As the title says, I would like to trade my stash of stuff I've been hoarding for too long, for large ingredients.
So here's my list (this is just from one toon, will update when I have time):
+2 flaming burst rapier of greater dwarf bane - ML 12
+4 true chaos handaxe of enfeebling - ML 12
+3 anarchic shortbow of greater orc bane - ML 14
+1 vorpal BS of tendon slice (2% - ML 12
+1 vorpal greatsword of shatter (+2) - ML 12
+1 true chaos longsword of disruption - ML 12
+1 paralyzing densewood qtr-staff of shatter (+2) - ML 12
+2 seeker (+10) shortsword - ML 12
+4 holy heavy mace of weighted (1%) - ML 12
+1 banishing morning star - ML 10
+1 seeker (+10) lt. hammer of deception - ML 12
+1 banishing lt mace of backstabbing (+1) - ML 12
+1 flaming dagger of smiting - ML 12, 1 tick of damage
+2 holy burst warhammer of deception - ML 12
+2 Banishing Heavy Pick - ML 12 *New*
+3 greater Potency VI Quarterstaff - ML 12 *New*
+3 Superior Potency VI Scepter - ML 14 *New*
+3 Spell Pen VII Scepter - ML 12 *New*
+5 seeker (+4) light mace of backstabbing (+1), RR Elf, Drow (UMD-22) - ML 12 *New*
+2 seeker (+10) greatclub of lesser ooze bane - ML 14 *New*
+5 Flaming Burst Longbow of shattermantle - ML 14
+4 anarchic burst adamantine kukri of righteousness, RR Human (UMD-24) - ML 14
+1 seeker (+4) khopesh of greater dragon bane - ML 10 ***going to have to be something good to pry this from my fingers***
belt of heavy fort x2 - ML 11
+1 int goggles of solid fog 5/day, RR dwarf - ML 11
scarab of protection, SR 20, 12 charges
+6 con necklace of remove fear 3/day - ML 15
+6 int goggles - ML 13
striding (5%) boots of grease 5/day - ML 7
+6 str belt of balance +3 - ML 15
disease immunity belt of imp. false life - ML 11
+4 wise hat of expeditious retreat 3/day - ML 11
lesser ice guard robe of heavy fort - ML 10
+4 int goggles - ML 9
disease immunity belt of balance (+10) - ML 11
+13 bluff helm - ML 13
+6 wis helm of bluff (+3) - ML 15 *New*
+1 con belt of heavy fort - ML 13 *New*
+15 Diplomacy Ring - ML 15 *New*
+5 mithral FP of Power III - ML 12, 1 or 2 ticks of damage *Newly listed*
+1 int tome
+1 cha tome
+1 wis tome
+1 str tome
+2 cha tome - sold one already
+2 con tome
Now I know some of these are not the most ubber, but make an offer you think is realistically fair