Folks, I'm not greedy (well, that's not quite true). Okay, I'm not real greedy, just make an offer, if it's decent, I'll probably take it, I know there's a good home for this stuff out there.
Okay folks, I am looking kind of cash poor at the moment (and bank space poor).
I need to get rid of some of this stuff. Honestly, if you come pretty close to my price, I'll probably take it.
Things without a price, I would prefer to use in deals to get the stuff I am looking for, or sell for White scales, but may sell for the right price.
The easiest way to conduct sale transactions, is to mail the money to Peyus, note what it's for, and who to mail it to. Please only mail cash for items if you are paying full listed price, if you want to bargain, let's get that done before any money is sent. Also, if you do mail cash, please note here in this thread what you mailed cash for, so this keeps arguments about who mailed cash for what first nonexistent.
Also, items can be purchased with White Scales. I will give 13kpp value for each, or if it's something that doesn't have a price, ask and we can work out a deal.
PS. I will give change.
New Stuff
Poison Immunity Ring of Heavy Fort ML:15
Striding (30% Boots of Tumble (I think) +3 ML:15
+5 Mithral Full Plate (Yep, I pulled another!!!!!) ML:8 No Damage
+5 Mithral Chain Shirt ML:8 No Damage
Some stuff with no real category:
20 +1 Construct Slaying Arrows 1kpp
6x Collapsed Portable Hole 12kpp each
20 +1 Greater Lawful Outsider Slaying Bolts ML:12 3kpp
Lowbie Twink Gear (Level 1-6)
Barbarian's Spirit (Bracers-Rage 1/day) NO ML!!!!! 1kpp SOLD
+2 Adamantine Scimitar ML:2 2kpp
+1 Maul of Pure Good ML:2 3kpp
+2 Mithral Full Plate ML:2 6kpp
+1 Keen Greataxe of Righteousness Race Required: Elf, Drow (UMD: 12) ML:2 4kpp
+1 Icy Burst Greatsword ML:4 6kpp
+1 Keen Longsword of Pure Good ML:4 6kpp
+1 Keen Khopesh of Pure Good ML:4 6kpp
+1 Frost Silver Maul of Pure Good ML:4 6kpp
Bracers of Detect Secret Doors x5/day ML:5 4kpp
+1 Holy Greatsword of Pure Good (couple ticks of damage) ML:6 9kpp
+2 True Chaos Greatsword of Pure Good ML:6 9kpp
+2 Flaming Burst Greatsword ML:6 9kpp
+2 Shock Heavy Pick of Pure Good ML:6 9kpp
Bloodplate Armor (+2 Deathblock Full Plate) ML:6 9kpp
+3 Acid Maul of Maiming Race Required: Halfling (UMD: 16) ML:6 9kpp
+1 Crippling Heavy Pick of Aberration Bane ML:6 9kpp
+1 Frost Khopesh of Dragon Bane ML:6 10kpp
+1 Shortsword of Greater Magical Beast Bane ML:6 9kpp
+1 Keen Darkwood Shortbow of Puncturing ML:6 10kpp
Mid Level Stuff (Level 7 - 11)
Bracers of Divine Power x3/day ML:7 9kpp
+3 Shocking Burst Greatsword of Lesser Aberration Bane RR: (can't remember, will check) UMD Difficulty: 18 ML:8 12kpp
Frostbrand (+3 Frost Greatsword, Fire Resist 10) ML:8 12kpp
+3 Icy Burst Greatsword ML:8 12kpp
+2 Holy Byeshk Greatsword of Righteousness ML:8 12kpp
Robe of Greater Acid Resistance ML:8 8kpp
+2 Necromancy Light Mace (Evocation and Necromancy Focus) ML:8 8kpp
Shining Adamantine Plate (+2 Command, Proof against Poison Adamantine Full Plate) ML:8 12kpp
Bow of the Elements (Air) (+4 Shocking Burst Longbow, Dex +2) ML:8 12kpp
Tharkuul's Bane (+3 Holy Cold Iron Sickle) ML:8 15kpp
+3 Flaming Longsword of Righteousness ML:8 12kpp
+5 Mithral Breastplate ML:8
Gloves of Haste (5x/day) ML:9 20kpp Trade Pending
Armored (+1) Bracers of Haste (3x/day) ML:9 12kpp
Boots of Haste (5x/day) ML:9 20kpp Trade Pending
Clever Goggles of Remove Curse (3x/day) ML:9 10kpp
+3 Axiomatic Flametouched Iron Sickle of Pure Good ML:10 (Perfect for Flensers, etc....) 15kpp
+3 Cursespewing Rapier ML:10 15kpp
Deathblock Robe of Moderate Fortification ML:10 10kpp
+3 Keen Repeating Light Crossbow of Precision ML:10 6kpp
+4 Flaming Longsword of Righteousness ML:10 10kpp
+4 Keen Repeating Light Crossbow of Puncturing Race Required: Elf, Drow (UMD: 20) ML:10 15kpp
+2 Bastard Sword Of Vertigo (+10) Race Required: Halfling (UMD: 20) ML:10 15kpp
+2 Shocking Burst Dagger of Puncturing ML:10 15kpp
+4 Icy Burst Longsword ML:10 15kpp
Fearsome Robe of Aid (5x/day) ML:10 10kpp
+3 Acid Shortsword of Puncturing ML:10 15kpp
+1 Paralyzing Dagger ML:10 30kpp
+4 Ghost Touch Longbow of Righteousness ML:10 6kpp
+2 Shock Composite Longbow of Destruction Race Required: Dwarf (UMD: 20) ML:10 6kpp
+4 Acid Longsword of Maiming ML:10 9kpp
+1 Holy Burst Longsword of Righteousness x2 ML:10 10kpp
Ring of Heavy Fortification ML:11
Underwater Action Necklace of Protection +3 ML:11 12kpp
Cloak of Greater Lightning Resistance ML:11 15kpp
End Game Stuff ML:12+
Fearsome Robe of Rage x5/day ML:12 Excellent Barb/Ranger Wear!
+1 Paralyzing Bastard Sword Of Tendon Slice (2%) ML:12
+1 Ghost Touch Battleaxe of Disruption ML:12 Trade Pending
+2 Seeker (+4) Heavy Mace of Greater Monstrous Humanoid Bane ML:12
+3 Flaming Burst Rapier of Everbright ML:12
+2 Paralyzing Rapier ML:12
+2 Holy Burst Darkwood Repeating Light Crossbow of Backstabbing (+1/+2) ML:12
+2 Bastard Sword of Smiting ML:12
+2 Axiomatic Burst Greatsword Of Shatter (+2) ML:12 25kpp
+2 Cursespewing Rapier of Enfeebling ML:12
+2 Paralyzing Shortsword ML:12
+3 Deathblock Chain Shirt ML:12 18kpp
+2 Axiomatic Burst Khopesh of Righteousness ML:12 15kpp
Bulwark of the Storm's Fist (+3 Lg Stl Shield, Con +5) ML:12 6kpp
Tortured Livewood Bow (+5 Longbow, Acid Arrow) ML:12
+4 Bodyfeeder Dwarven Axe ML:12
+5 Holy Longsword ML:12
Ogre Power Belt (Str +6) ML:13
Charismatic (+1) Ring of Greater Sonic Resistance ML:13
Clever Goggles (Int +6) ML:13
Striding (25%) Boots of Balance (+3) ML:13
Goggles of the Eagle (Spot +13) ML:13
+2 Flaming Burst Bastard Sword Of Tendon Slice 10% Race Required: Human (UMD: 24) ML:14
Charismatic (+2) Cloak of Greater Lightning Resistance ML:15
Not sure of ML, can check if needed.
+4 Sacred Light Mithral Shield of Blinding ML:? 5kpp
+2 Acid Warhammer of Everbright ML:? 10kpp (Alternative to Muck Bane and works on Skellies!)
Fearsome Robe of Heavy Fort
Light Repeater of Greater Undead Bane
Light Repeater of Greater Evil Outsider Bane
25 White Scales (Accepting these as payment for some items, as in less than 25)
Smiting Khopesh x1 Any RR Trade Pending
+2 (or higher) Holy Burst Silver Khopesh (of Righteousness or Maiming a plus) x1 Any RR
30% Striding Ring x2 (Any RR)
Greater/Superior Devotion 6 Ring Any RR
Greater/Superior Potency 5 Helm Any RR
Smiting Light Repeater (Min level 12 or less) Any RR Trade Pending
Weakening of Enfeebling Light Repeater Any RR
WoP Light Repeater Any RR