I know the AC threads have been discussed thoroughly in the last couple weeks, but I wanted to try and figure something out.
The problem is that the Mobs we face continue to have seemingly never-ending ever-increasing to-hit bonuses (say that three times fast). But my question is, WHY DON'T WE???? A tanks to-hit bonus has not gone up much with the level cap increase from 14 to 16 (only +2 from BAB ). As it stands now: No +7 STR items, there isn't a fourth stackable rage clickie
, +5 is still the highest weapon bonus (there is righteousness, but that was available at level 14), no +4 tomes dropping outta the raids, the only non-BAB increase might be from the +1 stat increase at 16 (but that makes most tanks STR odd
). So why exactly do Mobs not follow in this same logic???
As stated by Bor in an earlier thread, the mobs seem to be adding +20 to their to-hit rolls in MOD 6, to me that just seems utterly rediculous.