I'm going to go with werewolves... somebody had a great idea about a quest filled with mind flayers and an elder brain- nice... hydra would be sick...
I'm going to go with werewolves... somebody had a great idea about a quest filled with mind flayers and an elder brain- nice... hydra would be sick...
Proud Leader of Redemption
LOL, I second the vote for werewolves because they're in the tooltip for silver weapons, but not in the game!
Merfolk and some sea monsters. Be nice to have a sailing and underwatery type of module. Maybe even toss in a trident type of weapon.
"At the end of all things, let it not be said that I didn't pull the switch that killed us all."
Might have to send us to Lammania to fight werewolves, as they've been pretty much exterminated on Eberron. Maybe a special mission from some overly zealous Silver Flamers who just won't let the crusade die![]()
Pseudo-dragons FTW!
I love those little buggers.
Characters - Brion, Damerchant, Deathbot, Goode-, Minusten, Sepiriz, Spiritstrike, Stee, Steilh, Vorpaal, Wyllye, Yaga, Yagalicious, Yga. RIP - Catpizzle and Qazpe
Beware My Gifts!!!
owlbears. Of the old monsters that stand out from PnP 2.0 days.. they come to mind.
Maybe a basalisk or cockatrice?
Granted and elder brain would make for an amusing raid boss.
Displacer Beasts
Elder Brains
Well, I don't know about you, but I'm sick of killing kobolds on my Lowbies, so once they add enough to the game where they can afford to flesh out lower levels, I want to fight Dolgrims. Dolgrims with a Dolgaunt end boss. That'd be a neat change of pace, and help introduce the flavor of the Dealkyr to Eberron. we could face Daelkyr spawn at different levels, up to a final showdown with the fiends themselves. I just think that'd be really cool.
I really like the idea of fighting Lycanthropes(and Vampires for the same reason) but until Turbine has the ability to impliment their combat tactics and "affects" correctly, they just seem kinda hohum enemies.
I always thought it cool to become a Lycan until you run into a wererat, then I would be like **** please dont let me get hit.![]()
Um... What about the quintessential level one swarm monster? The Lowly Goblin? I love those guys.
As for needed monsters:
The following monsters are considered "Product Identity" by Wizards of the Coast and are therefore not part of the SRD:
* beholder
* gauth
* carrion crawler
* displacer beast
* githyanki
* githzerai
* kuo-toa
* mind flayer
* slaad
* umber hulk
* yuan-ti
Since they are part of Product Identity, they should be in the game (time/resources permitted).
I'm just glad that we have the CUBE now!
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Mobs? Al Capone?
If you mean monsters, then I think Yuan-Ti have a very Eberron-esque feel and can be challenging for characters of all levels.
Barring that, it'd be nice to get some demons in there now that we have devils and more psionic stuff like the Quori, which have more Eberron feel to them.
I can also see Formians getting added to an entire quest chain built around them.
I also think there'd be nothing wrong with having more Humans, Dwarves, Halflings, Gnomes and Elves either.
Last edited by MysticRhythms; 03-28-2008 at 11:43 AM.
Thelanis characters: Ashelynne, Dixx, Gunghir, Khalmyr, Nebulla, Schyv, Staunch
Officer of ARCHANGELS - Thelanis
Strummie . Gruffie . Jinksy . Perversion . Sluffie . Indulgent . Adjuration . Wary . Disparage . Subdue . Affinity . Bestial . Contrivance . Indria . Thermo . Outlandish
Oooh! Those lurker above things that look like the ceiling but then fall on you when you walk underneath.
Make them spawn randomly so people aren't like "and watch the ceiling when you first enter this room..."
How about the dreaded invisible rust monsters?
And umber hulks!
lol... displacement beast was a good call! Forgot about that one...
Proud Leader of Redemption
What's that Underground critter called? Hook Horror? That could be cool. They hit a ton.
Giants all over the place and not an Ettin in sight. Gimme a 2 headed dual wielding giant please!
Not as enemies, but it'd be cool to see blink-dogs in there somewhere.
A valley of the dinosaurs would be cool too.
Thelanis: Rogosh, Dhragkar, Dhrakian, Meridion, Maherellen.
with a snow landscape. I'm sure they could make it look very pretty.
maybe some giant snow worms! That bust out of the ground and swallow you whole!
And make it so cold people need to wear HIDE armor or take a few tics of damage every 20 seconds. O_O
Thelanis - Former VIP for ~4 years. Not currently playing.
Former officer of Indago, server-wide 2nd place: Titan, Queen, Reaver, & Abbot
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