Hi everyone, Just started playing again and as always I don't want to play my old characters. Time to make a new one!!
I'm not erasing my old characters so this is going to be a 28 point build on a new server.
Concept is to boost the natural healing of my halfing dragon marks with the devotion II enhancement (20% boost) empowered healing (50% boost and works on heal) and Maximize (100% boost and works only on CLW and CSW). Possibly add in a healing boosting weapon etc for a bit more out of my CLW and CSW if needed.
Starting Stats:
Str 15
Dex 16
Con 14
Int 8 (skill points into intimidate)
wis 8 (never going to be casting spells)
Cha 11 (+1 from lvl 2 pally enhancement to 12 base).
Plan on snagging the bulark boost to AC and reflex saves from pally along with the extra lay on hands and devotion 2 for 20% boost to healing. Also plan on grabbing the +1 to hit with longswords bonus from pally enhancement.
Base cha is 12 after the pally lvl 2 enhancement. Snag a +6 item later on (or just go with a +4 enhancement from the house) and possibly get a tome some year in the future for a nice boost to saving throws.
I plan on taking my halfling dragon mark feats at lvl 1, 6 and 9. At lvl 12 I want to take my 4th paladin lvl so by then I can snag empower healing (boosting my heal spells by 50%). Possibly I may take maximize at lvl 15 to make my CSWs very strong as well.
I should still have plenty of feats left from fighter bonus feats to snag:
Weapon focus slashing, weapon specialization slashing, greater weapon focus slashing, greater weapon specialization slashing, dodge,toughness,improved critical slashing.
Will usually run with a longsword/shield combo unless fighting skellies etc.
Eventual stats should be:
Str 15 + 4 from lvl +6 from item +3 from enhancement + 2 from tome =30
Dex 16 base +2 from halfing + 4 from buff = 22 (max ac bonus in mithril full plate with fighter armor enhancement)
Con 14 base +6 from equipment = 20 (maybe a +2 tome some year in the future for 22
Int 8
wis 8
cha 11 (+1 from enhancement) + 2 from tome eventually +6 from equipment = 20
Should have Max BAB, the ability to use pally wands to heal others on top of tons of healing through dragon marks and some from lay on hands as well (all instant heals). AC between the halfing bonus from size, the pally bonus from aura, the dex bonus on top of platemail base (mithrial platemail +5 with full dex) a +5 medium shield, dodge etc should be decent.
Dmg is pretty low, but my AB is high enough to use disruption weapons etc so that can be dealt with. Main thing is I should be a great tank who can heal himself quite well. With greater weapon focus and a 30 strength even hitting with my longsword +5 will net +20 dmg per hit or so...which isn't to shabby for a 1 handed weapon. I'll have to snage a greater fort belt etc for later to prevent crit hits and sneak attacks but it shouldn't be to hard to do.
What do you guys think Will this work pretty well?
Has anyone done this yet and written it up? I looked but didn't see a build like this yet.