Think the "Greater Disruption" is just refering to the fact that its a DC35 save vs a DC14 as with regular disruption. But really think about it guys, I you had a fully upgraded 3rd teir weapon with holy/positive all the way AND had a full time DC35 diruption option it would be severly overpowered. Almost EVERY time the greater disruption goes off it disrupts. It may only be 3% or so but it always lands. Same with the Disruption Guard on the items. Maybe they should have named it Greater every-now-and-then Dispuption but it is still Greater due to the crazy high DC of it. i have a fully upgraded Khopesh and after seeing the damage string on a 15d6 crit I just couldnt get upset about the fact that it doesnt disrupt on every hit. And if you had carefully read the discription you would have understood that it wasnt an every hit type of effect like regular disruption.