that the Jump skill reduces falling damage. The appropriate skill is, in fact, tumble.
When it comes to dice damage, a greatsword is a large longsword.
It's the same problem NWN2 faced. Code in a (possibly buggy) weapon size system -- or allow two-handers to be one-handed like in 3.0.
I agree that the rules should be followed as closely as possible all the time, but sometimes, well... Sometimes the rules are a bit harder to follow than you'd like.
Person Æ, SarlonaTanka (Elf Tempest Trapper) .:. Darani (Aasimar Inquisileric) .:. Raelyth (Elf Artifonk)
Elephant Hide. Natural Spell. Extra Wildshape. After they get those three, might as well just put druids in![]()
Ghallanda - Active Duty: Sotiris Halfling 20 Monk, Decimus Atreius Halfling 8 Fighter/6 Rogue/3 Paladin, Dimicron Drow 17 Cleric, Scaldus Halfling 15 Cleric/2 Monk, Anselus Halfling 6 FvS, Lanistae Halfling 7 Ranger, Iterum Human 2 Fighter/1 Paladin - Semi-Retired: Dimi Halfling 17 Fighter(Beta Survivor)
I completely understand your argument and have heard it many times before. However, I still do not agree with it.
Take a look at Large monsters in the game. Ogre Magi use greatswords 1H as longswords and Efreet use Falchions 1H as scimitars. From STK, we have the Guardian's Dagger, a Gargantuan Dagger, which is wieldable by us as a greatsword. From Gianthold Tor, we have Gargantuan wands wieldable as medium quarterstaves. Who's to say that the falchion from Ghola Fan's treasure chest isn't really a Large scimitar? You're not the DM, so it's definitely not you. If (and that is a huge if) Turbine decides to take their interpretation of weapon sizes one step further to include one-handed large weapons, then I'd love to play around with Monkey Grip. For now, every halfling gets Monkey Grip for free with no penalty, so enjoy!![]()
Improved Rapid Shot
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
Monkey Grip (I want to dual wield GS's)
Able Learner (My Wiz/Rog would love it)
Rule 1: Don't sweat the small stuff
Rule 2: Its all small stuff
Rule 3: People are stupid. You, me everyone... expect it
more rules to come in a different sig
I always liked melee weapon mastery and then of course weapn supremecy!
For monks Flaming fists and the follow up one that allows your entire body to become engulfed in flame .. my 3.5 monk LOVES THOSE!
Just to go OT a bit, I have always thought the 3.5 system of weapon sizes is more realistic. A greatsword is not really the same thing as a gargantuan dagger as the hilt sizes are completely different. A dagger will have a hilt which is 1/3 - 1/2 the size of a blade while a greatsword (zweihander/claymore) will have a hilt approximately 1/6 the size of the blade. Also the diametre of the hilts would be radically different for a giant vs a human.
You are right though, the only way to implement monkey grip in DDO is the way have done it for the mobs (i.e the 3.0 way).
On topic: Improved combat expertise and practised spellcaster
Aerak the Bulwark-Awryn Shadowblade-Aerrik Lightbringer
Member of D.W.A.T.
oh can we get Stone Power (with a different prerequisite... as the PnP Prereq is Str 13 and one Stone Dragon Manuever)
might be difficult to implement though as it grant Temp HP equal to twice the penalty you take in any round you make an attack that last until your next turn)... as a note this is really aweful when used against a party of adventurers... they were wondering how many HP that dang Orc had... they eventually got him...about 12 round later.
Maybe just have it grant DR equal to the penalty you take... hmmm.
Rule 1: Don't sweat the small stuff
Rule 2: Its all small stuff
Rule 3: People are stupid. You, me everyone... expect it
more rules to come in a different sig