How effective is this?
Is there anyone out there who has this and can tell me what it heals for?
Thanks --
How effective is this?
Is there anyone out there who has this and can tell me what it heals for?
Thanks --
Eh, the repair ability isn't too effective in my experience. It's about on the same level as a cleric using DH II. It's still moderately useful for patching up Iron Defenders, or helping out a WF, but the Skill Boosts it draws from is overall more useful.
I don't remember the numbers off-hand, but it's somewhere along the lines of 3d4 every 2 seconds for 20 seconds.
RedShirt / Roleplayer of Giant Slayers, Inc. on Thelanis, formerly Tharashk.
Member of the DDO Player Council
Coldin-Artificer; Lynton-Bard; Alydyn-Swashbuckler;
Takai-Monk; Rosein-Paladin; Ellyiana-Cleric; Aurixs-Sorcerer
One of my Rogue alt's is Warforged, and I like Way of the Mechanic.
The ability uses one action boost and is target construct (self or other) and it heals 2d3 hitpoints every 2 seconds for a 30 second duration.
Its nice to activate when you have to go through a large trap section to clear it or get to a box, or right before a large melee as its going off the entire time I'm in combat (for 30 seconds anyways).
Aamberly Evenstar, Rogue Extrordinaire, Winner of Eberron Magazine's Hottest Elf Chick of the Year / Ariion Evenstar / Blackcat of Greyhawk / Kazahiro Khan, Mischevious Monk
Proud Officer of The Dragonmark Alliance (Fernia, now Ghallanda)
I just took it with my rogue and so far have no complaints. I didnt take to help out the warforged though. =P I value my skill boosts too much. But, as you know it's something like a +2 to Disable, Open Locks, Repair, Spot, and Search. That would be why I took it. But, hey what do I know, Im a noob.
Good Luck,
Quite simply, it's just the most effective spend of your AP for core rogue skills. Assuming like most rogues you want a solid search, spot and disable, and don't mind getting some free Open improvements too, this is simply the best way to go.
A well-built rogue rarely needs a skill boost anyway, so using them to heal WF up a bit occasionally is just plain fun.
I have a WF Rogue that swears by it. 1. I like the cheap boost to my trapsmithing skills. 2. I like the Way Of The Mechanic repair ability (even if someone does usually throw me a repair or heal while it's ticking up). If I use it before a fight it usually offsets some of the incoming damage so it is very much like having additional HP's and sometimes makes it look like I got through unscathed
R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08
I've got it on my halfling rogue. I love it for the skill increase, but also for using to keep my bf's WF's HP up. He's a WF Fighter with Improved Fortification, and it saves the sorkies and wizzies sp if I use it after fights that got a little rough (I've also got capped Repair skill for when he rests at a shrine, so the +2 repair it gives is nice, too). Using every aspect of one's abilities rocks. <3
はじめまして。 女です。 十八さいです。 どうぞよろしく。
Does the amount healed by Way of the Mechanic depend at all on your repair skill?
Sorry to revive a dead thread, but since the above thread answers my other question ("is WotM worth it?"), posting here should save a little time.