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  1. #1
    Community Member Ardanroth's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default new command - /who -alliance

    id quite like to be able to see who is online for the guild which are in alliance with us.

    a command such as /who -alliance would work quite nicely, but we would need to a way of saying which guilds are allied to us.

    Ive done the hard part , Turbine makes it happen

  2. #2
    Community Member Jack_No.7's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006


    we brough that idea up a while ago..... id love alliance guilds with chat like DAoC, but truth be told i dont think its gonna happen. i think guilds will keep in touch regardless, like they have for the past 2 years and turbine wont invest time in that if its not necessary or high on the wants list. plus people can get rowdy in guild chat... imagine if theres beef and u have an alliance chat.

    im down for this , aslong as it doesnt take too much dev time, hope when monks are finished they get some extra hands.

  3. #3
    Community Member African-Grey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    Well this saves me from making a new thread!

    I truly believe that an alliance chat channel would be tremendously useful. I'm in a guild that has "alliances" with several other guilds. Each time I log on, I say hello to my guild in guild chat, and then have to manually scan the "who" listing to see if any of our allies are on. Though it's not terribly tedious since you can sort by guild name, there are some shortfalls with this method. If anyone logs on after I've checked, I have no way of knowing until I manually check again (and they may have logged off by then). Also, characters who are anonymous won't show up on the list, so there is no way for me to know they're on to chat and/or see if they want to play with us, whereas if they were able to greet all their allies with a single line of chat, their friends would know they were on and they could still be anonymous to the rest of the world.

    Having an alliance chat channel would only serve to help grow the community, in every way that guild chat does—but with more friends, while allowing smaller guilds to retain their individual identities without cutting off significant social and grouping possibilities.

    As far as potential abuse of the channel, that just needs to be handled like any other player-maintained channel. Perhaps giving guild leaders or officers a method of disabling alliance chat privileges (presumably used for probationary members or if a member uses the channel inappropriately) would be a good remedy/deterrent to such abuses.

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