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  1. #1
    Community Member Butkus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Default Looking for good guild for low level characters

    I am looking for a guild that has an active core of low level characters. I have several toons scattered across all the servers, none above 6th level. I need to find a group of players that will take their time with a relatively inexperienced player, and not just blast through the quests, as I would like to explore and learn more about the quests.

    I have been asked into a couple of guilds, but it seems like the only players in the guilds that are active are all running level 14-16 toons on the high level quests. Also, I am in the Mountain time zone. It seems like most of the players are in the east and already deep into quests by the time I get on (usually around 7 pm mountain).

    I am open to trying roleplaying guilds or permadeath as well as the more typical style of guild. I am a longtime pencil and paper player, who can enjoy playing DDO in a style that is close to PnP. The main thing I seek in a guild is having an active group of characters close to my level that are likely to be online during my available playing time.

  2. #2


    There are some permadeath guilds listed in my signature. Always a few low level characters there

  3. #3
    Community Member HAWK480AV's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Default Hello

    I have a guild on thelanis (sacred ground) I am recruiting lowbie toons atm.
    I would be happy to minvite you to the guild.

    My toons you can look for are Falconheart lev 16 ranger or Tibian lev 7 ranger

    While we do have high level players I have been spending alot of my time
    recruiting low level players from 5 up to give more people a helping hand.

    I am in california so I will be on more often when you will be.

    I hope to see you soon and hope we can offer you a home

    For those about to die no ham for you lying down while we fight (May a kolbold lick your face!)

  4. #4
    Community Member Citymorg's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    In Zornochio's post, he lists a guild for permadeath on Khyber. The Khyber DWG permadeath. Deathwatch Guard sponsers this. The reason permadeath guilds always have a lot of low level characters, is people die and have to start over all the time. Unfortunately, that also comes with a lot of rules about playstyle.

    However, the larger Deathwatch Guard, my guild, has recently been on both a recruiting tear and rerolling characters and powerlevelling. If you are familiar with many of the lower quests and just want to speed up levelling on different characters, we can do that. Likewise, if you want to move a little slower, concentrate on one character, we have regular Virgin Runs (where no one knows the content before entering). We are also very new player friendly.

  5. #5
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    Im also looking for a guild to join.

  6. #6
    Community Member Butkus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Thanks for the links Zornochio. I got an invite into Mortal Voyage on Argonessen, and it has been great. I was on, several times over the last three days, and there were always guild members on, running quests in my level range. I was getting invites to groups almost as fast as I could login.

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