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  1. #121
    Community Member Tharlak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Solmage View Post
    Well, how about giving paladins some actual defensive capabilities then?

    This is my wish: Make the paladins excel at something. You want it to be defense? Works for me! Let them be bastions of defense, able to shrug off fireballs, have blows glance off their holy armors, intimidate by their mere presence, be the hard place against which the rock pushes the enemies. (Or make them the rock, able to put the fear of the gods into anything evil. But please please don't make them the 3rd and 4th rate me-too pebbles that they currently are.)

  2. #122
    Community Member Bionca's Avatar
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    With the renaming of the metamagic enhancements to the spell saver what ever they are now, does any one else see them using the names we have now but used to eather increase the potency of the enhancement? For example improved empower could eather do x% more damage, and improved highten could up the dc by 1 or or some such. This seems like it would be one easy way to add a lot of enhancements to the caster classes with out an awfull lot of work.

  3. #123
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    Because you don't need to take an affirmative action to deactivate it. Instead, it ends simply when you relax on the mouse button.

    This means there is no chance you'll leave it on by accident long after the monster is dead, and then accidentaly pull aggro if you tab to a monster with a ranged weapon equipped.
    AHHHH ya, now that you mention it, I've acidentally agro'd a mob or two that way....

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bionca View Post
    With the renaming of the metamagic enhancements to the spell saver what ever they are now, does any one else see them using the names we have now but used to eather increase the potency of the enhancement? For example improved empower could eather do x% more damage, and improved highten could up the dc by 1 or or some such. This seems like it would be one easy way to add a lot of enhancements to the caster classes with out an awfull lot of work.
    No. What they're actually changing is the name of some of the effects on items already in the game that shared a name with an enhancement. The enhancements are retaining their names.

  5. #125
    Community Member Tallyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Solmage View Post
    You may of course disagree.
    I disagree to a certain extent.

    Yes the Paladin's need love and the devs have admitted this. They are working on them. The next mod is not here yet, and they are continuing to work on the Paladin. Each week has unveiled something new they are giving to them. Let us hope they continue this trend of new things over the new few weeks.

    I think the difference between Paladins and other classes are over-exaggerated by some. Yes, they aren't as good at DPS as Rangers, Barbarians or Rogues. Their defense can be trumped by a few choice builds. However, I think they can still be, if not the top defensive tanking class, a close second or third.

    Yes, while they get the benefit of their aura so does everyone else in the party. However, the same argument can be made for a melee bard. While he gets the benefit of the song, so does everyone else in the group.

    That's my thoughts. While I am not 100% in love with the new Paladin stuff, I do like the direction that they seem to be heading. I eagerly await the Weekly Dev Activities each week to see what changes they are looking to add

  6. #126
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strykersz View Post
    No. What they're actually changing is the name of some of the effects on items already in the game that shared a name with an enhancement. The enhancements are retaining their names.
    Renaming them is great and all, but I'd like to be able to enhance my cleric's spells like arcane casters can .. I use Maximize, Empower and Extend just as much as they do, so why should they get a discount?

  7. #127
    Community Member gpk's Avatar
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    Once again, here are some good PnP compliant spells that should be added:

    Level 1 , 1 minute/level, self only
    +2 Sacred AC bonus

    Righteous Fury:
    Level 3, 1 min/level, self only
    +4 Sacred STR, +5 temp HP/caster level max 50

    Righteous Aura:
    Level 4, 1 min/level, self only
    +4 Sacred CHA bonus (Pally bomb kaboom/heal on death can be replaced with whatever else that seems fair)

    And here is a divine Feat that can be added as a split enhancement, duration non pnp-compliant to scale to DDO standards (NWN boosted duration too):

    Divine Might, requires Power Attack, Turn Undead
    Use a Turn Undead charge to add CHA modifier bonus divine damage for Charisma modifer rounds (6 seconds)
    (boosted from 1 round fixed duration as other games like NWN have done)

    So in DDO you can add it like :

    Divine Might 1, min lev 8, 2 AP: add half your charisma modifier to damage for cha mod rounds
    Divine Might 2, min lev 15, 4 AP: add your full charisma modifier to damage for cha mod rounds

    If CHA mod is too strong then simply omit Righteous Aura scared CHA bonus so as to not boost Divine Might and have the damage only apply to evil mobs. If still too strong get rid of extra turn undead enhancements.

    This is a feat-like enhancement that rewards pure high level paladins, makes good use of turn undeads, rewards paladins with a good charisma score.
    Last edited by gpk; 03-24-2008 at 06:49 PM.

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallyn View Post
    I disagree to a certain extent.

    Yes the Paladin's need love and the devs have admitted this. They are working on them. The next mod is not here yet, and they are continuing to work on the Paladin. Each week has unveiled something new they are giving to them. Let us hope they continue this trend of new things over the new few weeks.

    I think the difference between Paladins and other classes are over-exaggerated by some. Yes, they aren't as good at DPS as Rangers, Barbarians or Rogues. Their defense can be trumped by a few choice builds. However, I think they can still be, if not the top defensive tanking class, a close second or third.

    Yes, while they get the benefit of their aura so does everyone else in the party. However, the same argument can be made for a melee bard. While he gets the benefit of the song, so does everyone else in the group.

    That's my thoughts. While I am not 100% in love with the new Paladin stuff, I do like the direction that they seem to be heading. I eagerly await the Weekly Dev Activities each week to see what changes they are looking to add
    The problem is, paladins don't get the vast majority of their defensive capability from being a level 14+ paladin. Rogues, Rangers and Barbarians do get the majority of their capability from being a whatever level whatever. Give them a basic level of gear and they're good to go. Give the paladin a basic level of gear and he's going to not hold aggro(no intimidate!), get hit on every swing and be generally worthless.

    edit: Heck, pretty much every build *except* for defensive one's gets the vast majority of it's utility from simply being the proper level, taking the proper enhancements and having a basic level of gear. The only exception to that rule is defensive tanks.
    Last edited by Strykersz; 03-24-2008 at 05:32 PM.

  9. #129
    Stormreach Advisor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallyn View Post
    I disagree to a certain extent.

    Yes the Paladin's need love and the devs have admitted this. They are working on them. The next mod is not here yet, and they are continuing to work on the Paladin. Each week has unveiled something new they are giving to them. Let us hope they continue this trend of new things over the new few weeks.

    I think the difference between Paladins and other classes are over-exaggerated by some. Yes, they aren't as good at DPS as Rangers, Barbarians or Rogues. Their defense can be trumped by a few choice builds. However, I think they can still be, if not the top defensive tanking class, a close second or third.

    Yes, while they get the benefit of their aura so does everyone else in the party. However, the same argument can be made for a melee bard. While he gets the benefit of the song, so does everyone else in the group.

    That's my thoughts. While I am not 100% in love with the new Paladin stuff, I do like the direction that they seem to be heading. I eagerly await the Weekly Dev Activities each week to see what changes they are looking to add
    Well...enhancements are only useful if someone takes them. Enhancements like +1 to your repair skill are never used and thus, a complete waste of dev time and only serve to pad numbers of available enhancement options. I don't see myself or any other paladins I know taking advantage of the new enhancements. The only thing they'll be taking advantage of so far is the action point discount on the AC and resistance auras. That's about the only 'Pally love' I've seen so far that I think matters. Everything else is still garbage.
    Argonnessen | Legendary Knights of Mabar | Couresan | Courage | Plat | Torgo

  10. #130
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by binnsr View Post
    Renaming them is great and all, but I'd like to be able to enhance my cleric's spells like arcane casters can .. I use Maximize, Empower and Extend just as much as they do, so why should they get a discount?

    The improved meta magics not being available to clerics basically sucks. I have been advocating for this for a LONG time, yet no developer has seen fit to respond to it yet.
    Clerics of Fernia
    King of Stormreach
    (and if you disagree with me, then you can treat me like a Nintendo Cartridge )

  11. #131
    Community Member Mhykke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gpk View Post
    Once again, here are some good PnP compliant spells that should be added:

    Level 1 , 1 minute/level, self only
    +2 Sacred AC bonus

    Righteous Fury:
    Level 3, 1 min/level, self only
    +4 Sacred STR, +5 temp HP/caster level max 50

    Righteous Aura:
    Level 4, 1 min/level, self only
    +4 Sacred CHA bonus (Pally bomb kaboom/heal on death can be replaced with whatever else that seems fair)

    And here is a divine Feat that can be added as a split enhancement, duration non pnp-compliant to scale to DDO standards (NWN boosted duration too):

    Divine Might, requires Power Attack, Turn Undead
    Use a Turn Undead charge to add CHA modifier bonus divine damage for Charisma modifer rounds (6 seconds)
    (boosted from 1 round fixed duration as other games like NWN have done)

    So in DDO you can add it like :

    Divine Might 1, min lev 8: add half your charisma modifier to damage for cha mod rounds
    Divine Might 2, min lev 15: add your full charisma modifier to damage for cha mod rounds

    If CHA mod is too strong then simply omit Righteous Aura scared CHA bonus so as to not boost Divine Might and have the damage only apply to evil mobs. If still too strong get rid of extra turn undead enhancements.

    This is a feat-like enhancement that rewards pure high level paladins, makes good use of turn undeads, rewards paladins with a good charisma score.

    I like.

  12. #132
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    "A new click and hold to attack option has been added to the game and is defaulted to on."


    Thank you DEV's!!!!

    /Seconded. Fingers and mice may dance now now.

    AH bug fixed! YES!
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  13. #133
    Community Member Tallyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gpk View Post
    Once again, here are some good PnP compliant spells that should be added:

    Level 1 , 1 minute/level, self only
    +2 Sacred AC bonus

    Righteous Fury:
    Level 3, 1 min/level, self only
    +4 Sacred STR, +5 temp HP/caster level max 50

    Righteous Aura:
    Level 4, 1 min/level, self only
    +4 Sacred CHA bonus (Pally bomb kaboom/heal on death can be replaced with whatever else that seems fair)

    And here is a divine Feat that can be added as a split enhancement, duration non pnp-compliant to scale to DDO standards (NWN boosted duration too):

    Divine Might, requires Power Attack, Turn Undead
    Use a Turn Undead charge to add CHA modifier bonus divine damage for Charisma modifer rounds (6 seconds)
    (boosted from 1 round fixed duration as other games like NWN have done)

    So in DDO you can add it like :

    Divine Might 1, min lev 8, 2 AP: add half your charisma modifier to damage for cha mod rounds
    Divine Might 2, min lev 15, 4 AP: add your full charisma modifier to damage for cha mod rounds

    If CHA mod is too strong then simply omit Righteous Aura scared CHA bonus so as to not boost Divine Might and have the damage only apply to evil mobs. If still too strong get rid of extra turn undead enhancements.

    This is a feat-like enhancement that rewards pure high level paladins, makes good use of turn undeads, rewards paladins with a good charisma score.

    Which books did those spells come out of, btw? I think I may add them to my campaign.

  14. #134
    Community Member gpk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallyn View Post
    Which books did those spells come out of, btw? I think I may add them to my campaign.
    They're in the Spell Compendium, same place Nightshield and the totally different Ram's might come from. These have been mentioned on these forums as well by other people.

    Divine Might is listed in the D20srd in it's pnp form.

  15. #135
    Community Member ahpook's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    Because you don't need to take an affirmative action to deactivate it. Instead, it ends simply when you relax on the mouse button.

    This means there is no chance you'll leave it on by accident long after the monster is dead, and then accidentaly pull aggro if you tab to a monster with a ranged weapon equipped.
    Also you can swing your weapon without targetting a mob. You will continue to swing after the mob you did have targetted drops dead.

    And you won't get spammed with "Not in Range" messages as you tab around looking for something as you do with auto-attack turned on.

    And I can reassign my G15 key that is giving me this feature and put it on my mouse where I want it.

  16. #136
    Community Member BattleCircle's Avatar
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    LMAO more hot bars just what my big clumsy fingers need, more ways to screw up....... but the click and hold to attack OHHHHHHHHHH I feel a woody coming on

  17. #137
    Community Member Yvonne_Blacksword's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quarion View Post
    Weekly Development Activities

    The following are items which are in development or QA testing for release in Module 7.

    • NEW The following potions are now equipped with funnels so they can be used on afflicted friends: Potion of Fear Removal, Potion of Poison Neutralization, Potion of Blindness Removal, Potion of Curse Removal, Potion of Disease Removal, Woodblossom Mead, and Crimson Nightshade Infusion. The new funnels are especially easy to use so raging barbarians should have no problems with them.
    Ohhhh! Nice...

    Now, If only the Cryptmoss Silk Sutures...recieved on collectable turn in...worked as the description says...and worked on anyone but self...

    <sigh> This one bugged for a looooong time...Only I care.

  18. #138
    Community Member Pellegro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yvonne Blacksword View Post
    [/LIST]Ohhhh! Nice...

    Now, If only the Cryptmoss Silk Sutures...recieved on collectable turn in...worked as the description says...and worked on anyone but self...
    <sigh> This one bugged for a looooong time...Only I care.

    hehe sorry, couldn't resist ...

  19. #139
    Community Member Mr._Dna's Avatar
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    You know I was gonna get on here and complain that Divine Sacrifice is not enough for Paladins, but you know, at least it's something. No reason to get all negative when they are adding something POSITIVE (albeit fairly small) to the class. Here's to hoping it won't be the last time.

    Lufeng - 15/2 Paladin/Fighter, Dryo - 17 Sorcerer, Rami - 17 Cleric, Purgatorius - 13/2/1 Rogue/Ranger/Fighter, Barbee - 11 Fighter
    Legends of Aerenal on Sarlona

  20. #140
    Community Member gpk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Dna View Post
    You know I was gonna get on here and complain that Divine Sacrifice is not enough for Paladins, but you know, at least it's something. No reason to get all negative when they are adding something POSITIVE (albeit fairly small) to the class. Here's to hoping it won't be the last time.
    If the extent of pally love comes in the form of Divine Sacrifice and some equally silly sounding Smite Evil enhancements, would that be a reason to to "get all negative?"

    In DDO getting "something" is not always better than getting "nothing"; at least there is no wasted DEV and QA time on "nothing". Normally I'm not one to jump on the whole "dev time" bandwagon but recent posts have led us to believe that it is an ever diminishing resource and as such should be expended very carefully.

    We're all keeping our fingers crossed that this is just a "well we had some time so we added this too" "something".

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