4th-level Paladin Spells
Blessing of the Righteous: You and your allies weapons deal an additional 1d6 points of holy damage and are considered good aligned.
Castigate: Verbal rebuke damages those whose alignment differs from yours.
Draconic Might: Gain +4 enhancement bonus to strength, constitution and charisma, +4 enhancement bonus to natural armor and immunity to sleep and paralysis.
Fracturing Weapon: For 1 round/level the target's attacks bestow a -5 penalty to AC and DR for 6 seconds. [Multiple strikes don't stack.]
Manifest Life: Your touch attack draws a ball of positive energy out of the living target dealing 1d6 points of damage/2 levels. The ball is then either used to harm nearby undead, used to heal nearby living allies or released as a Turn Undead attempt, resulting in nearby undead either fleeing or being destroyed.
Righteous Aura: You gain a +4 sacred bonus to charisma and detonate on death, healing good creatures and damaging others (2d6/level damage).
Lesser Visage of the Deity: You gain +4 enhancement bonus to Charisma and resistance 10 to acid, cold and electricity.