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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Dex-based fighter build?

    I remember that in PnP, Weapon Finesse would allow someone to make a fighter focused on dex instead of str. Is that possible in DDO? It seems like, if it is, a rapier-focused drow Dex fighter could be viable.

  2. #2
    Hall of Famer
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    Is it viable? Sure. Is it Practical? Not really. Our enhancment System encourages Fighters to be Str based. Combat feats use Str modifiers, Fighter attribute boost is STR, and there are many armor based enhancments as well. (which you wil mos tlikely be using light armor so its less of an issue)

    Rangers and Rogues make the best Finesse builds by far. as a fighter, you'll run out of Feats to take real quick.
    °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸A R C H A N G E L S °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

    Alandael ~ Allendale ~ iForged ~ Roba ~ Sylon ~ Pokah ~ Keyanu ~ Wreckoning
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  3. #3
    Community Member feynman's Avatar
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    Weapon finesse is a great feat, but (pure) fighter is not really the best class for it because of the armor mastery enhancements, and drow are not the best race for fighter (con hit). I have a dex-build halfling rogue/ranger/fighter which is an amazingly powerful build, but I had to make up the str hit with really nice weapons, and I'm not going pure fighter, obviously.

    Basically, a fighter wants just enough dex to reach the cap on mithral FP with armor mastery (max dex bonus = 6?, so anything over 22 dex is a waste), and then focus on str and con. Same story with Dwarves, since they get armor mastery as racial enhancements. Also, many quests have levers requiring a certain strength, and most people expect the fighter to be able to pull them...

    Honestly, I find WF much more useful to rangers and rogues, or multi-class melee'rs.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Riott posted his Achilles build a while ago. Was pretty strong. He wore robes so he didn't need FAM.

    You could make a 10 Ftr / 6 Ranger that would be a very strong build.

    Elf 32 Pt
    10 Base
    12 Dex (18 Starting, 6 Item, 2 Favor Tome, 4 Level, 4 Enhancement)
    7 Armor Bracers
    5 Combat Expertise
    3 Barksin
    5 Protection
    3 Dodge (Bracers, Feat)
    2 Tempest
    4 Insight (Greensteel Weapon)
    51 AC (more with buffs, end game gear)

    Str - 15 (8 pts) (6 Item, 2 Spell (Rams Might), 3 Ftr Enh) = 26
    Dex - 18 (10 pts) (6 Item, 2 Elf Enh, 2 Rgr Enh, 4 Level, 2 Favor Tome) = 34
    Con - 14 (10 pts) (6 Item) = 20
    Int - 12 (4 pts) (+1 Tome to qualify for Combat Expertise) = 13
    Wis - 8
    Cha - 8

    1RGR - *Bow Strength, Weapon Finesse
    2RGR - *Two-Weapon Fighting, *Rapid Shot
    3RGR - Dodge, *Die Hard
    4FTR - Mobility
    5RGR -
    6RGR - Spring Attack
    7RGR - *Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, *Many Shot, **Tempest Enhancement**
    8FTR - Improved Critical: Piercing
    9FTR - Weapon Focus: Piercing
    10FTR - Weapon Specialization: Piercing
    11FTR -
    12FTR - Toughness, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting
    13FTR -
    14FTR - Greater Weapon Focus: Piercing
    15FTR - Combat Expertise
    16FTR - Power Attack

    You could go longsword (for greensteel potential) or start with 13 Con and go Drow (your starting Int would be 10 so 12 int would only be 2 pts), that way you go Rapier/Short Sword.

    100 Fighter Levels
    48 Ranger Levels
    20 Heroic Durability
    80 Con Modifier
    18 Toughness
    16 Toughness Helm
    15 Toughness Enhancement
    10 Favor
    30 Greater False Life
    45 Greenweave Item
    382 (end game but certainly attainable)

    Your damage would be very good, top tier in fact....

    1d6+5 (~9) + 2 Rams Might + 2 Weapon Specialization + 8 Strength + 5 Power Attack = 26 (no elementals, etc.)

    I whipped this up fast but its very viable...

    Have fun.
    Main: Illuminati (Halfling Iron Monk), Stonewolf (Dwarf Pally), Vyking (TWF Barb), Illuminatrix (Batchick), Illumino (Drow Ranger), Fuji (Human Monk)
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