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  1. #21
    Community Member ShaeNightbird's Avatar
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    Default Oh Wow!

    Greetings, everyone!
    I would love to do this, but don't think I'm high enough in level.(7) Also, I'm really new to the came (couple of months now) , and yes, I'm a Cleric!
    My lack of experience and unfamiliarity with the quest will probably be a liabilty, but I wanted to speak up at least, and be counted.
    I am fortunate to have met 2 other confirmed female gamers within my local sphere. Salina of The Forsworn and Devillicious Candy of Dedicated Teams. These women absolutely rock!
    So good to meet you.

    Janadanu Cleric 7 The Forsworn

  2. #22
    Community Member Rathji's Avatar
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    Default I get the feeling...

    It seems that there is definitely interest, and also that there's a lot of women new to the game. Here's my suggestion:

    ...since my computer is in the hospital and I have to share with the other gamers in the house, I think Sunday Afternoon might be a safer bet this week.

    ...a majority of posters thus far are lower levels. Speaking as someone with a few capped toons under my belt, I know I have at least one alt in each age range, and would be willing to run any level

    suggestion:lets get together Sunday afternoon, run mids or lowbies and help get the ladies with no higher toons ready for whatever they need. Add my alts to your friends list, and I will do the same. If there's interest, we could prep for VON. Basically, we run a casual grp (or two) and just hang with da ladies. We'll see how we develop from there.


    Dashette 16 WF Fighter : Babydash 16 Drow Sorc : Ette 16 Human Clr : MiniMia 16 Elf Rogue : Rathji 10 Human Pally : BigMia 8 Elf Bard : Sokker 8 Halfling Ranger : Lubulongtime 6 Human Fleric : ...and a bunch of others too low to mention yet
    "Thank god for server downtime, otherwise I wouldn't get anything done!"

  3. #23
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    Red face

    I love the sound of that, right now as it stands there is no way id be able to get reaver ready. Heck today ive got to run up to NC just to get errands done so there goes half my playing time. And the other gals in my guild probably wouldnt fare any better since they have work or their kids to tend to as well. I mentioned it to them though, id love to run a big raid like this sounds like loads of fun but sadly Kal has only completed 2 quests in GH. And as I mentioned before goofy me didnt talk to the quest giver for Madstone the first time so I still need to complete it. If we could all get together and get to the point were all ready to run that would be great ^_^ if not i'll just wait around and participate in the next ladies night.
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

  4. #24
    Community Member Caelan's Avatar
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    I'm good with that. I am always for helping new people out. I also find that raids run more smoothly when you know the people you are running with - not as much confusion.

    'sides, my other half has been on a trip and needs the extra daddy-child playtime. or that's what I'll tell him. ooops... forgot, he reads these forums... ah well...

    I have characters of almost every level. My sister also plays (although she is on a vacation atm) so I'll see if she'll be available. Her highest character is maybe 8/9? can't remember. Figure set a time and we'll group everyone and see what makes the most sense.
    My DDO Vids: Added vids Mar'08
    Legends of Aerenal: Here in the beginning; here until the end! Caelan guild officer

  5. #25
    Founder Aaden's Avatar
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    I just wanted to slip in and say "WTG girls" I love to see girl gamers kicking ass and taking names.

    Hope this pans out well for you, Ladies! Have fun!

  6. #26
    Community Member Caelan's Avatar
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    so - what time sunday?
    My DDO Vids: Added vids Mar'08
    Legends of Aerenal: Here in the beginning; here until the end! Caelan guild officer

  7. #27
    Community Member Irule's Avatar
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    Red face afraid to speak!

    Would love to join. I sound young so I don't talk much. I got booted once because they
    thought I was a child and they had posted NO KIDS!
    Divers Rule! Irule (elf rogue 11th) Whozyamamma (dwarf fighter 10th) Ahaa ( drow rogue 8th)

  8. #28
    Community Member Rathji's Avatar
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    Default Sunday @ 4:00 Est

    how's 4:00 EST or everyone?

    (I assume everyone can do the math to figure out what time?)

    Recap: We 'll run mid-levels together. If we have enough for multiple groups, then cool. I will be on Babydash for invites, and post an LFM shortly before hand. Once we establish grps and level ranges I'll switch to level appropriate toons.
    Dashette 16 WF Fighter : Babydash 16 Drow Sorc : Ette 16 Human Clr : MiniMia 16 Elf Rogue : Rathji 10 Human Pally : BigMia 8 Elf Bard : Sokker 8 Halfling Ranger : Lubulongtime 6 Human Fleric : ...and a bunch of others too low to mention yet
    "Thank god for server downtime, otherwise I wouldn't get anything done!"

  9. #29
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    Jan 2008

    Talking woo I cannot wait ^_^

    I can be on then Kalari is only 1100 away from lvl 13 would have gotten it tonight but bad lag and cranky toddler made it impossible. I'll look for your name the min I get on. I dont really care what we run it would just be nice to hang out with more female gamers, we have 4 in our guild that I know of but our scheduels make it hard for us to run together. So most of the time its just me and the boys ive gotten used to their hijinxs and they are fun but an all ladies run sounds awesome.
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

  10. #30
    Community Member ShaeNightbird's Avatar
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    Default This will be fun!

    I'll look for folks on Sunday, then ,

    I'm fortunate. The guys in my guild are very sweet (We're an RP guild, and many of them have female they have to behave like ladies! Hahaha!) They're very patient with me in many ways. I'm new, slow, get lost a lot, and have severe problems with my vision (partially blind) and overall health, but considering all that I do relatively well, and keep my party alive! I'm also working on a Drow Bard, he's lvl 4 right now.
    Hope to see you soon!

    Janadanu Sandivarii Cleric 7 The Forsworn (RP)
    Obsidiian Sorrowsbane Bard 4 The Forsworn (RP)

  11. #31
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    Default Ive spread the word

    I got to tell two more of my guild mates tonight about the run, both were interested. But unfortunately our fighter lvl 12 may not be home she has to do a fund raiser tommorrow and may not be on on time. Our lvl 12 rogue can be home by 4:30 she gets off work at 4 I told them id post here and let you guys know in game if there is room they would be happy to join. All of us run under COJBJ and I can point them out the moment they sign on. Didnt get to level Kal again tonight worked with my lower levels to help out guildies. So maybe tommorrow will get her to level 13.
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

  12. #32
    Community Member madmommajen's Avatar
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    If you all don't mind, I'd like to join in on today's fun! An all ladies evening sounds like fun & I need some R&R after all the bad excitement of yesterday.

    See you all at 4.
    Jen - Mom, Maid, Goddess in MySpace - Drusella (WF) -Barbarian 10, Petruchio (HL) - Bard 3, Annastacia (H) - Cleric 6, Katherina (D) - Pally 3
    Quote Originally Posted by Homer J.
    I want to share something with you, three sentences that will get you through life:
    #1 - Cover for me. #2 - Oh, good idea, Boss! #3 - It was like that when I got here.

  13. #33
    Founder SilverSong's Avatar
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    I hope everything goes good, I would love to join tonight but in the middle of helping my mother move. Good luck.

  14. #34
    Community Member Rathji's Avatar
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    ...had lots of fun.... except for the crazy guys sending me /tells telling me I was a sick perverted geek for looking for women in an LFM....

    Love to try it again in two weeks?
    Dashette 16 WF Fighter : Babydash 16 Drow Sorc : Ette 16 Human Clr : MiniMia 16 Elf Rogue : Rathji 10 Human Pally : BigMia 8 Elf Bard : Sokker 8 Halfling Ranger : Lubulongtime 6 Human Fleric : ...and a bunch of others too low to mention yet
    "Thank god for server downtime, otherwise I wouldn't get anything done!"

  15. #35
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    Jan 2008

    Default Im sorry

    To Betterdash and Babydash I figured you were doing groups of different levels right now my main is 13 and my lower levels are pretty much experiment only and werent close to the level ya needed to run the quest I will try to get a mid level toon together before the next one just to be on the safe side. And today I ran a GH quest with my guild that took longer then I thought it was I had bad lag so I probably had held stuff up to. Im just really sorry I missed out and look forward to running with you guys.

    Oh and that guy sounds like the sick one what a pest.
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

  16. #36
    Community Member madmommajen's Avatar
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    Aug 2007

    Default Sorry I disappeared!

    Hey all. What fun that was...well, up to the point we all died! LOL!! I'm sorry I disappeared, we had a power outage here in our subdivision, so I lost connection/tv/alarm clocks/dinner. WHEEE!! Gotta love Progress Energy.

    Anywho...would love to run with you all again. I'll spend my weeks running for XP so I don't die so readily and so we can make a raid in the near future.

    Jen - Mom, Maid, Goddess in MySpace - Drusella (WF) -Barbarian 10, Petruchio (HL) - Bard 3, Annastacia (H) - Cleric 6, Katherina (D) - Pally 3
    Quote Originally Posted by Homer J.
    I want to share something with you, three sentences that will get you through life:
    #1 - Cover for me. #2 - Oh, good idea, Boss! #3 - It was like that when I got here.

  17. #37
    Community Member Caelan's Avatar
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    May 2006

    Default hysterical

    that was fun. rough start. depths was good (wraiths anyone?). and i got my house d favor... woot!

    i could not believe the number of tells i got clarifying what we are doing and telling me i am sexist for only accepting women (although i did note the wf only group listed as well... wonder how many racist accusation tells they got?). lol the best tell i think was from the guy who said that with only women gamers it will be (and i am quoting here, as his spelling really hit home how much we were missing out on having a genius with us):

    (Tell): xxxxxxxx-Sarlona tells you, "lol you group will die 10x mire often, take forever to do quest, and backstab each other. ROFLMAO'

    btw, we did just fine, had a lot of fun. the quest we did, tear of dhakaan, did take a while, but for a lvl 3 - 7 group that did not have the luxury of picking a perfectly rounded class set-up, and doing it on hard (making it lvl 8), i think we did well. don't think anyone stabbed anyone else in the back... in fact, as the cleric our fearless leader betterdash gave me some healing wands. wonder why his view of women is so sour?

    then there was the daring and brave soul who attempted to join despite not being a woman. if you are indeed a woman, my apologies, but somehow i doubt it. poor guy got the third degree with a double shot of estrogen. lol

    Drusella - we carried your stone for the longest time as a totem! lol we kept hoping you'd make it back. we didn't drop you until we had replacements, but it sounds like you weren't making it back on anyway.

    i would love to do it again in 2 weeks. it's tough for me to make afternoons. 7:30pm EST is earliest i can guarantee. i have soccer on sundays but right now am in between season.

    We Rock!!!

    oh... and a public thank you to Chreb, my guildie, who scraped together some cash to loan me for wands so i didn't have to switch toons for a bank withdrawal. very cool.

    My DDO Vids: Added vids Mar'08
    Legends of Aerenal: Here in the beginning; here until the end! Caelan guild officer

  18. #38
    Community Member Yvonne_Blacksword's Avatar
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    he he...I had fun...I brought the BOOM...shakalak..Ashakalakashakalaka...
    For those continually sending the rest of my party about chromosonal deficiencies and that we suck....well...
    Poor sports are in every game...
    We put up with the chest thumping, the slightly inappropriate suggestions, the prowess discussions...

    It was nice not having to bother with that...

    Even if I did join late...I enjoyed the company.

  19. #39
    Community Member madmommajen's Avatar
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    Aug 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Caelan View Post
    Drusella - we carried your stone for the longest time as a totem! lol we kept hoping you'd make it back. we didn't drop you until we had replacements, but it sounds like you weren't making it back on anyway.
    Hey...I LOVE TOTEMS!! That sucks...I wish I had gotten back on. ****. Well there is always 2 weeks from now. And in the mean time, I'll be working on movin' on up. (Why does the Jefferson's theme song keep playing like that in my head?!?!?)
    Jen - Mom, Maid, Goddess in MySpace - Drusella (WF) -Barbarian 10, Petruchio (HL) - Bard 3, Annastacia (H) - Cleric 6, Katherina (D) - Pally 3
    Quote Originally Posted by Homer J.
    I want to share something with you, three sentences that will get you through life:
    #1 - Cover for me. #2 - Oh, good idea, Boss! #3 - It was like that when I got here.

  20. #40
    Community Member Vaarsuvius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caelan View Post
    oh... and a public thank you to Chreb, my guildie, who scraped together some cash to loan me for wands so i didn't have to switch toons for a bank withdrawal. very cool.
    AW shucks, I'd do anything for a purty lady.

    and I already told you sneak me in there next time so I can hear the girlie gossip
    that'd be thanks enuf

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