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  1. #41
    Community Member Slayer918's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jondallar View Post
    I think its an action similar to DV/DH vs Turn undeads for clerics... so the way i am reading this enhancement is that anytime I plan on using my Smite Evil Clicky, i will instead use my Divine Sacrifice Clicky... thus its the same interruption as using a smite evil with all the benefits of smite evil (i.e. cha modifier to to hit damage ect).
    See I read it as being completely seperate from Smite Evil. So you have to click Divine Sacrifice THEN Smite Evil to get a Sacrificial Smite. I read it as a clickie more like stunning blow or Deepwood Sniper w/ no counter on it and no ties to smite evil besides the extra smite evil I pre-req.
    Proud Officer of Tinted Faces on Argonnessen!
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  2. #42
    Community Member Jondallar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slayer918 View Post
    See I read it as being completely seperate from Smite Evil. So you have to click Divine Sacrifice THEN Smite Evil to get a Sacrificial Smite. I read it as a clickie more like stunning blow or Deepwood Sniper w/ no counter on it and no ties to smite evil besides the extra smite evil I pre-req.
    I like my interpretation better because if its like you think then it stinks (no offense)

  3. #43
    Community Member Slayer918's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jondallar View Post
    I like my interpretation better because if its like you think then it stinks (no offense)
    O I agree... I just end up being pessimistic because... well... look at the state tourbine has put paladins in so far.
    Proud Officer of Tinted Faces on Argonnessen!
    Connner - 14 Fighter/1 Barb Konnnor - 15 Cleric Connnor - 15 Sorc Conor - 12 paly/4 fighter

  4. #44
    Community Member SteeleTrueheart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slayer918 View Post
    See I read it as being completely seperate from Smite Evil. So you have to click Divine Sacrifice THEN Smite Evil to get a Sacrificial Smite. I read it as a clickie more like stunning blow or Deepwood Sniper w/ no counter on it and no ties to smite evil besides the extra smite evil I pre-req.
    I read it as being like cleave. It is a seperate clicky that has an attack animation. So you can click on DS and it will go off and then you can click on smite and it will go off on the next attack. You will NOT be able to use DS and smite together.

    Actually I am thinking that DS is actually MiniSmite. I am waiting for DSII and DSIII etc before I think this will be worth it,
    Khyber - Officer in The Stormreach Thieves Guild
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  5. #45
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteeleTrueheart View Post
    I read it as being like cleave. It is a seperate clicky that has an attack animation. So you can click on DS and it will go off and then you can click on smite and it will go off on the next attack. You will NOT be able to use DS and smite together.

    Actually I am thinking that DS is actually MiniSmite. I am waiting for DSII and DSIII etc before I think this will be worth it,
    Yeah that's pretty much how I see it too. I think making it a 6-10 sec Duration (affecting all strikes within that time frame) and making the cooldown 20sec or so would be a better run on it.

    Rule 1: Don't sweat the small stuff
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  6. #46
    Community Member Geonis's Avatar
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    Okay, I must say I am completely underwhelmed by this "enhancement".

    The only positive thing people have been able to say is "If you crit while Raged, Madstone Raged, Power Attacking, Hasted, Bard Songed, Divine Favored, etc.....and are allowed to Smite on the same attack, and the Moon and Sun come into alignment, then you would hit some crazy damage numbers!"

    Again folks, 8 times a day? WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!1111111BBQ

    I could care less.

    This is not only disappointing, it's downright insulting.

    The Paladin has fallen this far in the space of a year? To where this **** they trot out is thought of as "good"?

    There have only been about 800000 threads explaining how to make the Paladin relevant again, yet they continue to ignore them.

    Add some more Paladin spells. (Righteous Might, etc......) They've only been listed in every one of those threads.

    Maybe add couple enhancements for Divine Favor, or remove the cap. Like +5 to hit and damage is game-breaking?

    If "Divine Sacrifice" and an AP reduction (which is long overdue) and another tier of Aura enhancements(which really only replace the nerf to the original Aura), are the only "Pally Love" in this MOD, then Turbine needs to just clean house of all it's devs associated with DDO, because some true "Pally Love" is something a lot of players have been clamoring for.
    Hi, I play Generic Fantasy RPG Online, formerly known as DDO.

  7. #47
    Community Member gpk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geonis View Post
    Okay, I must say I am completely underwhelmed by this "enhancement".

    The only positive thing people have been able to say is "If you crit while Raged, Madstone Raged, Power Attacking, Hasted, Bard Songed, Divine Favored, etc.....and are allowed to Smite on the same attack, and the Moon and Sun come into alignment, then you would hit some crazy damage numbers!"

    Again folks, 8 times a day? WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!1111111BBQ

    I could care less.

    This is not only disappointing, it's downright insulting.

    The Paladin has fallen this far in the space of a year? To where this **** they trot out is thought of as "good"?

    There have only been about 800000 threads explaining how to make the Paladin relevant again, yet they continue to ignore them.

    Add some more Paladin spells. (Righteous Might, etc......) They've only been listed in every one of those threads.

    Maybe add couple enhancements for Divine Favor, or remove the cap. Like +5 to hit and damage is game-breaking?

    If "Divine Sacrifice" and an AP reduction (which is long overdue) and another tier of Aura enhancements(which really only replace the nerf to the original Aura), are the only "Pally Love" in this MOD, then Turbine needs to just clean house of all it's devs associated with DDO, because some true "Pally Love" is something a lot of players have been clamoring for.

    Here I thought I was the only one who found it insulting...

  8. #48
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    No Kidding!
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  9. #49
    Community Member Jondallar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geonis View Post
    Okay, I must say I am completely underwhelmed by this "enhancement".

    The only positive thing people have been able to say is "If you crit while Raged, Madstone Raged, Power Attacking, Hasted, Bard Songed, Divine Favored, etc.....and are allowed to Smite on the same attack, and the Moon and Sun come into alignment, then you would hit some crazy damage numbers!"

    Again folks, 8 times a day? WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!1111111BBQ

    I could care less.

    This is not only disappointing, it's downright insulting.

    The Paladin has fallen this far in the space of a year? To where this **** they trot out is thought of as "good"?

    There have only been about 800000 threads explaining how to make the Paladin relevant again, yet they continue to ignore them.

    Add some more Paladin spells. (Righteous Might, etc......) They've only been listed in every one of those threads.

    Maybe add couple enhancements for Divine Favor, or remove the cap. Like +5 to hit and damage is game-breaking?

    If "Divine Sacrifice" and an AP reduction (which is long overdue) and another tier of Aura enhancements(which really only replace the nerf to the original Aura), are the only "Pally Love" in this MOD, then Turbine needs to just clean house of all it's devs associated with DDO, because some true "Pally Love" is something a lot of players have been clamoring for.

    I agree it is underwhelming anyway you slice it if all the "pally love" is BoG4, the reduction in Ap cost and a lvl 4 enhancement

  10. #50
    Founder Hvymetal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gpk View Post

    Here I thought I was the only one who found it insulting...
    No, not alone.....
    R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08

  11. #51
    Community Member Sertrynus's Avatar
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    U guys aren't the only ones disappointed with the so called Pally Love, but given that the player base (not me really but meh) have been calling out for Monks and that the so called Rogue/Paladin Love mod included Monks, did you honestly think that we would be getting that much attention?

    Unless the next WDA has a massive amount of updates for Paladins, I think they are pretty much done with the attention that they considered could be given to Paladins this time around.

    Funny thing will be when Mod 8 starts getting talked about and this whole cycle goes around again, we will be crying out for some attention to paladins and others will be saying that we got attention last time around. At that point all we can do is either argue back that we got some attention, but not the attention that we were asking for, or we resign ourselves to the Devs never giving Paladins any major consideration and the Paladin class just being used for splashing levels in the multiclassed world.

    P.s. some sort of statement from the Devs (kinda like the State of the Game Address that was promised) would be nice, that maybe included the Dev Teams vision for each of the classes and races.......

    Signed One very disappointed Lvl 16 Human 28pt Paladin.........
    Human - 28pt Male Pure Paladin
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  12. #52
    Community Member gpk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sertrynus View Post
    U guys aren't the only ones disappointed with the so called Pally Love, but given that the player base (not me really but meh) have been calling out for Monks and that the so called Rogue/Paladin Love mod included Monks, did you honestly think that we would be getting that much attention?

    Unless the next WDA has a massive amount of updates for Paladins, I think they are pretty much done with the attention that they considered could be given to Paladins this time around.
    You're right, I too was worried being lumped into the Monk mod might prove to be bad for paladins and it does seem to look that way.
    The worse part of it is , they could have just added a few very simple yet useful spells, reduced a few APs and it would have been sufficient. Insted, once again, they choose crappy spells to implement in a crappy way and mess around with ridiculously limited secondary abilities that have no meaningful effect during a quest.
    It certainly seems like they paid NO attention to any of the pally related threads, at this point I jsut hope they quickly tack on 3-4 very easy spells before it's once again too late.
    I hope they do and anounce them soon.
    Heck, they can even say "see guys we had these spells planned all along!" even if it is untrue and noone will care.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sertrynus View Post
    Funny thing will be when Mod 8 starts getting talked about and this whole cycle goes around again, we will be crying out for some attention to paladins and others will be saying that we got attention last time around. At that point all we can do is either argue back that we got some attention, but not the attention that we were asking for, or we resign ourselves to the Devs never giving Paladins any major consideration and the Paladin class just being used for splashing levels in the multiclassed world.
    Hoo boy I bet you're right; I wonder if there will be fewer players left to cry out for attention...
    Really the worst part about the soon to be year is having to deal with all the forumites who keep trying to convince you something crappy is actually good and who kept saying "wait till mod7!".
    Our last hope for any quality mod7 love is prolly this week's WDA, I'd like to be proven wrong though.

  13. #53
    Community Member Geonis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sertrynus View Post
    Funny thing will be when Mod 8 starts getting talked about and this whole cycle goes around again, we will be crying out for some attention to paladins and others will be saying that we got attention last time around.

    This is probably my biggest fear at this point.

    If we don't get some actual Pally loving in MOD 7, we will be screwed for another year.

    I also love how 1 point of extra AC on a Pally was "gamebreaking" enough to nerf, but hosing things up to the degree of Barb Crit enhancement is something they won't touch with a 10' pole, while saying, "We don't want to nerf Barbs, but noone else is going to get an enhancement that powerful."
    Hi, I play Generic Fantasy RPG Online, formerly known as DDO.

  14. #54
    Community Member Sertrynus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gpk View Post
    You're right, I too was worried being lumped into the Monk mod might prove to be bad for paladins and it does seem to look that way.
    The worse part of it is , they could have just added a few very simple yet useful spells, reduced a few APs and it would have been sufficient. Insted, once again, they choose crappy spells to implement in a crappy way and mess around with ridiculously limited secondary abilities that have no meaningful effect during a quest.
    It certainly seems like they paid NO attention to any of the pally related threads, at this point I jsut hope they quickly tack on 3-4 very easy spells before it's once again too late.
    I hope they do and anounce them soon.
    Heck, they can even say "see guys we had these spells planned all along!" even if it is untrue and noone will care.

    Hoo boy I bet you're right; I wonder if there will be fewer players left to cry out for attention...
    Really the worst part about the soon to be year is having to deal with all the forumites who keep trying to convince you something crappy is actually good and who kept saying "wait till mod7!".
    Our last hope for any quality mod7 love is prolly this week's WDA, I'd like to be proven wrong though.
    GPK, Paladin's won't both about voiceing things on the Forums because after the AC nerf (which in hindsight wouldn't have made any difference given the worth of AC these days) and the state of Smite Evil etc etc etc, means that no matter what is voiced by the community the devs will do what they feel fits their vision for the game/classes/races etc.

    A lot of our concerns etc would be addressed with a simple communication regarding what the devs feel their vision for the game etc is.

    I'm not holding out a lot of hope for this weeks WDA as there is probably only 1 or 2 weeks before it all goes in to QA at which point all pally "love" will be pushed back to a future date.

    I really hope that I'm proved wrong, I really do, but I'm not holding my breath either.....
    Human - 28pt Male Pure Paladin
    Officer of The Stormreach Thieves' Guild - Khyber
    Nilahoy nilahoy

  15. #55
    Community Member elraido's Avatar
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    Just for fun I took holy sword for a bit and bought a khopesh and heavy pick. I really really like the heavy pick when it crits with my bloodstone on. But it isn't worth it to get rid of either restoration or DW. Make it a 3rd lvl spell and we can talk. So you can see some changes that they have made to help us along, but honestly, like everyone is saying it just isn't enough. They are close to being good spell/abilities but they are too high of a lvl to be worthwhile
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