OK first off, this is not a build for beginners, nor is it cheap to build with 2 +2 tomes needed at lvl1.
Keep in mind this is a first draft, and he hasn't been rolled up yet.
The goal is to have Great DPS while tanking, with the combination of good AC, DR, hp, and Intimadate
Level 16 True Neutral Warforged Male
(2 Fighter \ 14 Barbarian)
Hit Points:
20 heroic durability
168 14 lvls barb
20 2 lvls fighter
128 26 con
30 GFL item
10 AofA favor
376, 440 raged
Fortitude: 32... 17 base +4 GH +4 raged con bonus +4 item +3 con item
Reflex: 15....... 5 base +4 GH +4 item +2 madstone boots dex bonus
Will: 21...........4 base +4 GH +4 item +6 rage +3 wis item
................Starting........Base.......Rage and gear
Strength........18..............26...............3 8 26base +6 item +8 rage
Dexterity........11.............13................ 17 +4 for madstone boots
Constitution....15.............20................3 4 20 base+6 item+8 rage
Intelligence.....12.............14................ 14
Wisdom...........8..............10................ .??
Charisma.........8..............10................ .??
Tomes Used
+2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 1
+2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 1
+3 Tome of Strength used at level 16
+2 Tome of Constitution used at level 16
+2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 16
+2 Tome of Charisma used at level 16
Intimidate......38 19 ranks+4 enhancements+15 item( I may were the Wis/Cha hat from the tapestry quest to hit 40)
Tumble.......... 3
Lvl 1 Fgt Ada body
Lvl 1 Fgt Khopesh
Lvl 3 Barb Combat expertise
Lvl 6 Barb Stunning blow
Lvl 8 Fgt Imp crit Slashing
Lvl 9 Barb Dodge
Lvl 12 Barb Power Attack
Lvl 15 Barb Cleave maybe Imp crit Peirce If I decide to use my tome pages for death nip
AC breakdown
Keep in mind that with rage I will be at -2AC but after a successful intim targets will be shaken with a -2 to-hit and evens out a bit.
10 base
8 Ada body
5 docent
1 dodge
9 mith tower
5 CE
5 prot item
3 dexwith daggertooth's belt
46 Dispelled AC
3 Chat ring
1 Abbot turn-in docent
4 Shroud +4 AC khopesh
54 Dispelled AC with raid loot
3 bark pot
1 haste
58 Self buffed AC with raid loot
4 Pali aura
2 ranger bark
2 recitation
5 bard song
71 Max AC
Barbarian Damage Reduction Boost IV
Barbarian Critical Rage II
Barbarian Improved Damage Reduction II
Barbarian Extend Rage III
Barbarian Extra Rage III
Barbarian Hardy Rage II
Barbarian Intimidate IV
Barbarian Intimidation
Barbarian Power Rage II
Barbarian Constitution II
Fighter Strength I
Warforged Brute Fighting I
Warforged Constitution I
Warforged Construct Thinking I