Okay, So I'm new to playing DDO and looking for some advice on my Fighter. Currently my Human Fighter is only level 2. I've listed my current stats the feats I have/ am going to have at 16. I took the 10 Wis so I wouldn't have a negative innate will save.
Str 17
Dex 15
Con 13
Int 8
Wis 10
Cha 8
Exotic Weapon (Bastard Sword)
Two weapon fighting
Oversized two weapon fighting
Power Attack
I've been trolling the forums a lot, and at max level I'm looking at having
Power Attack
Great Cleave
Two Weapon Fighting
Improved Two-WeaponFighting
Greater Two-Weapon Fighting
Weapon Spec (Slashing)
Improved Weapon Spec (Slashing)
Weapon Focus (Slashing)
Improved Weapon Focus (Slashing)
Improved Critical
Btw does the Improved critical double the Crit range of a Keen Weapon... Example Keen Bastard sword has a 17-20 crit range, so If I have improved critical would it go to 13-20? or does it just add another 2 from the original crit range for 15-20?