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  1. #1
    Community Member Slapphappy's Avatar
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    Feb 2007

    Default A crazy, random idea for the AH

    Okay... so the servers are down and I am done browsing the forums. What I want to be doing is shopping on the auction house. My haggle toon has a little jingle burning a hole in her pocket wondering what cool weapons are on sale today.

    Then this idea comes to me... What if the Auction wasn't exclusively in the game, but also somehow along side the game in a separate web page? If there was a web-presence where the auctions from all the various servers were pooled?

    Now, I am not a techie type at all so I don't know how this would work. Maybe we could log in a toon to this special auction house just as a name and a platinum amount. Maybe we would have "off-shore accounts" where our in-game characters could ship out some of their gold to use shopping in this special AH?

    Y'all are better at this sort of thing than I am, but just my random idea for the day.

    Happy Easter one and all.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Apr 2006


    IIRC not long ago the devs made it so all auctions freeze when they take the servers down for maintenance, so even if this feature existed you wouldn't be able to bid or buy or post.

  3. #3
    Founder Xalted_Vol's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Thats a great idea man

    Cool idea dude whats up now we need this.

  4. #4


    It would help those of us that don't log in every day to check on auctions, but are on the forums daily (like me).
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  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Feb 2008

    Default Hay slapphappy Just what dont you understand about Platt farmers.

    YOU know those chinezz people who keep trying to sell 5,000 plattimum for 25 american green backs. just let us see what your credit card number is and will give you 50 billion plats and all the armor weapons you could posibly want. DONT YOU UNDERSTAND THIS??? While we the REAL customers are on the game, every crook in hongkong/canton, will be raiding the auctions off game. if you think the auction prices are high now???
    think about it. Oh if anyone is reading this, thank you for getting rid of the spam mail. i guess slapp happy was not botherd by those plat farmer letters.

  6. #6
    Community Member HumanJHawkins's Avatar
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    Oct 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Slapphappy View Post
    What if the Auction wasn't exclusively in the game, but also somehow along side the game in a separate web page?
    This has been suggested before... As well as web access to characters, so you could, for example, re-arrange your equipment / bank storage while off-line (or on a break at work).

    It is not technologically difficult, but might require infrastructure changes. And it might also require expertise in an area that Turbine is not currently proficient. (Web/DB development is different enough from traditional App/DB development that there may also be a technophobia factor... Yes, a brilliant C++ programmer can still be technophobic about a different technology.)

    But it would be really sweet... It would set DDO apart from other games. It would be a benefit that might attract (or keep) customers in the game. So I hope they bring it up for consideration again.
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