Sorry for my harsh opening, but it's true:
For my first test, I decided to click on the Rogue description. Dum de dum...what's this? They get the MARTIAL WEAPONRY feat?! No, they don't. They get more than one weapon, but not all of them. It's like the Bard...oh no.....
And what a shock, the same generic listing of the feat, which just links to the description of being able to use those weapons, and not listing EITHER CLASS' limited weapons allowed in this list.
Well, after sending off an inappropriate content, for the seocnd time, I decided to stop, and just post here.
FOR SHAME Turbine, that you use a "Wikki" system that fails to list a class' limited weapon selection. If you can't properly set this one up now, then the wizard now and the monk later also will suffer in what "allowable" weapons they use on such a layout.
Oh yeah, wizards don't get all SIMPLE weapons either.
What a freaking mess.
Any reason you ignored the ORIGINAL Wikki creator even if not working for you and published this inaccurate work?