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  1. #1
    Community Member Moonblood's Avatar
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    Default Bard/Sorc question

    i'm building a bard, dudes at level 7 now with a 25 charisma wearing a plus item. I've been tossing about the idea of multiclassing him with sorc. I've seen people use the sorc class for sp... but what do you think about a 50/50 build. My bard is song/buff/melee, finesseing rapiers and short swords... I guess i'm just looking for ideas and thoughts, pros and cons. It's my first bard build, i have a capped sorc already, and have build the other classes fairly well. Can i get the best of both worlds out of a bard, a sick mage who can slice and dice as well as buff??

  2. #2
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    I keep thinking about this too. But I keep coming to the conclusion that you gain little and lose a lot.

    The higher lvl spells and bard abilities/enhancements are nice. And you just gain SP and more lower lvl spells.

    I do think you can get by with lower lvl spells in many cases, but IMO Brd/Sor would be better off as one or the other.

    The only other class to gain much from a high Char is Pal....but can't multi-class with Brd.

    I've had trouble making a Bard I liked......I like the class, but can't get the stats and feats I want to make one I like.
    My CC specced max Char brd is very much inferior to my CC Specced Max Char Sor.
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  3. #3
    Community Member Moonblood's Avatar
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    Default bard won't ever be comparible to my sorc... what i'm trying to attain is the buffs, the songs, and the up to level 4 sorc spells in addition to the sp climb... i'm thinking haveing him melee as well as buff and cast will make for some good fun... i'd hate to gimp the build tho, considering this bard is taking me a long time to level...

  4. #4
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    I thing I should point out that many people seem to forget.

    Low lvl spells are still very effective at higher lvls.

    Hypno and Otto's "REsistible dance" remain good spells for instance. Only problem is Heighten would probably not work well on a severely multi-classed build, although if you Char is high enough it wouldn't matter for most baddies.

    You could build an effective 8/8 combo (maybe 7/9 better). Biggest obsticle would be other playes expecting you to have higher lvl spells.

    But I would shy away from it.
    for the most part, DDO multi-classes are gimped by the enhancement system and over-inflated mob stats.

    And worse by player (anti)bios!
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  5. #5
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moonblood View Post bard won't ever be comparible to my sorc... what i'm trying to attain is the buffs, the songs, and the up to level 4 sorc spells in addition to the sp climb... i'm thinking haveing him melee as well as buff and cast will make for some good fun... i'd hate to gimp the build tho, considering this bard is taking me a long time to level...
    It would be a good idea to look at exactly what buffs you were hoping to get from the sorceror levels, as many of them are available either as bard spells (haste, for example), or on wands. Since the high level enhancements for bardsongs are very nice, they might not be worth giving up for the sorc buffs...definitely worth researching thoroughly before taking more than one sorc level on a bard.

  6. #6
    Community Member Moonblood's Avatar
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    off memory, from the sorc side, resists, web, pk, firewall, holds, possible stoneskin
    from bard, have haste, blur,good hope, heroism...will want gh,resist poison, dance sphere, greater shout

    that's just off memory, i'll have to look at the spells again

    thanks for the replys, i appreciate the feedback

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