Are we at least getting a few more of the Exotic/Monk weapon? Sai, Singham, etc...
Basic D&D 3.5 ed equipment, DMG pg 248:
Standard Warforged Attached Component, Eberron Campaign Setting Pg 268:Belt, Monk's : This simple Rope Belt, when wrapped around a character's waste, confersgreat ability in unarmed combat. The Wearer's AC and unarmed damage is treated as a monk of five (5) levels higher. If donned by a character with the stunning fist feat, the belt lets her make one (1) additional stunning attack per day. If the character is not a monk, she gains the AC and unarmed damage of a 5th-level monk. This AC bonus functions just like the monk's AC bonus.
Moderate Transmutation; CL 12th; Craft Wonderous Item, righteous might or Tenser's transformation; Price 13,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
I dont see how a BF would be too hard to implement, or should it be any harder to come by than any Exotic Magic weapon we currently have of equal enhancement. Look at how many of us have smiter, disruptors, banishers, etc... on Khopeshes, Bastard Swords and Dwarf Axes. None of those weapons are usable by monks.Battlefist (attached component): This +1 weapon resembles a massively oversized spiked gauntlet; one designed for a Medium warforged looks like a gauntlet designed for an ogre. It attaches to the arm of a warforged, completely covering the hand. This component only operates when attached and locked in place.
A battlefist increases the damage dealt by the character's natural slam attack to 1d8 points of bludgeoning and piercing damage (assuming a Medium character). Versions with higher enhancments are not uncommon.
A warforged monk who uses a battlefist deals increased unarmed damage as though the character were one size larger than actual, and he can add the battlefists enhancement bonus to his unarmed attack and damage rolls.
Faint Transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bull's strength, Price 2,600 gp; Weight 6 lb.
And has any thought been put into more Warforged Embedded Components and Attachments? It seems the Docent of DDO has replaced most Embedded components, and is not what a docent really is at all, but some newer clickie docents would be nice at least. And if you ever work out the druid shapechange, and get it implemented, then please take a look at having the Tauric Belt pg 270 Eberron Guide put in(perhaps as Raid loot in some upcoming raid).
This isn't a demand list, they are basic D&D/Eberron gear and shouldn't be overlooked any more than the Exotic weapons we have, or some of the basic/martial weapons we don't have, or some of the Exotic halfling weapons from Eberron that seem to be lost.