UPDATE UPDATE::::: So far I have purchased 5x LARGE INGREDIENTS for between 40k plat to about 10 min ago 70k plat..
Large ingredients are ONLY worth 40k-100k TOPS!!!!! all from AUCTION HOUSE / In General Chat
YES YES YES.... My aunt, and uncle have sold their large ingredients too for MILLIONS of plat to some NOOB and have happily retired to Florida, so stop with you stupid stories of once upon a time.......
However I stress >>NOOB<< !! Large Ingredients are only worth 40k-100k MAX. They might have been a hot item a couple of weeks ago, but with sooooooooooooooooooooooo many Shroud groups it's not what it use to be.
Paying 50k plat for Large Ingredients of all kind... 50plat each.