The obvious reason is that the Bastard Sword is a sucky weapon, which no DDO player uses unless he values appearance over utility, or unless he's so bad at math he can't tell it's inferior to weapons which don't require a feat.
However, that logic is undercut by the existence of a Green Steel Great Crossbow. But maybe they only had so many spaces in their pattern of crafting green steel items, and since they had already included one worthless exotic weapon, they didn't have room for another.
Twilight Avengers Colt-20 Iron Monk, Maverack-20 Paladin
Twilight Defenders Laredo-19 Barbarian/Fighter, Toofus-17 Wizard, WantedDOA-17 Cleric, Wuss-17 Rogue, WireHGWT-Retired 13 Paladin
Just because the Shavarath Lieutenants, Captains, and General are Evil aligned does not make them bastards...
A_D is correct, it is a terrible weapon and not worth the feat for 1-2 points of potentail damage over a longsword. There may have been a very small incentive to use them before because availability was pretty good (ironically becuase most ppl hat em) in the auction house.
Now that you can craft a khopesh with similar properties as any other weapon there is no real reason for green BSes to exist.
Except for, y'know, people who don't want to look like everyone else and use a Khopesh. >>
I wouldn't mind using a Green Steel Bastard Sword. Probably the only thing I'd really want to craft, to be honest. That, or a shuriken (Though I don't have the feat for that any longer). :P
Thelanis - Warforged Shield of the <Fellowship of the Golden Night>
I'd MUCH rather see an axe...hand axe, battle, axe, DWARF AXE, great axe...any axe will do...
...the eyes of a ghastly white vampire stare back at you...his fangs gleam in the light from your torches and lanterns...In your heart, you know that most who have seen this face never lived to see another
There's a 70% chance I was drunk, 20% hungover, 90% drinking, when I posted this. I think that's 185% alcohol is involved. You do the math, my grammar is immaculate.
It does bother me that we seem to be missing a large part of our item base.
Bastard Swords
Dwarven Axe
Hand Axe
Great Axe
Battle Axe
Throwing Axe
Throwing Dagger
Still no solid response as to why they didn't add any of this to the game. Certainly above the Great XBow, Maul and so on.
Luthen || Eldormadoh || Luthian || Theodread || Madmardigan || Whillow || Earnur || Halbarad || Adnakhor
"A good player overcomes. A poor player is overcome" -Proud member of DWAT
It's very understandable why some categories of items are abscent- armor, shields, rings. Those things just aren't on the menu for this quest, and that's quite fine.
But what isn't understandable is why there is only one of the prefered kinds of melee weapons in there. The list of the top 10 most desired weapons are:
Greataxe, Rapier, Khopesh, Heavy Pick, Dwarf Axe, Light Pick, Kukri, Handaxe, Battleaxe, Scimitar. Yet only khopesh made the cut. I wonder why the bias for a single weapon...
My take is.... if they gave us everything now, what would there be to look forward to?? I'm very happy with all my tier 2 items and weapons, and can't wait for a few special tier 3's I'm making.
Boldrin//Grandmaster Flash//Cartaras
Plucky // Whipping //Malachus
Juxta//Pigsticker//Stealyour// Internet
Proud member of Loreseekers
Also missing H/L picks and H/L repeating crossbows. With axes, that is all the weps my characters prefer to use.
I suppose if Khopeshes had been ignored then the forums would be alight with complaints.
Name one named repeater crossbow, let alone a raid loot one.Originally Posted by BlueLightBandit
Name one raid loot pick.
Yet there are a couple of named / raid loot of many of the other weps you can craft.
Jesus saves but only Buddha makes incremental backups.
<sarcasm on> But you have Hobble's Crossbow! Why can't you crossbowmen just be happy!!!<sarcasm off>
Not a raid weapon but definately the cadillac of heavy picks: Deathnip
Just so you know - I'm not disagreeing that we need some more weapon choices.
Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
- Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
- Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
- Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
- Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
- Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.
Wow, given the self-righteousness of the first reply I'm surprised there were any positive comments in this thread at all! Good on you Angelus - not only did you set me straight by pointing out my obvious inability to play this game, but by aggressively jumping on an innocent and genuine question you provided yet another excellent example of why the forum community is so often accused of being a bunch of elitist wankers.
Anyway, back on topic - devs are you guys looking to expand the list of weapons and items currently available or is this a Mod 7 thing?