Alright, for those whom have not gotten it, or aren't even looking at it anytime soon, I made level 14 last night and my WF Bladesworn Pally was chomping at the bit to get a holy burst greatsword...
The vendor of blessed cold iron weapons is in House J, so I picked up 2 GS, 2LS, and 2Mauls, pretty hefty price tages for cold iron weapons with no +'s on em, then ran to the nearest inn and mem'd the spell only to get "you're a noob, cast it in a dungeon!". Le sigh...
So I ran into Red Willow, never done it before on this toon, so normed it, and after some buffing and summoning my HGS of pawnage made a bee line to the named Troll to try this sucker out.
The damage was pretty neat, Named guy was saying stuff about my skin (loser! I'm a WF!) and two swings he was toast. The other flunkies didn't last much longer either.
Needless to say that was not the best use of the weapon, but some quick conclusions...
1. Pally WF/and others with this weapon are gonna put some real numbers on the board
2. The Cold Iron weapons are gonna make you broke
3. Dual wielding heavy picks might be very interesting
I'd like to see some changes, like getting back my cold iron weapon to reuse. Not sell or anything, but just reuse. I'd also like to have gotten it earlier and had it's power grow with my levels. Honestly it should be a little behind the greensteel weapons, but I don't think too far behind, kinda give the pallys something to look forward to.
Comments, ideas?