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  1. #21
    Community Member Vormaerin's Avatar
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    Monks in p&p are limited to a couple weapons all of which are substantially inferior to their unarmed attacks by about lvl 6 or so at the latest, which is probably 15 minutes into the Monk's life in DDO ( :P ). There aren't any special monk items that need to be introduced in terms of game effects added. Nunchaku are bludgeon damage, which is already covered by the monk's fists. Kama gives the monk slashing damage. There's nothing that needs piercing damage afaik, everything that is vulnerable to piercing is vulnerable to either slashing or bludgeoning. I believe that one of the Codemasters' reports said that damage enhancing gloves are not going to be added, which is good. It sounds like the monk will be getting enhancements and Qi power stuff to cover that anyway.

    Clothing appearance customization in general would be a good thing; its not something I consider monk specific. Anyway, ,the Keikogi is specific to japanese and japanese influenced martial arts. Monks, martial and otherwise, in other parts of the world didn't dress that way.

    I don't know if 'broken' is the right word for the Monk's belt, but lame certainly is. Class features should not be given out via items. Its bad game design. Oh, and in DDO there are a lot of robe wearing rangers, either archers or finesse builds (or both).

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vormaerin View Post
    Monks in p&p are limited to a couple weapons all of which are substantially inferior to their unarmed attacks by about lvl 6 or so at the latest, which is probably 15 minutes into the Monk's life in DDO ( :P ). There aren't any special monk items that need to be introduced in terms of game effects added. Nunchaku are bludgeon damage, which is already covered by the monk's fists. Kama gives the monk slashing damage. There's nothing that needs piercing damage afaik, everything that is vulnerable to piercing is vulnerable to either slashing or bludgeoning.
    There's rhakhasas and some vermin who need piercing, but of course you can simply get a Transmuting Kama.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vormaerin View Post
    I don't know if 'broken' is the right word for the Monk's belt, but lame certainly is. Class features should not be given out via items. Its bad game design. Oh, and in DDO there are a lot of robe wearing rangers, either archers or finesse builds (or both).
    It would be nice if rangers and rogues in robes had a more monk look than a sorc look. That's why it would be cool if robes shifted appearance if your physical stats were higher than mental.
    Last edited by Angelus_dead; 03-20-2008 at 11:26 PM.

  3. #23
    Community Member RazorrX's Avatar
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    My ranger is so going to wear the starter monk outfit. I will make two monks just to give my crossdressing ranger some pants.

    If the special functions of Qi do not give elemental, etc. damage I would like someway for monks to be able to get holy, elemental, etc. damage base on unarmed combat. Perhaps a trinket or gloves of transmuting. I do have a few staves and am now stockpiling kamas just in case, but would really prefer that my monk could be all unarmed all the time.
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  4. #24
    Community Member Tin_Dragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RazorrX View Post
    My ranger is so going to wear the starter monk outfit. I will make two monks just to give my crossdressing ranger some pants.

    If the special functions of Qi do not give elemental, etc. damage I would like someway for monks to be able to get holy, elemental, etc. damage base on unarmed combat. Perhaps a trinket or gloves of transmuting. I do have a few staves and am now stockpiling kamas just in case, but would really prefer that my monk could be all unarmed all the time.
    The monk gets, Magic, Law, and Adamantine unarmed (at various levels) already. To make unarmed able to bypass everything, gives them too much. This Qi thing is strictly a turbine foul up. I dont want monks so over powered as to no need weapons, it wouldnt be balanced to the other classes at all then. We would see the downfall of many tank builds.

    I can see the Devs are not gonna chime in and give us any info here, 2 days, and nothing. So its all speculation at this point. Guess we wait till after its botched as usual and try to get things retro fixed/added/balanced.
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  5. #25
    Community Member BlueLightBandit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tin Dragon View Post
    The monk gets, Magic, Law, and Adamantine unarmed (at various levels) already. To make unarmed able to bypass everything, gives them too much. This Qi thing is strictly a turbine foul up. I dont want monks so over powered as to no need weapons, it wouldnt be balanced to the other classes at all then. We would see the downfall of many tank builds.

    I can see the Devs are not gonna chime in and give us any info here, 2 days, and nothing. So its all speculation at this point. Guess we wait till after its botched as usual and try to get things retro fixed/added/balanced.
    You thought the devs were actually going to reply? Wow.

    Just wow.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quarion View Post
    No're not supposed to LIKE it... *sigh*

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