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    Community Member Tin_Dragon's Avatar
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    Default What new gear is being brought in with/for Monks?

    Are we at least getting a few more of the Exotic/Monk weapon? Sai, Singham, etc...

    Basic D&D 3.5 ed equipment, DMG pg 248:
    Belt, Monk's : This simple Rope Belt, when wrapped around a character's waste, confersgreat ability in unarmed combat. The Wearer's AC and unarmed damage is treated as a monk of five (5) levels higher. If donned by a character with the stunning fist feat, the belt lets her make one (1) additional stunning attack per day. If the character is not a monk, she gains the AC and unarmed damage of a 5th-level monk. This AC bonus functions just like the monk's AC bonus.

    Moderate Transmutation; CL 12th; Craft Wonderous Item, righteous might or Tenser's transformation; Price 13,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
    Standard Warforged Attached Component, Eberron Campaign Setting Pg 268:
    Battlefist (attached component): This +1 weapon resembles a massively oversized spiked gauntlet; one designed for a Medium warforged looks like a gauntlet designed for an ogre. It attaches to the arm of a warforged, completely covering the hand. This component only operates when attached and locked in place.
    A battlefist increases the damage dealt by the character's natural slam attack to 1d8 points of bludgeoning and piercing damage (assuming a Medium character). Versions with higher enhancments are not uncommon.
    A warforged monk who uses a battlefist deals increased unarmed damage as though the character were one size larger than actual, and he can add the battlefists enhancement bonus to his unarmed attack and damage rolls.
    Faint Transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bull's strength, Price 2,600 gp; Weight 6 lb.
    I dont see how a BF would be too hard to implement, or should it be any harder to come by than any Exotic Magic weapon we currently have of equal enhancement. Look at how many of us have smiter, disruptors, banishers, etc... on Khopeshes, Bastard Swords and Dwarf Axes. None of those weapons are usable by monks.

    And has any thought been put into more Warforged Embedded Components and Attachments? It seems the Docent of DDO has replaced most Embedded components, and is not what a docent really is at all, but some newer clickie docents would be nice at least. And if you ever work out the druid shapechange, and get it implemented, then please take a look at having the Tauric Belt pg 270 Eberron Guide put in(perhaps as Raid loot in some upcoming raid).

    This isn't a demand list, they are basic D&D/Eberron gear and shouldn't be overlooked any more than the Exotic weapons we have, or some of the basic/martial weapons we don't have, or some of the Exotic halfling weapons from Eberron that seem to be lost.
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  2. #2
    Community Member Tin_Dragon's Avatar
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    And for those wondering the damage diff per size of a monk:

    Table: Small or Large Monk Unarmed Damage Level Damage
    ....... (Small Monk).. (Medium).. (Large Monk)
    1st-3rd...... 1d4 .........1d6...........1d8
    4th-7th...... 1d6..........1d8.......... 2d6
    8th-11th.... 1d8...........1d10........ 2d8
    12th-15th.. 1d10.........2d6.......... 3d6
    16th-19th.. 2d6...........2d8.......... 3d8
    20th.......... 2d8...........2d10.........4d8

    Now you may understand the possible role a WF monk could have as a real DPS threat with a flurry.

    And since I am there any way, for those who dont know what else a 3.5 monk is good for, here is the class chart:
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  3. #3
    Community Member Jaywade's Avatar
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    For some silly reason I think there's going to be quite a few WF monks out there when they go live,,, I might play around w/ one if they give us some more slots
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  4. #4
    Community Member Turial's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tin Dragon View Post
    And for those wondering the damage diff per size of a monk:

    Table: Small or Large Monk Unarmed Damage Level Damage
    ....... (Small Monk).. (Medium).. (Large Monk)
    1st-3rd...... 1d4 .........1d6...........1d8
    4th-7th...... 1d6..........1d8.......... 2d6
    8th-11th.... 1d8...........1d10........ 2d8
    12th-15th.. 1d10.........2d6.......... 3d6
    16th-19th.. 2d6...........2d8.......... 3d8
    20th.......... 2d8...........2d10.........4d8

    Now you may understand the possible role a WF monk could have as a real DPS threat with a flurry.

    And since I am there any way, for those who dont know what else a 3.5 monk is good for, here is the class chart:
    Currently turbine doesnt support small type weapons for halflings so it is unlikely that the small monk or large monk part of that chart will see light.

    Though if they do implement battlefists it would likely just increase the damage dice the monk would normally have by 1 damage dice rather then having a separate large monk damage progression chart.

    Warforged do also need some of their cool docents from pnp put in rather then just having them as an armor source.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Amaras's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tin Dragon View Post
    Look at how many of us have smiter, disruptors, banishers, etc... on Khopeshes, Bastard Swords and Dwarf Axes. None of those weapons are usable by monks.
    Kamas, You should have been stock piling them since 2.0 when the rumors started :P

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tin Dragon View Post
    Are we at least getting a few more of the Exotic/Monk weapon? Sai, Singham, etc...
    The Monk's Belt was a major game design flaw. It should never have been allowed in D&D... at least not in campaign settings intended to include the Monk class. Class features should not be given away so cheaply on equipment.

    It makes as much sense as
    Rogue's Gloves- you gain the sneak attack and evasion of a 5th level rogue
    Wizard's Goggles- you gain the caster level and spell preparation slots of a 5th level wizard

  7. #7
    Stormreach Advisor
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    I hope we get no monk-specific anything. While there is alot of items geared to a particular class, there are very few items specifically limited to any class (Class required: Paladin comes to mind as the only one I can think of, for 1 silly necklace).

    I do however hope they add some monk-looking robes that are listed as normal robes but with a different graphic, usable by all races and classes minus WF. I also hope they add a few new composite docent looks that also look somewhat monk-like, but again, are available to all WF.

    I also hope they toss in a handful of items gear to monks and monks abilities, but not limited to monks. AC from Wisdom, monk feats like maybe an alternate to FF items that has the monk feat and animation, etc.
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    Quote Originally Posted by oronisi View Post
    I do however hope they add some monk-looking robes that are listed as normal robes but with a different graphic, usable by all races and classes minus WF.
    It would be better if they allow existing robes to take on two different styles based on who is wearing it. You see, there's nothing about a Fearsome Robe of Heavy Fortification that would make the item more attractive to a sorcerer or a monk. And consider named robes: the monk in the preview videos uses White Dragonscale, which has a wizardy look.

    Already in DDO, a robe looks different if it's worn by a dwarf male or an elf female. Extending from that, they should look different when worn by a monk instead of a wizard. For starters, the scrolls, books, and other arcane paraphernalia should vanish. Second, and a little more difficult, the cut of the sleeves and legs should change.

    Which robe style displays on a character should be automatically determined by the software. Someone whose highest ability score is mental would get the original "scholar" versions, while someone whose highest ability is physical (or who has any levels of monk) would get the "athlete" version. Players should be allowed to override this with a command like /robestyle, along the lines of /showhelmet.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    It would be better if they allow existing robes to take on two different styles based on who is wearing it. You see, there's nothing about a Fearsome Robe of Heavy Fortification that would make the item more attractive to a sorcerer or a monk. And consider named robes: the monk in the preview videos uses White Dragonscale, which has a wizardy look.

    Already in DDO, a robe looks different if it's worn by a dwarf male or an elf female. Extending from that, they should look different when worn by a monk instead of a wizard. For starters, the scrolls, books, and other arcane paraphernalia should vanish. Second, and a little more difficult, the cut of the sleeves and legs should change.

    Which robe style displays on a character should be automatically determined by the software. Someone whose highest ability score is mental would get the original "scholar" versions, while someone whose highest ability is physical (or who has any levels of monk) would get the "athlete" version. Players should be allowed to override this with a command like /robestyle, along the lines of /showhelmet.
    I'd be all for it if you could swap graphics for ANY visible items, but if you don't have that option you mentioned last, I would absolutely HATE the idea. That's because you can have monks that want the white dragon robe to look like it does currently, and you'd have high level wizzies that want to masquerade around as a ninja. I know one WF that might want some ninja garb. In general I'm against any forces pigeonholing. This game does enough of that as-is. Allow me to play dress-up at least.
    Argonnessen | Legendary Knights of Mabar | Couresan | Courage | Plat | Torgo

  10. #10
    Community Member Tin_Dragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amaras View Post
    Kamas, You should have been stock piling them since 2.0 when the rumors started :P
    So where fighters and any melee class gets a massive choice of weapons, the monks get stuck with the Kama? And of course Quarterstaves. A bit too limiting.
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  11. #11
    Community Member Tin_Dragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    The Monk's Belt was a major game design flaw. It should never have been allowed in D&D... at least not in campaign settings intended to include the Monk class. Class features should not be given away so cheaply on equipment.

    It makes as much sense as
    Rogue's Gloves- you gain the sneak attack and evasion of a 5th level rogue
    Wizard's Goggles- you gain the caster level and spell preparation slots of a 5th level wizard
    That is your opinion, your entitled to it. But its not broken. It was never nerfed/changed from 3.0 to 3.5 nor in the online WotC updates. It was never a game breaker. Its very specific, its not like throwing it on your dwarf ftr is gonna help him much, he would have to strip down to nakedness to get its bonuses, how would your uber dwarf do then? at 16th level, in the shroud, with only 5 levels of monk combat to use, missing most of his AC, dps, etc...? Is it a bit much for every 3rd level monk to have, yes. But again, its about a level 8 + item in PnP, and level 8 in DDO is able to use +5 MFP, +5MTS, +1 bursters of pure good. Race restricted Vorpals, smiters, paralyzers, etc...
    Think of it as a class restricted item. So it would not at all break the DDO balance.
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  12. #12
    Community Member Tin_Dragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oronisi View Post

    I also hope they toss in a handful of items gear to monks and monks abilities, but not limited to monks. AC from Wisdom, monk feats like maybe an alternate to FF items that has the monk feat and animation, etc.
    So, you dont care if the monk his due? BUT you want to make sure every other class gets monk bonuses? Because we all need a wisdom boost to AC? Well while we are at lets get everyone a CHR bonus to Saves! And make sure every class/race has its own stackable toughness enhancement! that will fix it?

    Classes have thier abilities for what they are, not so we can pick each part, add it to the dwarf uber fighter, and make him even better. (nothing against dwarves, just 1st thing popped into head)
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  13. #13
    Community Member Tin_Dragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turial View Post
    Currently turbine doesnt support small type weapons for halflings so it is unlikely that the small monk or large monk part of that chart will see light.

    Though if they do implement battlefists it would likely just increase the damage dice the monk would normally have by 1 damage dice rather then having a separate large monk damage progression chart.

    Warforged do also need some of their cool docents from pnp put in rather then just having them as an armor source.
    Maybe its time to fix that too. Turbine? There are supposed to be good things about being smallish (+ to AC, less damage) and larger ( - to AC and more damage).
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  14. #14
    Community Member BlueLightBandit's Avatar
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    What new gear is being brought in with/for Monks?

    Well from what I understand they're definitely bringing in <insert speculative item>,
    <insert speculative item>, <insert speculative item> and <insert speculative item>.

    Of course that's only IF they don't introduce
    <insert speculative item>, <insert speculative item> and <insert speculative item>.

    Honestly though, if they do bring out
    <insert speculative item>, I'll be amazed because it'll be terribly overpowered in pvp.

    Then again with monks getting the <insert speculative feat> feat at level 2 for free, they'll have no need for the
    <insert speculative item> or the <insert speculative feat> that they get at level 6.

    It's too bad really, because an enhancement line to support
    <insert speculative feat> would be awesome... I'd definitely have a few.

    Other than that, everything else is probably just a bad rumor started by some whack-a-mole forum goer that doesn't have a clue.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quarion View Post
    No're not supposed to LIKE it... *sigh*

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tin Dragon View Post
    That is your opinion, your entitled to it. But its not broken. It was never nerfed/changed from 3.0 to 3.5 nor in the online WotC updates. It was never a game breaker.
    No, the item is broken. Just because they didn't fix it doesn't prove it wasn't broken. It's not broken to the extent that allowing it into a game makes everything else meaningless, but it's still a problem that should never have been added.

    Put it on a ranger and he gets more AC, plus he can take melee AOOs with a bow out. To get crazy, have a druid change into a Dire Ape and put this belt on him, see what happens.

  16. #16
    Community Member Turial's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tin Dragon View Post
    Maybe its time to fix that too. Turbine? There are supposed to be good things about being smallish (+ to AC, less damage) and larger ( - to AC and more damage).
    Turbine supports what you just listed but currently halflings using weapons dont have to use small versions of weapon which would result in a reduction of damage dice like the chart you originally posted showed.
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  17. #17
    Community Member Turial's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    Put it on a ranger and he gets more AC, plus he can take melee AOOs with a bow out.
    Which is why I would like to see the item but thats just me.
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  18. #18
    Community Member Tin_Dragon's Avatar
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    Put it on a ranger and he gets more AC, plus he can take melee AOOs with a bow out. To get crazy, have a druid change into a Dire Ape and put this belt on him, see what happens.
    If the ranger has NO ARMOR on. it still is defined by the RESTRICTIONS of the monk class. Monks to not get these bonuses when wearing any armor at all. So in a few cases of Rangers in Robes, who have wisdom 12 +, sure. But thats it. As for as AoO in melee with bow? Not in DDO, so its a non issue. In PnP, a ranger could have an item created a lot cheaper to give him the Improved Unarmed Combat feat while he wears it, and get the same thing. Is that broken?

    Oh, and the dire ape thing, awesome idea, will have to try that sometime in PnP.
    Last edited by Tin Dragon; 03-20-2008 at 05:31 PM.
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  19. #19
    Community Member Tin_Dragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueLightBandit View Post
    What new gear is being brought in with/for Monks?

    Well from what I understand they're definitely bringing in <insert speculative item>,
    <insert speculative item>, <insert speculative item> and <insert speculative item>.

    Of course that's only IF they don't introduce
    <insert speculative item>, <insert speculative item> and <insert speculative item>.

    Honestly though, if they do bring out
    <insert speculative item>, I'll be amazed because it'll be terribly overpowered in pvp.

    Then again with monks getting the <insert speculative feat> feat at level 2 for free, they'll have no need for the
    <insert speculative item> or the <insert speculative feat> that they get at level 6.

    It's too bad really, because an enhancement line to support
    <insert speculative feat> would be awesome... I'd definitely have a few.

    Other than that, everything else is probably just a bad rumor started by some whack-a-mole forum goer that doesn't have a clue.

    The original question was for Devs, to hopefully give us a bit of insight. But thanks for the very contructive, and mildly entertaining read.
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  20. #20
    Community Member Snoggy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tin Dragon View Post
    And for those wondering the damage diff per size of a monk:
    Since Halfling Fighters aren't size restricted, it's unlikely short-race monks are going to have the restrictions from PnP carry over to DDO.

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