All Rogue all the time Shroud Raid Part Deux info here......
If the Rangers can do it so can we!!!!!!
All Rogue all the time Shroud Raid Part Deux info here......
If the Rangers can do it so can we!!!!!!
R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08
won't happen....not to burst your bubble.
Until you get a raid of fully geared people, it's simply not going to happen.
Prove me wrong...but I'm open to bets.
Already gone on one, so has that burst your bubble yet?
Yes we ran into some trouble the 1st time, but it seems perfectly doable, just requires some rethinking and carefull planning due to the lack of cc ect...
R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08
Hvymetal, I had such a blast the last time. I can't wait for the next run!
Pt.1 was cake, now we have to get pt.2 figured out.... mmmmm Cake...
Argonnessen's only Halfling Paragon.
and the rangers had one bard talk about an easy button
Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
Proud Member of Ascent
Arko Highstar
Arckos Highstar
Community Member
I did my first Shroud run (on any of my characters) the other day with my Rogue and it was really tough! That's awesome that you Rogues on Argonnessen are doing this! I'm on Ghallanda so I won't be able to participate. Most of the time the Shroud groups aren't looking for Rogues but I got in with a few guildies. Keep kicking a$$! Peace!
Lyandiir Arrowfel, Bullhorn, Premier, Bro. Ghallanda
Just a friendly reminder to those rogues who dont check out the rogue forums, there is an all rogue shroud raid scheduled for tomorrow, and spots are still available. Like i said, just a friendly reminder
I've got my affairs in order for the coming zombie apocalypse, do you?
So tomorrow?
Which is today. But not tomorrow; which it was yesterday.
oh and bump.
I am, Rameses!
Argonnessen's only Halfling Paragon.
The ragtag band of thieves and cut-throats managed to get through part three last night before we lost too many people to jobs and sleep or some such nonsense. Anyway, Im not so good w/ the whole computer thing, so ill leave the screenshots for someone like rameses.
I've got my affairs in order for the coming zombie apocalypse, do you?
Yep definitely fun, frustrating at timesbut fun.
Completion will be ours next time.
Xanther Falshun - 16Rogue - Baz Axeman - 8Fighter - Xanone 5Wizard - Argonnessen
proud member of Prophets of Velah
Grats guys, I saw you aggregating on the dais in Meridia and was wondering how it went!
Well it was a hard fight. We made it all the way to pt.3 (no one could figure out the dang 5x5s) So we ended up just purifing fountains before failure.
But man was it a fun time. Pt.2 was freeking hard; the orthon was all over us. The Gnoll died like 3 times. We all died several times over each. But that was the most fun I've had in a very long time.
I am, Rameses!
Argonnessen's only Halfling Paragon.