how much is a featherfall ring with +3 to swim worth?
how much is a featherfall ring with +3 to swim worth?
Not worth too much I'm afraid. FF items, both rings and boots are pretty common. Most players that are more than part-timers should have several of these poluting their bank.
Sorry to report the bad news bro.
only FF ring worth anything is the one that drops at the end of STK....and thats very over inflated for folks that have money to blow to have no level restriction.....but even low levels have clickie FF items....nuts to spend plat that way...but its thiers to blow![]()
Shoogie 18/2 FTR/Rog 4th life, Shoogietwo,20FVS, Tredius 20 MONK 2nd life, Murlocke 20 SORC, Tracius 20FVS, Marlieus 20 BARD, Cratius 20 RNGR 2nd life, Junktrunktwo 15Wiz 2nd life, Tracius 13 CLR 2nd life....1 toon player....needs a life
They fall often enough after a certain lvl, that they are nor rare. And people still sell um to brokers, so you can get em cheap on occasion...
However, there are all kinds of predators on the AH trying to seel em for real high prices.
What I do is hold on to every one I find, so all my alts on a server have them as soon as possible. Same with Proof against Poison and Underwater action items........
All common, but too good to be without.
[Ring of feathers is not rare either BTW, and you can get to lvl 5 (min lvl for most FF items) before you even wish you had FF IMO}
I disagree. any Item that Fall sin Only 1 Quest in One Chest is considered Rare. I pulled one in over 20 Runs..... I was immeidately offered a Million Gold for it.. Which I declined.....
ML5-7 FF Rings Tyicaly go for 10-15k gold onthe AH... Thats what I sell em for anyway... Its pretty nice to have FF in a ring slot rather thanboots so you can keep your striders and FF on at the same time.
Well, my point of view is that all you have to do is mine one known quest (20 times) and get the loot you want.
You can do it solo with a high lvl toon.
So it seems to me that it should be common.
it doesn't bind.
Ive pulled a few without doing loot runs (just have a lot of lowbie toons)
And just because someone thinks it's worth a lot doesn't make it so.
None of my <lvl 5 toons have ever missed having FF (except lagging to the Leaky Dingy).
Actually, it's the min lvl 5 FF rings that are rare. Lots of lvl 7 FF of ## +3, but few FF only ones out there.
Ring of feathers is not really rare (IMO) it's just hoarded and priced above most people's means.
It's alot easier to mine one than getting 60 relics or 25 Dragon scales! Yet posts for more on the AH.
Must be because it's a name brand. (Rolex)
Edit: a high lvl toon could just run to the end fight...only having to even fight a few spiders and a minitour!
Actually, that's the whole basis of economics. Anywhere.And just because someone thinks it's worth a lot doesn't make it so.