I'm looking at all these builds with items and what not, and I can't help but wonder how people are loading thier toons, specifically, where the items are going.
I have a WF Pally and even with the absence of psn immunity I'm still having trouble with having enough item slots.
Helm Minos
Trinket POP
Necklace Res +3
Armour Quick +4
Cloak Cha +6
Ring 1 Prot +5
Ring 2 Wis +4
Gloves Str +5
Bracers CG
Belt DB
Boots Dex +4
and I'd still like to get a Ring of Balance and Chattering Ring, plus Kardigans Eye. Actually KE would help me out lots, but the chances of getting are pretty low.
I wonder if with my build (10 wis) I have not painted myself into a corner. Although making a wf pally is tuff with two main stats being hit with reductions.
Any advice?