In no particular order:

+1 Ghost Touch Adamantine Kama of Disruption

+2 Repeating Light Crossbow of Disruption

+1 Weakening Khopesh of Enfeebling
+4 Thundering Maul of Everbright (for Really smooshing Slimes)
+2 Paralyzing Short sword

+1 Wounding of Puncturing Light Crossbow
+5 Curse spewing Light Crossbow of Pure Good (R/R Dwarf, UMD 24)
+3 Keen Repeating Light Crossbow of Precision

Looking for:

Dragon Sword of Acid
Bow of Elements (Ice)
Ancient Vulkoorim Dagger

Electric haze
Beholder Optic nerves
Eye of the Beholder
Ring of the Ancestors
Regen ring

Spiked boots
Itricate field optics
Helm of the Black Dragon

Tome pieces


And yes B.R. I KNOW that a light crossbow is Not the best WoP weapon - just trying to save you some time

PM or respond to thread if interested.

Thanks for looking.