Hey everyone,
No doubt some of you have seen me doing LFMs over the past 2-3 weeks for DQ raids. This seems to be a forgotten raid (Compare # of LFMs for Reaver/Dragon/Shroud/[heck even]TS versus LFMs for DQ) with the shroud now out and all, so I was wondering who wants to run some DQs, like if we could get a weekly group or just some more awareness that this raid is available to people. I'm on a hunt for a torc, as it will finally finish Rtwo!! I can get anyone through the pre-quests without a problem, and if you want you can just sit at the beginning and I'll do all the work for ya (Including ADQ)
The next time I can do the raid is tomorrow after 3p, but I'll be happy to run anyone through the prerequisites in the meantime if ya ask nicely. Just send me an in game e-mail on Rtwo and the times you play and I'll do my best to get back to everyone in an orderly fashion.
Rtwo Dtwo, everyone's favorite WF Wizzie