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  1. #1
    Community Member madmommajen's Avatar
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    Default More noob questions from the Old Lady

    I still consider myself a noob even though Drusella is now level 5 (how that has happened, I have no idea!)

    Anywho, a few things I've been wondering.

    What does "favor" mean? I hear players say how they're running for favor & I have NO CLUE what that means.
    What is the difference between a "quest" and a "raid"?

    OK...those are the only ones I can think of right off the top of my head at this moment. I had someone explain what a "tank" was the other day (and WOW did I have a blonde moment) and I figured out what "buff" was all on my own (and I was VERY proud!)

    Is there a list of terms somewhere on here I can reference? Good lord, I'm more & more becoming an addict.
    Jen - Mom, Maid, Goddess in MySpace - Drusella (WF) -Barbarian 10, Petruchio (HL) - Bard 3, Annastacia (H) - Cleric 6, Katherina (D) - Pally 3
    Quote Originally Posted by Homer J.
    I want to share something with you, three sentences that will get you through life:
    #1 - Cover for me. #2 - Oh, good idea, Boss! #3 - It was like that when I got here.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Favor is how well the houses, coin lords, ect. respect you. It is the star (pretty sure) icon on top by your inventory, map ect. You get so much favor points for each level of difficulty you compete a quest.

    ie. (these aren't the right numbers for this quest) low road normal 2 hard 4 elite 6

    Favor effects how much stuff cost in some of the houses, what kind of buffs you can buy, run fast trinket (around town only) and also bank slots. 400 total favor gets you a new race drow and 1750 favor gets you a +2 tome of your choice.

    Quests are up to 6 person "adventures" such as water works. Raids are up to 12 people, and usually longer and harder. (but not always true) The first raid you will be able to join will be tempest spine at somewhere between 7-9.

    Hope this helps.

  3. #3
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    Don't worry so much about your Noobian ways, somebody will always give you their 2 cents when asked.

    As far as the 'Tank' issue, I hope after it was explained to you, you were able to quip something along the lines of ~ 'And you call your build a tank?! no wonder I couldn't figure it out...'

    Enjoy your gaming & I hope i see you around.

    Stercus*Critheus*Okrist*Koffin~ all of Archmagi

  4. #4
    Community Member Caelan's Avatar
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    never worry about not getting things. you'll learn and when you do and someone asks you a question you know the answer to, you will answer without thinking and then realize afterwards. it's pretty cool.

    this thread lists a lot of the in-game lingo:

    also, /help in game i think lists all the different commands you can use (like /laugh or /resloc to find out where you are bound).

    favor is awarded based on difficulty and quest. it is a set amount for each quest. you only gain it once. so, if you complete the low road on elite once, or you complete it first on normal, then hard, then elite, you gain the same amount of favor. favor is divided by different groupings, such as the various houses, the coin lords, etc. as you gain incremental levels of favor the group giving it gives you something special in return (like extended buffs that do not get removed when you enter a quest or extra bank space or extra backpacks). overall favor also earns you extra stuff, like being able to open the drow race in character creation at 400 total favor. or at 1750 favor you get a +2 tome of your choice. it also opens up more character slots. often when ppl state they are running something for favor, they are doing it on elite as quickly as possible, not getting the optionals, and not caring about xp. many times there will be ppl running characters of much higher level than the quest is really designed for.

    raids are 12 man quests. most of them (not tempest spine, though) require pre-requisites before you can enter them. The Vault of Night has what is commonly referred to as VONs 1 - 4. The Titan raid has that you have to first do Hiding in Plain Sight (HiPS) followed by 2 quests on the Restless Isles (Shrieking Mines, Bring Me the Head of Ghola Fan) in which you collect sigil pieces that are then brought to an NPC to put together to give you access to the raid. Both of these have a raid quest that leads directly into the final confrontation. VoN requires that you repeat the pre-quests each time to enter the raid. Titan requires you to only have the sigil that were put together to do the raid again. Gianthold has the Reaver Raid. There are 3 prequests to this that are done, as well as having to collect 3 sets of 20 relics, then you do the pre-raid. During the pre-raid there is an option to kill 3 dragons separately. Successfully doing these three options is called Blooding. Once your character is blooded you can do the Reaver Raid (it does not lead directly into it like the other two raids). You do not have to repeat any of the quests or anything to re-do the Reaver Raid. All raids are on timers requiring you wait 3 days (or something around that) between running them over again. There are more raids but by the time you get to them you will not need any of this information because you will be a super-leet veteran.
    My DDO Vids: Added vids Mar'08
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  5. #5
    Community Member Qzipoun's Avatar
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    Nov 2006


    I'm pretty sure there's a "glossary" feature in the game you can use through one of the chat windows... no idea how to use it though

    /help might ... well it might help.

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