Here's a few great reasons why there chaining more potions into clickies to make the game more fun:Originally Posted by Todays WDA
Remove Fear:
Ok you just got feared by that kobold shaman, good thing you have that potion. Drink it - you cannot do that you are feared (cannot use clickies while feared)
Remove Curse/Poison/Disease:
Ok your doing shroud and your new to phase 4 so you are not quite equiped with all the imunity items yet.. you got cursed by a bearded devil and poisoned and disease from the pit fiend - now luckily you saved and carry potions... Ok drink remove curse potoion - you cannot do that you have madstone rage... Ok wait 30 seconds, its gone, drink - uh oh 10 seconds on poison timer and 5 on disease - drink remove disease potion - you cannot do that, clicky timer is not up - you take strength damage, ok 6 secnds later - drink it, good.. Oh no, poison is at 5 seconds - cannot drink neutralize poison - you die.
Woodblossom Mead, and Crimson Nightshade Infusion:
These are those great potions you get in tangleroot gorge.. Ok so your doing the slayers and collected a few of these things.. Running around, doing the slayers and you then need to use one, ok click.. animation going.. Interupted by getting tripped by a wolf.. No problem, try again.. oh interupted by getting tripped by a goblin , ok no problem, jump in water to try - cannot use clickes in water.. Ok try in mid air - interupted by animation fault.. Great.
Blindness Removal:
Ok so you got blinded in some dungeon, your running around like mad trying not to get hit searching for that remove blindness potion in your backpack.. Sweet you found it - click - doesn't work.. What happen? ok you grabbed a ledge or ladder since your blind so it wont work now, please wait 6 seconds.
Also please make water breathing potions like this, would be more fun to not be able to use those underwater.
Constructive feedback: The idea of potions with funnels has merits and surely some uses to certain players.. But giving all the problems it will cause I think it needs some serious thought and tech to make it work correctly and avoid all these issues.