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  1. #1
    Community Member KillingGameshow's Avatar
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    Default Wife just starting out - need a simple character

    My wife wants to give DDO a go, and she is a D&D noob. So the character creation process was a bit overwhelming, as she has no idea which feats to choose, which stats are meaningful, etc. I also don't want her to get 10 minutes in, and be frustrated with how complex her character is to play. So my question is twofold

    1) Are the "defaults" that the character creator picks alright? and
    2) Which class is the simplest to play?

  2. #2
    Community Member KoboldKiller's Avatar
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    May 2007


    Make a dwarven fighter. Put points into str and con maybe a little into dex for eventual mithral plate. Easy class to play and not hard to figure out. Also go to the fighter forum as there are several builds in there.
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  3. #3


    Dwarven fighters are a great option for a simple character to play.

    The default characters are fine for learning the game. If you are really into having the best character possible, they arn't so good but ultimately they should work fine for a new player. Then when you know the game better you can try out ideas you like more.
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  4. #4
    Founder Osharan_Tregarth's Avatar
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    My normal build for someone starting out is an evasion paladin. They're very durable(ie spells, traps, etc don't do a whole lot to them), and with the built in immunities they don't need to do as much gear swapping as another class might.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Forceonature's Avatar
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    Straight up fighter is the easiest to learn on. Make sure STR is at least 16 and CON at least 14, and balance the rest of the stats so she won't have to worry about any shortcommings early on. Pick some basic feats early like Weapon Focus, etc. Sword and board to start out.

  6. #6
    Community Member unionyes's Avatar
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    An excellent first character is a Dwarven Fighter. The defaults usually suck, so go with max Constitution (tell her it will make her tougher to kill) and pump up Strength so she can kill stuff quick. Toughness is a great feat for newbies too, since they don't die as often when they make those mistakes that they are just going to regardless. I also like Barbarians for players that are new to DDO but not to other games like it, because they have the same qualities minus the AC, but you can take sprint boost as soon as you get to the Harbour and it gets rid of the whole slowly running to the next quest thing.

    Also, I would suggest mailing her some healing potions and letting her flounder around in the Goodblades quests to get her feet under her. If you have two computers and two accounts, roll up a cleric to follow her around and heal her up. From personal experience, I can tell you this will be hugely appreciated.
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