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  1. #1
    Hall of Famer
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    Default For Trade: +1 WoP Longbow

    Its Denswood or something like that for Extra Hardness..... Actually good since harder= less death damage.

    Looking for:

    W/P Rapier (I will add to the deal... Plat or See my Trade List)
    W/P Shortsword (Straight up trade)

    No worries on RR's

    Willing tolisten to other offers, but not promisig anything
    Last edited by Impaqt; 03-18-2008 at 06:58 PM.
    °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸A R C H A N G E L S °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

    Alandael ~ Allendale ~ iForged ~ Roba ~ Sylon ~ Pokah ~ Keyanu ~ Wreckoning
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  2. 03-19-2008, 12:45 AM

    flame fest

  3. 03-19-2008, 01:34 AM

    flame fest

  4. 03-19-2008, 02:49 AM

    flame fest

  5. 03-19-2008, 02:57 AM

    flame fest

  6. 03-19-2008, 03:40 AM

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  7. 03-19-2008, 05:11 AM

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  8. 03-19-2008, 09:49 AM

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  9. #2
    Community Member Ringos's Avatar
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    Default 2 Cents

    I've seen a w/p longbow sell on the AH for 1.2 mil gold recently. That was people bidding it up at the end. I know people that have sold theres recently for 4 million gold very easily.

    Maybe I read it wrong, but it looked like the OP said that he had an item that he was willing to trade for another item, and he would be putting more in the deal.

    Not really sure what's wrong with trying to spur some interest in a trade...thought that's what this place is for.
    Ringos-JohnDenver-Lillis-Dacta-Erahn-CPants-Jhain : Silver Waffle

    "You assume that Clay is an ass because he's Legion..." Shyver

  10. 03-19-2008, 11:37 AM

    flame fest

  11. 03-19-2008, 12:16 PM

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  12. #3
    Community Member Scarsgaard's Avatar
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    I pulled a W/P Comp Longbow months ago... my first words were, "Kido you want it?"

    lolol.. basic vender trash

  13. 03-19-2008, 01:28 PM

    flame fest

  14. #4
    Community Member gaxpar's Avatar
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    Default People

    Quote Originally Posted by Ringos View Post
    I've seen a w/p longbow sell on the AH for 1.2 mil gold recently. That was people bidding it up at the end. I know people that have sold theres recently for 4 million gold very easily.

    Maybe I read it wrong, but it looked like the OP said that he had an item that he was willing to trade for another item, and he would be putting more in the deal.

    Not really sure what's wrong with trying to spur some interest in a trade...thought that's what this place is for.

    The way u put this would lead to believe that people implies many people or at least more than one or it should have been i know one guy ....
    so is it people or is it one person cause 4 million for a bow of wp when daggers that are wayyyyyy better sell for just a touch higher seems far fetched imho ,but again its just an opinion .Its possible that one got lucky but a couple people sold theres for 4 million ....hmmmmm....

  15. 03-19-2008, 01:47 PM

    flame fest

  16. 03-19-2008, 02:06 PM

    flame fest

  17. 03-19-2008, 02:32 PM

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  18. #5
    Community Member kchaz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scarsgaard View Post

    I pulled a W/P Comp Longbow months ago... my first words were, "Kido you want it?"

    lolol.. basic vender trash
    tsk tsk scar! the W/P longbow, in the hands of a capable ranger coupled with many shot and/or deepwood sniper, can take down any monster (other than red named) within seconds...add improved precise shot and many-shot and you can take down mutiple targets at once, again within is, imo, a must have for any ranger, even if the ranger is primarily a TWF like mine, it really is a sweet bow to have for taking down named targets and other mobs in the way...vendor trash? i think not

  19. #6
    Community Member Scarsgaard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kchaz View Post
    tsk tsk scar! the W/P longbow, in the hands of a capable ranger coupled with many shot and/or deepwood sniper, can take down any monster (other than red named) within seconds...add improved precise shot and many-shot and you can take down mutiple targets at once, again within is, imo, a must have for any ranger, even if the ranger is primarily a TWF like mine, it really is a sweet bow to have for taking down named targets and other mobs in the way...vendor trash? i think not

    You hit it on the button

    I have never built a good ranger! Heck... I'm the kiting type y'all hate so much On the other hand... Kido is a dang fine ranger... I have no beef giving away things that I'll never use... and that includes w/p rapiers, banishing rapiers and so on... for the simple fact that I won't try to use something that I know one of my friends can use better.

    If your friends are better equipped, and you have your stuff in good order then the whole party succeeds... there are many things that I consider trash that to others is like OMG!!!

  20. #7
    Community Member cypan41's Avatar
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    Ok. been trying to not chime in on this one. LOL but it's too silly.

    The remark about how a ranger with multi shot and sniper can take down mobs in seconds... Umm.. No. I have built about 5 bow builds, and one of my main complaints is the psss poor crit range. Even with improved ranged crit, you're talking a 19 or 20. so. Say you hit every time. You still only crit one out of 10 shots. Also lets take into account the fact that bows are SLOW compared to melee, (accept for that 20 seconds out of every two minutes.) . There just is no way in hades that a bow w/p and a ss/dagger w/p are even close in value.
    I had a w/p bow a while back. I ended up selling it to a vender. I could kill faster with greater bane bows, or the silver bow(still one of my favorites), or paralyze (thus help the party out). The w/p sat in my pack only used when I was with other people who were wounding as well.
    Can the bow be useful in some circumstances? Yes. Is it worth a dagger or ss? Well I'd trade my w/p ss for 100 w/p bows. I could outfit my whole guild with them and then they'd be useful.
    Just my 2 cents.

  21. 03-20-2008, 12:07 AM

    flame fest

  22. #8
    Community Member Bilger's Avatar
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    What he is asking may not be worth it to others but may be worth it to him. Me personally the SS is way more valuable but that is my opinion. To someone else it may not be you never know what you will get to you ask.
    In the right hands a Bow can be very deadly not as deadly as a melee but I have seen rangers in my guild take things out fast with a W/P longbow especially if they have the Sniper enhancements 18-20 crit range one diff than the SS and ya out of range of there melee attacks.
    It all comes down to percieved value and what he thinks he can get for it.
    I usually stay out of trade threads but people are being pure rude here.
    If he gets a trade good for him. It is all in percieved value maybe there is a ranged guy or a good friend will see this and say hey bro I have an extra sword and take the bow off his hands I know me and my guildies would do the same shoot I would just give my guildie or friend that weapon if I couldn't use.
    Proud Officer of The Madborn

  23. #9
    Community Member Kraak's Avatar
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    Back on point. No SS or Rapier here. What do you want for it? And please, no more **** bombs on trade threads.
    Kraak - New Xoriat (now Thelanis) (all things *Kraak*, *krak* in The Madborn) (Not Kraaken)

  24. #10
    Community Member Pellegro's Avatar
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    The WoP bow, with multishot on and IC: Ranged, is more effective than even a WoP rapier.

    I have both. I know.

    The bow only crits 10% of the time (19 or 20) versus the rapier, but you're firing 4 arrows at a time.

    In 2.5 cycles you're getting 10 arrows off. That's 10 CON damage from the wounding PLUS 1d6 for the crit. Plus its doing it to a minimum of 2 mobs - likely more (Imp. Precise Shot).

    On top of all that, you're not taking damage yourself ...

    WoP Rapiers are great adn I will never give mine up. Dual wielding it with my WoP dagger is awesome and its my main weapon set.

    But to suggest that a WoP bow is not also an incredible weapon .... pfffft!

  25. 03-20-2008, 01:26 AM

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  26. #11
    Community Member Scarsgaard's Avatar
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    And Pellegro.. the bow is nice in a slower moving party but... in a dual wilding party of specialized tanks... the mobs fall to quick for an archer to even catch a bead...

    ..the bow is nice.. but it is not a rapier.

    I don't need math to prove this point... I have seen it in action and the bow is a moderate weapon in comparrison to the rapier.

  27. #12
    Community Member Paladin20's Avatar
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    Perceived/Relative value or not, I think Gaxpar has a very valid point here. Let's toss in the numbers. People don't post Wounding of Puncturing Rapiers in the AH for a reason -> it's worth more than the 14 M gp max that they'd get for it. You can make a claim and say that your WoP bow is worth 12-13 M gp, but who's buying it? I've seen a few WoP bows sitting in the AH for a couple of days with a 500 k pp (5 M gp) BO and still no buyer. On the other hand, if you placed a WoP SS I'm positive a 12 M gp BO would attract most of the players with heftier pockets and it would be gone within a day. What he's pointing at is that regardless of the AH inflated perceptions, instantaneous gratification causing ppl to BO things at a higher value, there's an intrinsic value to things and that the majority of the player base has a good idea of what is a reasonable deal in the AH or otherwise. And without a doubt, the intrinsic value of the Shortsword > Longbow.

    1. More people/chars/builds can immediately use the Shortsword effectively. All you need is an Improved Crit.: Piercing and you're pretty much good to go. No filling in prestige class enhancement reqs, no toggling abilities for maximum effect.

    2. Critical Range... the obvious... no matter how you argue, how is crit on a 17-20 (ALL the time) ever gonna be inferior or even equivalent to 18-20 (at BEST)/19-20 (MOST of the time)

    Quote Originally Posted by Pellegro View Post
    The WoP bow, with multishot on and IC: Ranged, is more effective than even a WoP rapier.

    I have both. I know.

    The bow only crits 10% of the time (19 or 20) versus the rapier, but you're firing 4 arrows at a time.

    In 2.5 cycles you're getting 10 arrows off. That's 10 CON damage from the wounding PLUS 1d6 for the crit. Plus its doing it to a minimum of 2 mobs - likely more (Imp. Precise Shot).

    On top of all that, you're not taking damage yourself ...

    WoP Rapiers are great adn I will never give mine up. Dual wielding it with my WoP dagger is awesome and its my main weapon set.

    But to suggest that a WoP bow is not also an incredible weapon .... pfffft!

    You forget (or at least fail to include in your argument) that manyshot and the aimed sniper shot only either last for a very finite duration or has limited usage. So lets just assume you're right on the money with the math (since it's hard to quantitatively compare fire rate between ranged and melee in this game). That's 10 + 3.5 (average for 1d6) = 13.5 Con damage while the ability is on. So in those same 2.5 cycle frames, (why don't we say the melee gets 2 full attack rounds, even though it's probably more) at 5 attacks per round which means 2 critical hits, or 10 + 7 (avg for 2d6) = 17 Con damage at a recurring pace.

    3. Also, like Pellegro just mentioned, what's on your other hand when you're wielding a Shortsword? A shield? I highly doubt it, as somebody with a Wounding of Puncturing on one hand is going to go looking hard after a second one. How many people only use (or only want to use) one WoP melee? Even if it's a dagger, the Con damage effect is identical than that of a shortsword and you get to sum the extra attacks from that off-hand. On the other hand, with a bow, well, you can only shoot one of them at a time =).

    So factor all of the above and the drive for a build with a WoP melee on only one hand going crazy for that second one (which i know many of), and beyond a shadow of a doubt the Shortsword and likewise a Dagger will be of much higher value and potential than a bow, thus the market will dictate the price of the item far beyond that of a bow.
    Last edited by Paladin20; 03-20-2008 at 04:27 AM.

  28. #13
    2015 DDO Players Council Ironforge_Clan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraak View Post
    Back on point. No SS or Rapier here. What do you want for it? And please, no more **** bombs on trade threads.
    Have a similar shortbow if you are truly interested. Make me an offer or check out my trade thread for ideas.
    Axebiter, Cujo, Runeforge, Runefury, Runegoth, Runehealer, Runehamer, Runehorde, Runenight, Runesongs, Runezephyr
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    Caught somewhere between casual player and power gamer.

  29. #14
    Community Member query's Avatar
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    Exclamation people this is a TRADE OFFER THREAD

    The poster simply is offering a product. How he did or didn't act on every other thread is moot. How a rapier is compared is moot unless you are making a serious trade offer.

    Having such a long reply over and over that I tune our reading it when I don't do that (sorry Gax) does not help this and only looks trollish in the end (intent or not.)

    But for the sake of peace, I'll answer as both a ss wounding punturing owner and as a deepwoods sniper player on another character.

    The bow will be slower without a rapid shot compared to a ss or rapier. The exception is the ranger also getting ms/rs as bonuses. The bow is as likely not as in demand as a melee due to speed for the lighter or better (except my noted exception) DPS for the heavier wepons having the W/P combo.

    Now we got that triviality out of the way, let's focus on the ITEM OFFERED. If sold or traded, let's just move on, mmmm-kay?
    Last edited by query; 03-20-2008 at 07:53 AM.

    Be careful what you wish for, what you say is best; for sometimes what you seek is found, not at the end of the quest.
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  30. #15
    Founder Xithos's Avatar
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    Talking Talking about numbers

    The last non-RR WoP bow that I looted I posted on the Thelanis Marketplace and it went for close to 100k plat before the AH tax. The auction ended during peak hours and was not a buyout (300k plat was what I wanted )

    Your mileage may vary

  31. #16
    Producer Tolero's Avatar
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    Back on topic - sans personal attacks - folks. Someone's looking for trade, discuss the trade.

  32. 03-20-2008, 12:39 PM

    flame fest

  33. #17
    Hall of Famer
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    Heres a List f THreads I've responded to inthis forum.

    Please, Let me know which ones I've been as Rude and beligerant as you so I can apologize to the OP.
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    Alandael ~ Allendale ~ iForged ~ Roba ~ Sylon ~ Pokah ~ Keyanu ~ Wreckoning
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  34. #18
    Community Member gaxpar's Avatar
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    Default Well i didnt mean to be rude ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    Heres a List f THreads I've responded to inthis forum.

    Please, Let me know which ones I've been as Rude and beligerant as you so I can apologize to the OP.
    I just gave my take on it and not one answer was given and im sorry there are 56 pages and i dont have time to read it but if u say u never crossed the line ill take ur word on it .

    Im just surprise that the "market" and you are so far apart on item values is all .Any answers on values of things yet or no ?

    Anyway i said what i had to say have a good day .
    Last edited by gaxpar; 03-20-2008 at 01:02 PM.

  35. #19
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    Its only 3 Pages and Its just a handful over the last month.
    °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸A R C H A N G E L S °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

    Alandael ~ Allendale ~ iForged ~ Roba ~ Sylon ~ Pokah ~ Keyanu ~ Wreckoning
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  36. #20
    Community Member Kraak's Avatar
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    Offer PM'ed.
    Kraak - New Xoriat (now Thelanis) (all things *Kraak*, *krak* in The Madborn) (Not Kraaken)

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