High Priority (will toss additional value if necessary):
Boots of the Innocent
Greater Construct Bane Khopesh/Longsword
Smiting Scimitar/Kukri/Rapier
Wounding of Puncturing Rapier/Shortsowrd/Dagger
Planar Girds
Concentration +13/15 Ring (Human usable)
Juicy Plat Offer
Medium Priority (likely 2-3 of these to deal, possibly a straight up trade):
+6 Con Necklace/Ring
Jinx's Vexation
Tome Pages (2,3,5,7 needed more urgently, but extras are always good)
Robe of the Magi (LotD edition, not the lvl 8-10 fodder =D)
Shining Devastation
Ethereal Bracers
Electric Haze
Wounding of Puncturing Longbow
Paralyzing Longbow of Pure Good
Transmuting/Holy/GT Longbow of Greater Undead Bane
+4/5 Elemental Bursting Khopesh of PG
+5 Holy Khopesh of PG
Cursespewing/Adamantine/Transmuting Khopesh of Smiting
+2 Tomes (all flavors yummy, but actively ISO Con, Int and Cha)
25 White Dragon Scales
Low Priority:
Icy Burst Khopesh of Greater Elemental Bane
Shield Pieces 3,5,6,8
Anarchic/Axiomatic/Holy Burst Hvy Picks of Maiming
PM, reply, or in-game to Isabele or Khratos. Thanks!