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  1. #141
    Community Member Bella_Lestrange's Avatar
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    I made this complaint running tangleroot recently.
    In that quest between every section you have the ability to go back to the tavern for your HP.
    I was playing with a mainly tank group, and I finally had to make it clear that if they weren't going to shrine, or heal their HP when not fighting and there was no reason for them not to that I just wasn't going to heal them.
    Playing a cleric is fun, but it gets frustrating with people who don't help themselves.
    Between running ahead without help and getting killed and the comment "You could have healed me, you know" (Oh really, from two rooms back?),
    and the people who don't bring potions along. It gets to where you dont want to play the cleric anymore.
    That and the nonstop tells to come to another group, even though you are already in one.

  2. #142
    Community Member edana's Avatar
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    help me, help you, HELP ME, HELP YOU - "Jerry Maguire"

    PS. casters please bring some heal pots too, especially in shroud.

  3. #143


    Quote Originally Posted by samho View Post
    It's the robe drop of SC which is ML 4, comes with Improved Fire Resistance, and resist potion from Twelve is ML 6.
    If its ML 4 how you gonna use it in STC? I mean never been there with anything over level 3!
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    *pokes the patch with a stick* get out there you,
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    We were pretty up front that the twf update was going to be a nerf regardless of lag or not.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Um, I'm almost afraid to ask, but exactly just what is 'sneak humping'?

  4. #144
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    I am sick to death of the wizzie with 38 health running ahead and getting crunched when there are two viable tanks in the party. Also, I am tired of healing the idiot jumpers without FF that lose half their bar by not taking the ladder.

    Oh. And you barbarians that like to throw your body through every trap? I'm letting you die with the 38 health wizards that think they're tanks.

  5. #145
    Community Member azrael4h's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beherit_Baphomar View Post
    Or how about the bard that almost dies getting to Running with the Devils, I mean down to a slither...cant even see his red...
    zones in, leaves mobs at doorway, and stands there waiting, I assume, for me to zone in to heal him?
    Now, the fighter was at the same health, but he's a fighter. It would take alotta cash in pots to get him up to par.
    But a bard??

    I asked, before healing him, if he carried wands...he said no, spell.

    And stood there...
    My Fighter carries Heal scrolls. The other one will too, once she's high enough UMD to use them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bella_Lestrange
    That and the nonstop tells to come to another group, even though you are already in one.
    Go Anon. Hit 'O', go to "who" panel, click the little box at the bottom. IIRC, I haven't had to deal with it in awhile.
    Anyone who disagrees is a Terrorist...

    Cthulhu 2020 Never settle for the lesser evil...

  6. #146
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    Rise from the grave old necro'd thread!
    "Hireling" and "Hjealer"
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  7. #147
    Micki's Delirium
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    I was running the threnal chain the other day with a semi good team. At one point my cleric got hit and was left lying with hp -7. I asked if anyone could give me a heal so I wouldn't die and 4/5 didn't have any way of getting me up. I would consider this unacceptable.

  8. #148
    Join Date
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    Holy freaking 3 year and some months thread necro...

    Agreed to the general point though, stack of cure serious pots is a few k at the guild vendor if your haggle sucks, really no reason not to carry them.

  9. #149
    Community Member JasonJi72's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forgeborn View Post

    Holy freaking 3 year and some months thread necro...

    Holy Necrotica Batman! Yes, almost 4 years! That has to be in the top 10 of the graverobber forums.

    Agreed to the general point though, stack of cure serious pots is a few k at the guild vendor if your haggle sucks, really no reason not to carry them.
    You are correct. If you do not have some way of stopping your companion from bleeding out, you are a failed experiment in the great gene pool of ddo and should join this thread in the nether realms. HHMMMHAHAHA!

    *Evil laughter dissipates into nothingness...*
    Jyn... Kender... Thelanis

    *Insert clever comment here*

  10. #150
    Community Member Jumonis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arlith View Post

    If a cleric doesn't heal, I don't swing my sword, or pull my bow, or cast my spell.
    True enough, and as a cleric I accept that and do my best to play my role - but in accepting that I'm also expecting others to play theirs.

    Recently ran several quests that were ridiculous in the amount of pots / scrolls that had to be used, i perservered right up to the point where the paladin ran ahead, collected all the agro and then realising he'd pulled too much ran straight back at me. Healed him, and then killed myself by dropping BB's - at which point all the aggro turned on me, and the others in the party distanced attacked while screaming for heals.

    Everyone has a role to play, but some players would do well to remember the cleric can only keep you alive if you keep the aggro off of him..

    Quote Originally Posted by Arlith View Post

    I do not tip EVERY cleric I run with. I will if they expend what I consider excessive resources. I will also help out with wands/$$ when Rangers/Bards/Pallys are the "healers" in the group.
    Again fair enough, I choose to burn scrolls over spell points to make sure I have enough sp to help out when things get really bad, and occasionally I do get tipped (The most recent being 100 Heal scrolls - and yes, I was impressed)

    Quote Originally Posted by Arlith View Post

    If you want to complain about the high cost of gaming, feel free. But remember it costs everyone.
    I dont always think its a case of clerics complaining, but 'some' (not all) players do think that if you have a cleric in the party that means you dont have to worry about any healing at all.

    I run with my radiant aura at all times - most parties run back to me when they need heals or they stay close, the bad ones run off in different directions and dont stop to think about health. Clerics cant be everywhere at once, we cant cast 5 seperate heals (and mass heal needs you close) and we cant heal people we cant see, so shouting heal me when you have run off down the corridor doesnt help

    Running a good cleric is like running a good anything, you pay attention to the elements that your good at and you work with the party. Cost becomes a moot point as you progress, I dont mind the pp cost of scrolls / wands, but I do mind the abuse some players think they can dish out when there own roles are sadly lacking

    Some examples from pugs in the last 5 days..

    Ranger screaming to be healed after running of and jumping to somewhere I couldnt reach
    Barbarian calling me useless for not healing him - despite the fact id been dead for 10 minutes
    Paladin claiming to be a super-tank type, then drawing all the aggro back to the cleric and running off to hide
    and my favourite - the party all but wiped, only fighter left standing but thats ok as he has a raise clickie - which he used on the wizard, who didnt have dd and neither had any heal pots - and yes less than a minute later it was a wipe.

    That said, these are the minorities, most groups (guild & pugs) are quite good and where possible I always make a point of trying to stay as close to barbarians / fighters as possible as they often need healing. I've died many a time rescuing parties and been brought back to life more times than I care to remember by druids but thats part of the game, I dont scream and shout at the others, and if I mess up I will generally apologise to the group for being an idiot (Those moments when the cleric forgets that despite having a big axe he's not the fighter...).

    Clerics do get a raw deal sometimes, and sometimes clerics are really bad at their role - but this game is 6 of one and half a dozen of the other. People have to accept that roles cost (Fighters with CSW pots, Rogues with wands, Wizards with ingredient etc) but equally people should accept some responsibility for their actions.

    I seem to have rambled a bit there but hopefully those that took the time to read followed the gist
    (Ghallanda) Jumonis (Lorica)| Junomis (Tyrs Paladium) |

  11. #151
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    We really need some sort of thread necro award.

  12. #152
    The Hatchery danotmano1998's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dominp View Post
    Not more then 5 minutes later after we killed off a few mobs he stops and turns to the cleric and asks for a heal. This is completly after the battle is over, no mobs around, we are just regrouping and continuing on.

    Why do so many people insist on heals from the cleric when no battle is going on and could easly gulp down a pot or 2 to top off.
    1. Target self
    2. Turn on Radiant Aura

    That's all there is to it. Shouldn't be any reason to top anyone off, that is what the aura is for while you're running to the next fight!
    After a bad battle you toss a radiant burst.
    <-Curelite Bottling Company->

    Quote Originally Posted by Chilldude
    Dude, did you see they way that guy just pressed button 1? It was amazing! A display of skill unseen since the 1984 World Games where in the men's room, between events, a man washed his hands with such unbridled majesty that people were claiming the faucet he used was OP.

  13. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by danotmano1998 View Post
    1. Target self
    2. Turn on Radiant Aura

    That's all there is to it. Shouldn't be any reason to top anyone off, that is what the aura is for while you're running to the next fight!
    After a bad battle you toss a radiant burst.
    This thread is so old, I wouldn't be surprised if aura and bursts didn't exist.

  14. #154
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    Wow this thread has all the spirit cakes.

  15. #155
    Community Member
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    Mmmhmmm but I also like reading these old threads to get an insight into the DDO world of 2008. I like history ^^

  16. #156
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    Default Get with the program - the game has evolved

    The original poster is correct. Unltess in a fight or specialized situation you should be able to top yourself off. The age where clerics were your personal nanny are over and get over it. If you can not stand this idea get a static group.

  17. #157
    Community Member Charononus's Avatar
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    wow this thread is a double necro

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