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  1. #1
    Community Member yeoleADD's Avatar
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    Mar 2008

    Default DDO newb (and AD&D nut) looking for guild for max gaming enjoyment...

    Hello all!

    First off- I'm enjoying this game very much indeed. I'm a former DM for AD&D (~'79-'85) and I've recently reviewed the 3.5 cores, so I understand the PnP game fairly well. DDO seems ideally suited to the rather complex mechanics of combat developed in the 3+ cores.

    I'm still a newbie to DDO. I've been playing for about 2.5 weeks and I've built a 5th lvl barbarian. However, I did not realize that I should have completed the 1-4 level quests on all diff. levels in order to get the best gear and the most favor. I usually completed the quests in groups on "normal", but I also completed several on "solo" only. Therefore, I'm a bit short on favor and have fewer powerful weapons than I'd like (though several cool players gave me some great stuff!).

    I am interested in playing first-time quests slowly, seriously, for the best feel-of-the-game/escapism. I would also like to run quests already completed on higher diffs for the favor/items/xtra XP. Apart from re-running old quests at higher levels, I am not interested in playing DDO in some kind of ultra-competitive, mathematical manner where players rush through the game like automatons, exploit bugs, and otherwise obviate the immersion/gaming feel that I'm looking for.

    I understand that to best appreciate the game, one should join a guild, especially with >4th level characters. How should I go about locating a guild as a newb with my present character? My concern is that no decent guild would want a newb like me . Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
    Last edited by yeoleADD; 09-15-2009 at 12:56 AM.

  2. #2
    Founder Ducky's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    The easiest thing to do is keep playing until you find a player you enjoy questing with and ask him if he enjoys his/her guild and start hinting at your desire to check them out.

    You could also take the blind date approach and hit up the guild match forum or browse through this server forum looking for something that might suit you.

    Just be aware that there are guilds just as bad as pugs out there. so it's not always the solution to rush into something.

  3. #3
    Community Member BattleCircle's Avatar
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    Default Juxtaposed Jesters

    If you are interested I am in the process of starting a new guild for low level characters, as I have several in the 2-7 range. In the process means I just thought of a name, and only have one member . But you gotta start somewhere. It would be a great way to learn, and have fun, Just send a pm, and we can talk about it in game. At level 5 you are still low enough to get xp while hunting favor from the lower quests so don't worry about it too much

  4. #4
    Community Member tman's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Right way to quest?

    There is no right or wrong way to quest at low levels. My advice for the "real" newbie DDO player is to not worry about favor, xp or loot. Just enjoy the scenery and depth of the quests. I agree with the other post, if you can find a few people that are new to the game as you are, go adventure with them. Going through a quest where it is everyone's first time is very very cool. There will be plenty of time for you to power your way through later on.

    If you are PUG'ing (looking for a random group), then ask the leader if they are powering through the quest or crawling through it before you join them, or start your own group and state in the note that you are crawling through the quest and looking for others interested in the same thing. Agree with the other post, find a guild that might be new to the game and learn it together.

  5. #5
    2015 DDO Players Council Daerius of the Blessed Blades's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    HEY! Welcome to my favorite game and my two year addiction!

    My thoughts are that yes, there ARE some fabulous guilds out there. I personally think Lifetakers and Heartbreakers is the best, but I am understandably biased (see signature below).

    Here's where the challenge is for all new players: long time (or even intermediate) players to this game have run Waterworks, Shan to kor, Tangleroot, <insert quest level 1-4 here> so many times, the default mode is often to zerg through it, get the XP and the end reward, and move on. It sucks, but I think players often assume that everyone else is in the same boat...because often, we are.

    When running with non-guildees, I always ask "Is anyone new to this quest?" and then "How do you want to play this -slow with no spoilers, slow w/spoilers (traps over there, skip that hall, etc) or "git'r done!" speed? It is hard to let someone stumble into traps, or spend an extra 2 hours in Tangleroot, but I think it's worth it to keep new folks interested in the game.

    As for guilds, our website has more info about us. We have all levels and have been around for two years with most of our same faces (but lots of new ones, too ). If nothing else, we have several folks working on their low levels that would love to run with ya!

    Hope to see you in Stormreach!
    Founder, The Circle of Night (Now on Orien!): Daerius (FvS), Khrandok (Alch/Arti), Branwynn (Brd), Vharcan (War), Alluriaan (Rog), et. al.

  6. #6
    Community Member theedtwo's Avatar
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    yea, welcome to some of our most addictided game of 07 (1 year addiction here). i will help u as well. look me up under the Iwills. i can get u in my babby guild it is still workin on growing up... hope to see u round....

    LONG LIVE DRAGONRENNISANCEBROTHERHOODJR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! (the guild i am the leader of )

  7. #7
    Community Member ToeTank's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Feel free to look up any of my alts as well. I love helping new players out and I have several alts in your level range. I am a very casual player that started back at game launch. I am several of my guild mates would be happy to take you through some dungeons so you can experience the entire thing. I don't get on as much as I used to now that I became a dad 6 weeks ago but if I am on, send me a tell and I will help you out.
    Returning from hiatus in 2008.

  8. #8
    Community Member yeoleADD's Avatar
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    Mar 2008

    Default This is part of why I love this game....

    Great people!!!

    Thanks everyone so very much for the helpful info, kindness and invitations! I will definitely be looking for all of you in Ghallanda. I am looking forward to questing with all of you. We can talk about guilds then too if you are inclined. I think that I have already played a few with one or two of you...

    I was gratified to learn that the PnP game continues to be very popular, and that the DDO developers try to keep DDO as closely related to the PnP game as possible/feasible. I think that D&D online, as a concept, has the potential to grow and develop without end as long as it keeps a close connection with the PnP game. As computer interfaces, graphics, etc. continue to improve, so can the implementation of the D&D online concept.

    Long Live Dungeons and Dragons!!!

  9. #9
    Community Member wamjratl1's Avatar
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    Nov 2006


    Look up some of us from Sun War Academy (Siegrahm, Xoloiv, and Quyver are all officers in your lvl range). We would love a new recruit and can show you the ropes without spoiling it for you! Hope to see ya round!
    Maveriq Wiley... Benefaqtor... Spyqe... Masqot Von Chaedence...

    Trade List

  10. #10
    Community Member rpasell's Avatar
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    Mar 2007


    Welcome to Ghallanda.

    I currently only have one low level character (Trappy lvl 3 rogue). If you need a rogue send a /tell.

    Oh, and our guild site is (currently under construction while awaiting AoC and Warhammer) but the boards are up.
    “Logic is the anatomy of thought” Locke

    Tyaen - Cleric 20

  11. #11
    Community Member Vesuvia's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Welcome to DDO.
    ~Death will be swift~
    Vesuvia Hellfyre - THAC0

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