Silver Longbow-+2 19-20crit 1d10 dmg Holy ML:6
+1 Banishing Darkwood Longbow ML:10
Bow of the Elements(air)-+4 bow/+2 Dex/Shocking Burst ML:8 (x2)
+1 Keen Shortbow of Smiting ML:12
+1 Ghost Touch Shortbow of Greater Giant Bane ML:8
+1 Crippling Shortbow of Greater Elemental Bane ML:8
+1 Paralyzing Shortbow ML:10
+1 Acid Composite Shortbow of Greater Undead Bane ML:8
+1 Thundering Shortbow of Greater Aberration Bane ML:10
+2 Shock Composite Shortbow of Greater Evil Outsider Bane ML:10
+1 Seeker(4) Darkwood Repeating Heavy Crossbow of Greater Chaotic Outsider Bane ML:10
+1 Axiomatic Densewood Repeating Heavy Crossbow of Greater Monstrous Humanoid Bane ML:10
+1 Axiomatic Repeating Light Crossbow of Greater Gnoll Bane ML:10
+1 Paralyzing Quarterstaff ML:10
+1 True Chaos Quarterstaff of Smiting ML:10 RR: Dwarf(20)
+2 Quarterstaff of Greater Giant Bane ML:12
+1 Impact Quarterstaff of Disruption ML:12
+1 Banishing Quarterstaff ML:8 RR: Dwarf(18)
+1 Seeker(4) Quarterstaff of Greater Construct Bane ML:10
+1 Club of Disruption ML:10
+1 Paralyzing Light Mace ML:10
Flint-+4 Shocking Burst dagger ML:8 (x2)
+2 Superior Devotion 6 Dagger ML:10
+1 True Law Longsword of Disruption ML:12
+3 Light Pick of Greater Elemental Bane ML:10
Insurrection-+5 Great Axe/Construct Bane/Shatter +10 ML:12
+2 Dwarven Axe of Greater Construct Bane ML:8
+1 Thundering Bastard Sword of Greater Evil Outsider Bane ML:8
+2 Ghost Touch Dwarven Axe of Smiting ML:14
Dynastic Falcata-+4 Khopesh/+2 Chr/Adamantine/True Law ML:8
Prysuul's Bane-+4 Bastard Sword/Pure Good/Cold Iron ML:8
+1 Paralyzing Dwarven Axe ML:10
+1 Paralyzing Kama ML:10
Robe of Winter-Imp Fire Resist(20) ML:4
+5 Mithril Chain Shirt ML:8 (x2)
+5 Mithril Breastplate ML:8
Elemental Mithril Breastplate-+3 Mithril/Imp Fire and Cold Resist(20pts) ML:10
Desecrated Leathers - +4 Leather Greater Nimbleness(Max Dex Bonus+2(8)) ML:10
Enchanted Darkleaf Banded Armor- +1 Banded Armor/+4 Resistance ML:8
+5 Mithril Full Plate ML:8
Tourney Armor- AC +7 Max Dex:2 Penalty: -3 SF:35% (x2)
+5 Mithril Heavy Shield ML:8
+5 Mithril Light Shield ML:8
+5 Mithril Tower Shield ML:8
+3 Mithril Tower Shield ML:4
Cloak of Shadows-+7 Hide/+7 MS/+2 Protection ML:7
Surefooted Boots-+10 Balance/20% Striding ML:11
+6 Dexterity/+3 DD Gloves ML:13 RR: Dwarf(20)
Proof Against Poison Belt of Heavy Fortification ML:13 RR:Halfling(20)
+6 Charisma Cloak/+3 Hide
Cloak of Protection +5
Ogre Power Belt +1 of Greater False Life ML:13
Chaos Band +3 Int/Power 3/-2 Will Save ML:9
Chaosgarde ML:9
+1 Dexterity Tome
Hyena Claw Necklace-+7 Intimidate/+3 Con ML:9
Bottle of Air
Murlynd's Spoon ML:5
+6 Armor Bracers ML:11 RR: Warforged(18)
20 Tapestry Shreds (x10)
Reaver's Ring ML:9
Large Gem Bag
WANTS (RR:Human only)
Ring of Unknown Origins
Khopeshs- Disruption, Smiting(x2), Paralyzing
Ethereal Bracers
Spiked Boots
Kardin's Eye
Bloodrage Symbiont
Scourge Choker
Please conduct all trade business and correspondence via forum PMs