Question Thane. Did you even read my post that you quoted? Probably not considering your sig.
Cause if you had, you would have recognized the following:
1) I was discussing a balanced upgrade between the sorc & wizard classes, not overall balance that currently exists.
2) I do play a level 16 warforged wizard a lot. I also play a level 16 drow sorcerer. In my opinion they are balanced overall. One is better than the other for different reasons. I could point the reasons out to you, but my guess is that you haven't read this far in my response post anyway so there's really no point.
3) In DnD rules, sorcs get 5 level 1 and level 2 spells. It's in the rules. All I'm saying is give a balanced upgrade for wizards and sorcs that properly represents DnD rules. Heck, many people cried holy hell when evasion was allowed for medium and heavy armor wearers. It wasn't in the rules and people wanted the rules to be represented properly. The same should go here.
Last, and this more for the people that think what's the point, there aren't enough level 1 and level 2 useful spells for this to be worthwhile. The following lists give spells from levels 1 and 2 that are at the very least, situationally useful, even at high levels. I would appreciate this upgrade on both my wizard and sorcerer.
Level 1 Useful Spells
Magic Missle
Ray of Enfeeblement
Level 2 Useful Spells
Energy Resist
Scorching Ray
Hypnotic Pattern
Melf's Acid Arrow
Touch of Idiocy