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  1. #1
    Community Member Jack_No.7's Avatar
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    Default crafting cookbook

    so ya, since this crafting thing is gonna continue to grow, we need a cookbook, that will stay in inventory and that we can either fill in ourselves, like a text document. or have it fill itself out when our character discovers a new recipe. its very tiresome to load up an internet browser every time i wanna craft or others wanna craft, its a time sink even though some would disagree. i really think this would be fairly easy to implement, but im no programmer im just a player.
    anyone agree?

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Jack_No.7 View Post
    so ya, since this crafting thing is gonna continue to grow, we need a cookbook, that will stay in inventory and that we can either fill in ourselves, like a text document. or have it fill itself out when our character discovers a new recipe. its very tiresome to load up an internet browser every time i wanna craft or others wanna craft, its a time sink even though some would disagree. i really think this would be fairly easy to implement, but im no programmer im just a player.
    anyone agree?
    I'm not certain how it would be best implimented. I mean I use sheets of paper myself. Going o start a rolladex of info also. But in game.. I just don't know what would be best without just giving stuff away. Unless it was some sort of favor reward or questing reward such as "making yourself known" (still nto certain what the heck the point of that one was.)

    But for now, you've also got your bio you can use to store notes in. I'm not saying using your bio is the solution, just a temp idea.

  3. #3
    Community Member BlueLightBandit's Avatar
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    Christ, this "we need an in-game encyclopedia" stuff is getting to me. This is like the seventh or eighth post in a week that wants something that they devs simply aren't going to introduce... regardless of the logistics.

    If they wanted to introduce a crafting "cookbook", they would have done so already. The rest of the DDO community has done a darn fine job of discovering these things for you... the least you could do is say thank you and use the information they've provided.

    If you don't want to open up your internet browser while in game, do so on your free time and write everything down on paper (like what was suggested already). Figure out what you need for your greensteel item, for your first tier upgrades, and for your second tier upgrades. Then instead of opening the browser, you'd just be looking at your own "cookbook" of sorts, and the devs don't need to do anything.
    Voice Chatter Apotheosis - If you don't know, you betta axe somebody.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quarion View Post
    No're not supposed to LIKE it... *sigh*

  4. #4
    Community Member Jack_No.7's Avatar
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    so 7-8 posts on the same topic and u think its pointless? dude seriously
    im askin for a textpad like document , something along the lines of biography box
    im not asking for it to fill itself, im asking that either we fill it out ourselves or the recipes appear when our character has discovered one. IM NOT ASKING FOR ALL THE **** RECIPES IN A BOOK
    this isnt for the shroud raid.... this is in anticipation of a huge crafting system that the devs had said was coming.
    i dont appreciate ur feedback at all bluelight its not even constructive, u read this thread like im a newb trying to make it easy for myself, guess uve never played with me. next time just /not signed and move on

  5. #5
    Community Member CSFurious's Avatar
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    Default ddo wiki

    this has already been created

    whoever puts the recipes on that site is a very smart & giving person

  6. #6
    Community Member Jack_No.7's Avatar
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    for an ingame version

  7. #7
    Community Member CSFurious's Avatar
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    Default ok

    i see that part now, my bad

    however, i like writing down my recipes & checking them off as i gather my ingredients

    what you want would be great though maybe it will happen one day, we can dream

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack_No.7 View Post
    for an ingame version

  8. #8
    Community Member Jack_No.7's Avatar
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    just find it makes it easier for people who want the full ingame experience, and not the hastle, of opening up a web browser, and double and triple checking recipes to make sure, and thats just with the shroud raid, i cant imagine how much recipes the real crafting is gonna have.

  9. #9
    Community Member BlueLightBandit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack_No.7 View Post
    for an ingame version
    There are better things for the devs to spend time on.

    And the fact that seven different threads come up discussing the same thing means the OPs are not searching for existing threads before posting new ones... which is poor forum partisanship. Seven people offering ideas does not make an idea "good", it just means that seven people are as misguided as the people before them that complained about the same thing.
    Voice Chatter Apotheosis - If you don't know, you betta axe somebody.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quarion View Post
    No're not supposed to LIKE it... *sigh*

  10. #10
    Community Member
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    The devs are pretty busy as it is. I doubt they will make time for this considering all else they have to do. You could just put it in your bio if you really want it in-game.

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