ISO A Few Good Toons . . . .
Unbreakable (“UB”), an Argonnessen Guild, is looking for a handful of skillful, emotionally-mature players to join its ranks.
About us: UB is composed of roughly 25 committed and active players who enjoy running DDO at its highest level. Most of its players, if not all, have been around since DDO’s inception and know the game and its mechanics inside and out. In addition to gaming skill, UB considers personal compatibility within the guild to be paramount. As such, we are a tight-knit group who: (1) enjoy each other’s company; (2) take care of one another; and (3) are quick to lend a hand when a need arises.
UB runs raids almost daily – from Velah to the Shroud, and everything in between. We endeavor to minimize time commitment while maximizing end rewards -- i.e., we are a zerg-bent bunch. Nearly all members have multiple maxed-out toons, but it is not uncommon, at any given time, to have a number of members leveling a new build. Thus, opportunity for lower-level gaming is almost always available.
Although UB is blessed with outstanding leadership, it functions as a democracy, with nearly all major decisions requiring the input of all members, including decisions regarding prospective members. For this reason alone, the application process cannot honestly be described as “quick”; however, membership is definitely worth the wait
If you are interested in becoming a part of UB, you can start the process by submitting an application at the following Web site: