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  1. #1
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    Default Hey Devs 20 Toolbars but no increase to the number of hotkeys ?

    Very cool that you have increased the number of toolbars to 20 (been using 11 on a couple of toons for a while now) but ummm how about increasing the number that can be hotkeyed as well ? Once you get past toolbar 5 you still have to click them which is a real pain in the backside in combat for most people

    Any chance that we can get the number that can be keymapped increased ? even just the 6th bar would be awesome with all the spells we have now and clickies etc its really nice if you can have most of them all hotkeyed...

    Heres Hoping you can
    = The Harpers = Sarlona Server =
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  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by DavydM View Post
    Very cool that you have increased the number of toolbars to 20 (been using 11 on a couple of toons for a while now) but ummm how about increasing the number that can be hotkeyed as well ? Once you get past toolbar 5 you still have to click them which is a real pain in the backside in combat for most people

    Any chance that we can get the number that can be keymapped increased ? even just the 6th bar would be awesome with all the spells we have now and clickies etc its really nice if you can have most of them all hotkeyed...

    Heres Hoping you can
    What are you suggesting? Hotkeys such as Q and W pressed at the same time? Problem, a good portion of keyboards out there won't be able to recognize such a key press.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing Minds View Post
    What are you suggesting? Hotkeys such as Q and W pressed at the same time? Problem, a good portion of keyboards out there won't be able to recognize such a key press.
    Well currently I have toolbar0 mapped to my numeric keypad since im left handed and use 8 4 6 and 2 for movement and the surrounding keys for toolbar0 then i have 1 to 0 mapped to toolbar1 for my weapons, then I have ctrl+1 to ctrl+0 mapped to toolbar2 which i usaully have robes or weapons on, then I have Alt+1 to alt+0 mapped to toolbar 4 for wands and scrolls usually and then tollbar 5 is mapped to some of the other keys that are easy to get to like the ~ key and the page up page down keys home end etc and atm i have all 50 mapped so yeah there are plenty of choices out there for kepmappings...

    I also just bought a gaming keyboard which has another 10 keys 5 on each end that can be mapped to keystrokes (as well as macros), my wife has a Zboard Merc I purchased for her which has heaps of extra keys that can beconfigured, so sure I can think of heaps of different ways you can do more than 5 toolbars worth of hotkeys it only takes some imagination...

    And sure most people only have a standard keyboard but i bet a lot do have gaming keyboards and other enhanced keyboards that have the options to map more than the standard 104 keys...
    = The Harpers = Sarlona Server =
    Davyd Redstrum 9 Rog/2 Ran/4 ftr Serric Redstrum 11 Wiz/2 Rog/1 Bard Severyn Redstrum 15 Wiz/1 Rang Terriss Redstrum 9 Cleric/7 Ftr Imoki Redstrum 15 Cleric/1 Pali Davryn Redstrum 12 Pali/3 Rogue/2 Ftr

  4. #4
    Community Member ThrasherGT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing Minds View Post
    What are you suggesting? Hotkeys such as Q and W pressed at the same time? Problem, a good portion of keyboards out there won't be able to recognize such a key press.
    The Logitech G15 has 54 "G" keys on the left side of the keyboard (18 keys, 3 selectable buttons M1, M2, M3), so more hotkeys would be a good thing............IMHO
    Mmmmmmmmm.......Doughnuts! - Homer Simpson

  5. #5


    ThrasherGT and DavydM, Congradulations! you are using specialized equipment. Specialized because it is non standard. I'm still waiting to hear how it the OPs request can be accomplished using standard equipment because that is what the Devs must program towards in this case.

    Incidentally, I use the G15 myself. The new one so I have only... 18 extra keys.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing Minds View Post
    ThrasherGT and DavydM, Congradulations! you are using specialized equipment. Specialized because it is non standard. I'm still waiting to hear how it the OPs request can be accomplished using standard equipment because that is what the Devs must program towards in this case.

    Incidentally, I use the G15 myself. The new one so I have only... 18 extra keys.
    Umm I guess I didnt explain myself properly but up until now Ive been using a standard 104 key HP keyboard and i managed to hotkey all 5 toolbars by using things like the ALT and CTRL keys havent even looked at things such as using the SHIFT key and things like ctrl+numeric keypad keys.

    These are all viable options before you even get into using ALT + A or CTRL+ALT+1 as modifiers all of which are possible using a standard every day $10 keyboard, as I said it only takes some imagination, so I dont get what your problem is with this request especially if you have a G15 ?
    = The Harpers = Sarlona Server =
    Davyd Redstrum 9 Rog/2 Ran/4 ftr Serric Redstrum 11 Wiz/2 Rog/1 Bard Severyn Redstrum 15 Wiz/1 Rang Terriss Redstrum 9 Cleric/7 Ftr Imoki Redstrum 15 Cleric/1 Pali Davryn Redstrum 12 Pali/3 Rogue/2 Ftr

  7. #7
    Founder & Hero jjflanigan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing Minds View Post
    ThrasherGT and DavydM, Congradulations! you are using specialized equipment. Specialized because it is non standard. I'm still waiting to hear how it the OPs request can be accomplished using standard equipment because that is what the Devs must program towards in this case.

    Incidentally, I use the G15 myself. The new one so I have only... 18 extra keys.
    I think his point is that, if you look in the options panel, you cannot map anything to any hotbars except 1 - 5. So, for instance, if you wanted to map hotkeys to bar 6 instead of bar 5 (for some reason), that is impossible. Also, since DDO allows you to set up your own modifier key in the options panel, it opens up a lot more options for hotkeys for those who would want to use it.

  8. #8
    Community Member Talcyndl's Avatar
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    If you are using a gaming keyboard with macro capacity, you should easily be able to fill up the macro keys.

    The game currently lets you assign hotkeys to up to 50 hotbar slots.

    Personally, I use two hotbars for the 18 macro keys on my G15 keyboard. I simply assigned Ctrl-1 through 9 and Alt-1 through 9 to the slots on hotbars 4 and 5. Then programmed the keyboard's keys to macro those keystrokes.

    I'm not against more customizability, but not sure how many more hotkeyable slots we really need.

  9. #9
    Founder & Hero jjflanigan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Talcyndl View Post
    If you are using a gaming keyboard with macro capacity, you should easily be able to fill up the macro keys.

    The game currently lets you assign hotkeys to up to 50 hotbar slots.

    Personally, I use two hotbars for the 18 macro keys on my G15 keyboard. I simply assigned Ctrl-1 through 9 and Alt-1 through 9 to the slots on hotbars 4 and 5. Then programmed the keyboard's keys to macro those keystrokes.

    I'm not against more customizability, but not sure how many more hotkeyable slots we really need.
    That's funny because that's exactly how I do mine as well. Same keystrokes for the same hotbars.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by jjflanigan View Post
    I think his point is that, if you look in the options panel, you cannot map anything to any hotbars except 1 - 5. So, for instance, if you wanted to map hotkeys to bar 6 instead of bar 5 (for some reason), that is impossible. Also, since DDO allows you to set up your own modifier key in the options panel, it opens up a lot more options for hotkeys for those who would want to use it.
    Last I looked, you could map more than just the first 5. At least that is what my memory (which may be faulty) is telling me. If this is the case.. yeah, being able to assign is a good thing. From the ops description, it sounded more like he was complaining about lack of combinations to be able to use more than 5 hot bars.

  11. #11
    Community Member Talcyndl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjflanigan View Post
    That's funny because that's exactly how I do mine as well. Same keystrokes for the same hotbars.
    At one point I was using Shift in the combos for one of the hotbars. But that created problems with sometimes going into the block stance. The current set up works great.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing Minds View Post
    Last I looked, you could map more than just the first 5. At least that is what my memory (which may be faulty) is telling me. If this is the case.. yeah, being able to assign is a good thing. From the ops description, it sounded more like he was complaining about lack of combinations to be able to use more than 5 hot bars.
    Yep 5 is the max you can hotkey atm and yes i have 11 toolbars on 1 toon so number of toolbars isnt the problem its the fact I hate having to go out of mouslook mode and then search for the icon to click to activate something if im in combat - I do it but it is so much nicer to be able to conentrate on what your doing and just hit a hotkey, hotkeys very quickly become second nature...
    = The Harpers = Sarlona Server =
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  13. #13
    Community Member ahpook's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing Minds View Post
    Last I looked, you could map more than just the first 5. At least that is what my memory (which may be faulty) is telling me. If this is the case.. yeah, being able to assign is a good thing. From the ops description, it sounded more like he was complaining about lack of combinations to be able to use more than 5 hot bars.
    The OP is correct in that you can only assign hot keys to bars 1-5. For bars 6-20 you have to leave them visible to click on them or activate them (Ctrl#/+/-) and use the 1-0 keys to invoke. For those of us using mouse look, anything past the 5th bar is much harder to use.

    It seems like such arbitrary restriction. It would be nice to get the key mapping on more bars.

  14. #14
    Developer DeadlyGazebo's Avatar
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    Post More hotkeys

    Quote Originally Posted by DavydM View Post
    Very cool that you have increased the number of toolbars to 20 (been using 11 on a couple of toons for a while now) but ummm how about increasing the number that can be hotkeyed as well ? Once you get past toolbar 5 you still have to click them which is a real pain in the backside in combat for most people

    Any chance that we can get the number that can be keymapped increased ? even just the 6th bar would be awesome with all the spells we have now and clickies etc its really nice if you can have most of them all hotkeyed...

    Heres Hoping you can
    Ok. We're now letting you keymap all of the items on bars 6-10, and keymap "switch active bar to 11-20". Nothing will be bound to these by default, so you'll have to figure out what keys to bind yourself.

    That gives you one-key access to 100 shortcuts (everything on bars 1-10), and two-key access to the next 100 ("switch active bar to X", then "button Y on active bar").

    I like it when people make easy non-controversial requests

  15. #15
    Community Member gpk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeadlyGazebo View Post
    Ok. We're now letting you keymap all of the items on bars 6-10, and keymap "switch active bar to 11-20". Nothing will be bound to these by default, so you'll have to figure out what keys to bind yourself.

    That gives you one-key access to 100 shortcuts (everything on bars 1-10), and two-key access to the next 100 ("switch active bar to X", then "button Y on active bar").

    I like it when people make easy non-controversial requests
    Awesome, more hotkeys!

  16. #16
    Community Member Vhlad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeadlyGazebo View Post
    Ok. We're now letting you keymap all of the items on bars 6-10, and keymap "switch active bar to 11-20". Nothing will be bound to these by default, so you'll have to figure out what keys to bind yourself.

    That gives you one-key access to 100 shortcuts (everything on bars 1-10), and two-key access to the next 100 ("switch active bar to X", then "button Y on active bar").

    I like it when people make easy non-controversial requests
    hey hey !
    more TWF slots! (i.e. more weapon sets)

    Maybe find a way to set them up in a hotbar directly instead of going through the inventory panel? (doesn't look like there's much room in the inventory beside the current weapon set boxes to work with).


    Allow us to designate a single 1H melee weapon placed in a hotbar slot as offhand or mainhand. At least then we can put the right stuff on without sifting through our inventory. (OR maybe even allow us to set the designation on the weapon itself from the inventory panel, ie similar to the LOCK icon that you can click on to lock an item in your inventory, you can add another icon that works for 1H melee weapons that people can click on to designate them as off hand. so when placed in a hotbar and clicked on they go directly to the offhand).

    OR think of another way to get us more than 7 weapon sets

    It's really rough for a TWF barb/rogue/ranger/fighter!
    disruptors, vorpals, smiters
    greater undead bane, elemental bane, construct bane
    normal DPS weapons (i.e. two greensteel khopeshs)

    But then theres no room for ghost touch, banishers, transmuters, a throwing weapon + a seeker 10 weapon, other banes, wounders, other debuffers, etc.

    (my fighter has magical scabbards ok? it's like a portable scabbard hole. or maybe a little geni is in my scabbard. I just reach in and pull out the weapon I need for the monster I'm facing! If a little halfling with 40 greataxes can find the ones he wants quickly via hotbar, then us TWF should be able to properly get our weapons out too!)
    Last edited by Vhlad/Sair; 03-27-2008 at 07:17 PM.
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  17. #17
    Community Member HumanJHawkins's Avatar
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    I currently hit Ctrl-1 through Ctrl-9 to select which hotbar I want active, and then regular 1 through 9 to activate a particular spot on that toolbar. I do think that Turbine should make keys 10 through 20 active for this, as it would help justify the space my really long keyboard takes up.
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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeadlyGazebo View Post
    Ok. We're now letting you keymap all of the items on bars 6-10, and keymap "switch active bar to 11-20". Nothing will be bound to these by default, so you'll have to figure out what keys to bind yourself.

    That gives you one-key access to 100 shortcuts (everything on bars 1-10), and two-key access to the next 100 ("switch active bar to X", then "button Y on active bar").

    I like it when people make easy non-controversial requests
    Then you'll like this one! Let us target players 6-11 in our raid group with hotkeys.

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Strykersz View Post
    Then you'll like this one! Let us target players 6-11 in our raid group with hotkeys.
    unless you changed your defaults, you already could. the F keys. F1 hit player 1 in the listing just as F6 would hit player six, etc.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeadlyGazebo View Post
    Ok. We're now letting you keymap all of the items on bars 6-10, and keymap "switch active bar to 11-20". Nothing will be bound to these by default, so you'll have to figure out what keys to bind yourself.

    That gives you one-key access to 100 shortcuts (everything on bars 1-10), and two-key access to the next 100 ("switch active bar to X", then "button Y on active bar").

    I like it when people make easy non-controversial requests
    WoW DeadlyGazebo thats just awesome, you just made my day mate
    = The Harpers = Sarlona Server =
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