ok this is getting really bad guys and I know everyone doesnt do it but it just seems like so many do now that it is getting out of control. Running thru STK the other day and a rogue grabs some gold from chest but leaves a Cure Mod pot and other items in a chest and then continues on. Not more then 5 minutes later after we killed off a few mobs he stops and turns to the cleric and asks for a heal. This is completly after the battle is over, no mobs around, we are just regrouping and continuing on.
Now I have played clerics before but this is exactly the reason that I now almost never do. Why do so many people insist on heals from the cleric when no battle is going on and could easly gulp down a pot or 2 to top off. I for one feel the only time a cleric should be dishing out heals is during battle or maybe someone running thru a trapped area that may cause him to go down, but if your able to sit there and type "heal?" then you can certaining click on a pot from your hotbar.... I know most people are just unprepared but come on, if your going to go running something like ww, stk, tangleroot or whatever make sure you are prepared. Bring your own pots and not just heals but lesser restore and remove curse also while your at it. And this post goes double for all the rangers, paladins and bards who for some reason still dont have the concept down of picking up their own heal wands in advance to take care of their own wounds on a quest.
I guess this is why everyone thinks playing a cleric is so expensive and it can be if you have to waste mana and then wands to heal people who dont want to take the time to grab their own heal pots before they head out. Maybe I am just spoiled but I remember questing in my old guild and never even having to pull out a cure mod wand and actually having mana available for battle heals and crowd control, it works out nicely when you play with people that get it I guess.
something I forgot to add before was a story from a few weeks back when I had to try 12 times (12!!!) to heal our incapped cleric with my heal kit cause the paladin, ranger and ranger/rogue in the group didnt have any wands. Here are 3 toons capable of using cure wands and none of them had one. Granted we were not very high level, 2 and 3 and the paladin had used his LOH already but how sad is it for everyone to be standing around watching a dwarf barbarian try and try to revive the cleric cause they didnt bother to grab a wand and of course no heal kits either.