I got my character to Barbarain1/Wizard3 last night and was able to get my hands on a +3 Docent. I only have the compiste body and have a lousy 8 dex so I knew my AC wasnt going to be great but is it possible bugged.
10 Base
2 Armor Bonus For Composite Plating
4 Armor Bonus for Mage Armor
Total 4 Armor Bonus
-1 Doge Bonus for low Dex
+4 Shield Bonus for Shield Spell
+3 Enchantment Bonus for Docent
My total AC should be 20 Should it not?
My character sheet shows 18, if I take off my +3 Docent it shows 17, if I put in a +1 Docent it still only shows 17.
Is this bugged (should I submit a bug report?) or am I not calculating this right?