"The paladins heard yelling "Im a gimp!" over and over." rofl
"The paladins heard yelling "Im a gimp!" over and over." rofl
Im sorry it angers you but I dont see spending 2 wand clicks or 1 empowered cure light to cure 30pts when you have spell resistance, FOM, every resist possible, greater hero, aid, shield of faith, recitation, barksin, stoneskin, deathward a ranger & a MC paladin in group. If the 30 pts are so important theres a lot a ways to get it.
As a soft rule I dont throw out single cure spells.... only true heals and mass cures unless 1 person is front lining and hes the only one taking damage.
Thats my playstyle..... I tightly manage my SP after I buff heavily. If 30 hp means the difference of life & death the player really should carry pots.
Lately many of my fighters havent been carrying pots at all I just let the healers know I ll be eating hams... just not in combat (actually I eat hams in combat sometimes also)
Ever bleed out in a thornbush? Welcome to UD14.
Sorry guys... Got to disagree here.
If you're a non-battle cleric the group has you around to heal. Kinda like a wizard saying why should I GH you? Get your own Planar Gird. Sorry seems a bit petty to me.
We all have rolls in the party to play. Kinda unfair to expect a Ranger to wand heal himself up @ 13kgp per wand when you can do it at 30 spell points. Call me crazy...
Most of the folks I play with have no problem tipping me when I'm on my cleric. If you're not getting tipped maybe you should ask yourself why...
If you feel like it's ONLY your responsibility to heal in battle then hang up your cleric. Ask for tips if nessecary, warn em when you're getting low on mana, but don't be petty.
Last edited by Draclaud; 03-21-2008 at 06:21 PM.
...the eyes of a ghastly white vampire stare back at you...his fangs gleam in the light from your torches and lanterns...In your heart, you know that most who have seen this face never lived to see another
A cleric should heal when needed. That is something that is best done by a cleric. After a battle a ranger and paladin can and should help out as well. At end game the only thing that really makes a huge difference is well timed mass heals and the heal spell. Up until then a class that can wand whip is just as good as a cleric after a battle, so if you want to get healed during the fight help heal after one too.
The real problem with finding good clerics is not that they are that expensive (at least until high levels) is that there are so many people who build a character with only end game in mind they are a complete mana sponge and waste at level 6 or 8.
I am leveling (among others) a dwarven cleric to basically replace my elven one (first character uber gimped) and I have yet to buy a wand or a scroll for him yet and he has just hit 8th level. Clerics are only expensive to level up if you let them be.
BUT what I am finding is that there are a ton of characters running around that are next to useless because they are built with high levels in mind and refuse to play a style that works for the level that they currently are. I did a Delera's run on normal lvls 5 - 7 which should be, and was, pretty straightforward and easy. However one member of the group was a WF bard 5/fighter 1 who I guess was going for the warchanter angle. The problem was he took more damage than the rest of the group combined, didn't (or couldn't) heal himself at all, and was contributing far less than other "melee" characters in the group. Give him another 5 or 6 levels he might be a great character (might), but now he was a pain in the neck and by far the biggest waste of a party slot.
I also recently did a normal run on Stormcleave also a lvl 5 - 7 group on normal. There were a couple of drow fighters that were level 6 and 7, and while they did rack up a lot of kills and seemed to be doing ok damage, but only ok neither one were all that impressive, they were taking a ton of damage every fight! I swear the level 7 fighter had maybe 80 or 90 hps and would have been dead within minutes if I wasn't constantly watching them. I swear to god sheild must be a dirty word at mid levels cause I almost never see anyone use one. You can't hit anything when dual weilding anyway and power attack means you take a -5 to hit. You will actually do more damage by turning it off and strapping on a shield!
For the love of all that is holy you can re do feats, enhancements, equipment pretty much anything except for stats. Up until lvl 10 or so a decent AC and a little self preservation goes a long long way. A level 8 cleric does not have access to the heal spell so we are left healing with CSW both in terms of wands and sp. It takes a lot to heal 250 hps, so unless you are bringing hams, candy canes, potions, or wands put on a **** sheild or watch your aggro and stop thinking it's level 16! This game is more than level 14+ and if more people payed attention to their effectiveness at mid levels you may have more clerics willing to play with you at those levels.
Last edited by Frodo Lives; 03-21-2008 at 06:35 PM.
I agree with you 100% ...... well said.
Protect yourself as best you can and Ill keep you buffed and healed within 90% - 95% of your max. The rest is up to you....... I wont wast sp tidying up loose ends or a stray 15 - 50 hp unless the entire group is down that much.
Ever bleed out in a thornbush? Welcome to UD14.
Sounds like you had a frustrating day. My best advice is to not take it to heart. For all those horrible "OMG what were they thinking?" moment you encounter, you should have some "OMG, wow, that was so awesome of them to do that" moments to help balance it all out.
There's been some really frustrating groups I've been in with my various toons. It can get to the point where you want to rant and vent.
But also try and keep in mind the good times you know? Like when you hook up with that really smooth group, where everything just clicks. Where even if/when things get dicey, no one hits orange. No one runs outta heal range. Everyone reacts properly to the emergency. People let a bard fascinate and don't go breaking the fascinate, things get under control ... whatever. Just try and remember those times where you thought things were gonna go south and BAM, good group, good teamwork, good times just turn it all sunny.
Let that help take the sting out of the times you mention above where things just went sour.
It doesn't always work. But it's what I try to do.
I find it more expensive to play my bard than my cleric (lvl 9 and 10 respectively).
He's a THW warforgedchanter. I don't have the mana to buff, haste and heal (and kill everything). I had to shelve him for a while after I burned through all my cash buying CSW wands.
At this point I realized that it was actually easier to solo some of these quests than play the healer for a group.![]()
Of course it would be expensive, it's like asking a ranger to be the main healer for a lvl 9 - 10 group. No one expects that so why should they expect a WF warchanter to do so? I wouldn't join groups that expected me to be the main healer on a character like that.
But you are self suffecient and are not a major drain on the cleric who is in the group. That is all anyone should ask.
And that is all most clerics ask, if you can heal plz do so. Help out, and help out your cleric by watching how you do play and by making sure it's not in a style that you need a cleric to keep you upright for more than 10 consecutive seconds.
I get the opposite situation, the cleric that want's to heal you every two seconds. Just back off for a bit man, I'm a Paladin and can take care of myself. I would never walk into a quest with any character that couldn't self heal whether it's pots or not. It's just silly the cleric cannot focus all his attention on everyone at all times, so what else are you going to do? Sit there and die?
"And if Bruce Dikinson wants more cowbell, we should probably give him more cowbell!"
this is the way it is for most healing clerics... I will admit though I've been yelled at by many a cleric for chugging down my potions after a fight too...
One of the biggest problems with some people though is just this - what's mine is mine and what's your's is mine. - What I typically mean by that is that not enough players look at the party resource bars during a fight let alone after and think of them as party resources not thier own. I would particularly like to save the sp bars all I can in a quest because I'm thinking most the time about what's ahead and would like every available resource we can muster for the completion... I'm not into making certain classes pay for my fun too - in fact the game is suppose to be fun for everyone in the party.
Last edited by Emili; 03-21-2008 at 10:02 PM.
♣ A Baker's dozen in the Prophets of the New Republic and Fallen Heroes. ♣
Abaigeal(TrBd25), Ailiae(TrDrd2), Ambyre(Rgr25), Amilia(Pl20), Einin(TrRgr25), Emili(TrFgt25), Heathier(TrClc22), Kynah(TrMnk25), Meallach(Brb25), Misbehaven(TrArt22), Myara(Rog22), Rosewood(TrBd25) and Sgail(TrWiz20) little somethings with flavour 'n favour
Hmm, yea he should have taken the pot and used it, but cmon. Why shouldn't the cleric heal after the battle? That's what a cleric does...
and yes I know you can get cure pots, but do you know that they are expensive? And usually level 3-4 don't have much money for cure pots.
You can't just expect every player in the game to go around wastin money on cure pots...otherwise they wouldn't ever get a cleric, and just play more skillfully(which is what clerics should advise, if not push for)
every character i play except for one can use either spells or wands to self heal
only my 650hp barb doesn't carry pots, because honestly, it's not worth it...i'll just go on with ~100-200 damage until the cleric throws a heal at me eventually
the thing i really hate is clerics who refuse to heal you unless you pay them...i put them in the same category as plat farmers...and i've found this more so the case at low/mid levels than higher ones, which is why i'm hardly on my lowbie...i don't feel like throwing you 2000 plat for you to still not throw heals/buffs/raises when they're needed, that money could be better used on a wand or some pots for me to keep myself alive
Alts: Elantra, Kitred, Camellio, Vicala
Hey you there, stop exploiting the game for your entertainment, log off immediately.
Here is my rule of thumb with my cleric, for what its worth.
If a party donates, I will use my heal scrolls and wands to help them out.
If not then they get spell points until I run out then thats it.
If asked for heals I will give them, but when spell points are gone...there gone
Part of this "problem" seems to be about being self sufficient and the other is a play style issue. For good or for worse my first ever toon was a cleric. Being a cleric is outstanding for getting groups, leveling and learning the quests-although most of the time u stare at bars, and is also a crash course in leadership. I have since retired my cleric and am starting a new one while I play my capped bard who usually helps backup heal. While playing a cleric or bard I find taking control early in the missions is a must. As a cleric or backup most of the time you are either healing or looking for other ways to contribute to the group and as such see things from a bigger perspective. You are the one in a position to direct and see things before they happen- while everyone else is concentrated on melee or casting. Direction is important!! DO NOT be afraid to tell someone they are taking to much damage and eating up your heals(its up to you to decide where they are best placed). DO NOT feel bad when you direct someone to take a different role- I once told a squishy zerging rogue stay back to "defend" me from mobs because up front he was getting owned. The point is.. as a healer or backup(my multi-talented bard) YOU are the one of the few people in a position to be in charge and control the flow of the game. If a barbarian is zerging ahead; let him(I find keeping them at half health or in my backpack teaches them) if you are shrining say so and have the group stay together, lay down some rules. Who will lead the group if not you? Who has a better view of the quest progress then the cleric? Not everyone else who, once again, is involved in casting and melee. If you are in a group that can't follow your guidance(which is diff from ordering everyone around and being a jerk..must have some tact) maybe its better that you cut your losses find another group and save some aggravation. As far as taking care of yourself it is not hard at low level as a few pots can keep your health up and topped off in between. At higher levels I DO NOT expect certain toons, especially my bard, to get a heal. Thats what umd is for and I keep as many wands as a cleric- having the ability to cast heal scrolls and wand whip helps the cleric out. Rangers/Paladins and other classes have wand use as well and although I do not expect them to constantly heal themselves, they should know when they are getting owned enough to back off(if they dont know, tell them) and either heal themselves or let the cleric get to them. My final point is this.. other party members should try to help you out and make your life easier BUT you are not helping yourself either when you offer no guidance to the group as you then become part of the problem.
Last edited by Naturelaughslast; 03-21-2008 at 10:47 PM.
---Ghallanda Server, Officer of Darkhorse Legion...Farnese of the Uber Bardyness---
Alice: I was just wondering if you could help me find my way. Cheshire Cat: Well that depends on where you want to get to. Alice: Oh, it really doesn't matter.. Cheshire Cat: Then it really doesn't matter which way you go. -Alice in Wonderland
I realize this is a sticky situation, but come on guys. How about this, before you enter an instance, ask the party members to tell you who is "self-sufficient", so you'll know who to focus on. That is called being a good cleric, to know who you're healing. When the lousy rogue with almost no HP says he aint, and the fighter says he has got pots, then maybe the rogue would fell bad and go buy some pots or something. The main thing is COMMUNICATION between party members even before the quest starts.
Keeping your mouth shut in the quest and then coming to the forums to b&#ch about it does absolutely no one any good. I am pretty sure the crappy players you refer to aren't reading these posts.
This game is about players helping players be better players and that is everyone's job.
/rant off.
Officer of ARCHANGELS - Thelanis
Strummie . Gruffie . Jinksy . Perversion . Sluffie . Indulgent . Adjuration . Wary . Disparage . Subdue . Affinity . Bestial . Contrivance . Indria . Thermo . Outlandish
for better or worst hehe my first and only 28 point toon still alive is my cleric, and not just any cleric, but a waforge cleric(sorry fellas i liked the irony of the casters having to depend on the one race they most hated to deal with), but have noticed several thought stated so far, but i ve seen one that keeps get missunderstanded( to me anyway that is), some of us clerics are not saying, "hey if ya dont pay us we re not going to heal ya" what we re saying is we ll do our best to keep ya alive as long as we can with the SPELL POINTS and may be a FEW wands and scrolls, if ya want us to use a bunch of res scrolls, heals scrolls and wands, a little help with them is aprecciated. this is a team game,(and yes i know some of ya love solo stuff and thats great, it shows a lot of adaptive ability, which make you guys fun to run with when your around) we re all here to have fun, and i dont know about others but play'in "cutthroat" is not that much fun, i didnt join ddo to play PVP.
second minor note, if ya have ever seen a cleric only run or been a part of one, ya realize they fill fast, from my stand point, its because its fun; im not just standing around healing; and i make some money instead of spend it.
i m not speaking for all clerics, nor am i trieing to step on toes, and by all means i m not askin for *snort* a 100k plat. just on occations like heavy raids, and long runs, where sp pools are just not enough insurence, a little bit will make everyone s day better
and ye a i know this is a wasted post spouted hundreds of time, but hey i feel better, and maybe i helped some one.....
no i m not fanning the kolbold, i m try'in to kill him, hush up you....!!
Are you on Thelanis? If so, please PM your character names so i know to never group with you.Here is my rule of thumb with my cleric, for what its worth.
If a party donates, I will use my heal scrolls and wands to help them out.
If not then they get spell points until I run out then thats it.
If asked for heals I will give them, but when spell points are gone...there gone
Man, out of all the classes in the game, Clerics have the biggest chips on their shoulders.
How about I start charging you for my spell components and my time spent FoD-ing and Holding the mobs that are pummeling you on the head? Or the rogue charges per trap disabled?
I hope to God you at least mention that's your play-style before the group gets underway.
I asked a fighter type the other day if Sunder stacked. He asked me what Sunder was so I told him. He said he never uses that stuff, he just swings away. My theory is the fighters who make it to 16 were also good at mid-level and have always known and studied the proper techniques. The mid level slashers never progress (because they die lol) any further. I have started a couple low level clerics lately and so have been around a lot of low level fighters who appear to be experienced players, or at least know the quests very well, but can't keep from taking big time damage and you guessed it, are not carrying a shield.
I think all fighting types should be required to level a cleric to level 5.
I'm going to assume you posted that as flamebait, but what the hell. You think cure pots are expensive? Go buy some CSW wands and see how quickly your plat pile disappears.
If you think a cleric is nothing more than a healbot, then I feel sorry for you as you've never played with a good cleric. A good cleric will keep you buffed so she doesn't need to burn mana on heals. A good cleric will use some offensive spells for crowd control, again to save you getting seven shades of snot kicked out of you. A good cleric will also heal you up after a battle (unless you are a tardy who plays with the attitude that "i don't care about hp, we have a cleric"). Even then, a good cleric will probably still heal you (just not as quickly).
While we are on funny cleric stories... PoP run, pretty good group except for a dual wield tank who charges in loses most of his (self professed) 400hp in 14 femto-seconds and then demands constant heals. I found out about the hp when he told me to "stop wasting my mana casting cure crit on the group as he has over 400hp"... That's not the funny part. He then proceeds to tell me that I should stay in the rooms when we pull the switch so I can keep him healed. I tell him that its probably better if I wait out so that I can res him in the event that he dies. He tells me that I should stay and its fine if I die because he can just take me to a res shrine. I would have explained the concept of irony to him, but I'm pretty sure he didn't have the capability to understand the explanation.
Last edited by Llandorin; 03-22-2008 at 12:27 AM.