I recently purchased a new computer. I'm really happy with it. It's alot faster than my old computer. I now have 3 gigs of ram and a quad core processor. It does have an average video card (ATI Radeon HD 2400 XT), but it's equal to my old one (ATI VisionTek X1550). My fps is about 5-10 fps better than before. I know niether of them are the best video cards, but they do the job.

My question is:

My game experience is very "jerky". I have no loss% and I still zone in before everyone else. My Loading times are pretty quick, usually within 5 seconds or so. My loading times seem to be 1/2 as long or less than they were with my old computer.

I'm assuming this is due to Vista. But I'm obviously not 100% sure.

My old computer is slower but seems to run the game alot smoother except for the loading times.

Any suggestions or ideas?